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  1. 60% of farms sold in Wales last year were sold to non farmers ie. developers, corporations and agribusiness. Much better for food security, localism, community and biodiversity that land ownership remains in private hands. What is this government thinking of ? All it is interested in the urban electorate - its an ill wind.
  2. Yes good to meet you and have a natter and many thanks for a very handy shotgun. Your kindness is much appreciated šŸ˜Š
  3. Yes please šŸ™‚ I have just got to pop out for a little bit, but that would be just the job as a knock about gun. Many Thanks.
  4. Thank that is interesting info about the crimps.
  5. Hahaha as I said šŸ˜Š Thank you pointing out that bit of blindness. So you cannot use a generic wad then. I see Clay and Game don't have these in stock. Or are there proven substitutes people have tried and tested. Many Thanks.
  6. Thank you, I will start gathering components. Is the brand of cartridge case critical for case capacity or is it a case of loading down a little first and then building up, checking for pressure ? Many thanks
  7. Thank you for the link. I'm probably sounding quite dim, but it doesnt say which wads to use. Its not an absolute but would probably rather use fibre. I do have some fibre wads in different sizes and also some plastic G-Nana, that I think are for 2.5" shells. Surely the wads effect the compaction of the powder and pressure.
  8. Hi I have owned a 410 hand loader type set up, very similar to a Lee Loader for 20 years, but somehow never quite made the mental leap to use it. Would be very grateful if someone could please advise on a good stating load for 3" and maybe a 2.5" as well, with the exact make and type of wads and primers to obtain please. I think I have both roll turn over and crimp tools. The 3" empties I have are Eley and the 2.5" ones are Eley and Winchester. I would just be looking to replicate the factory loading. Idealy using H110 or Littlegun, as I reload for centerfire and have these powders already available. These days it seems well worth reloading 410 on economic as well as satisfaction grounds. Many Thanks
  9. Keep participating in punching down and hating the people the government and the Daily Mail aim you at, while ignoring wider government criminality and corruption. The British people and its values are being sold down the river and dragged into the dirt......yet you never hear anyone bitching about the cool Ā£1.5 billion Ritchie Sunak our unelected PM's father in law made from insider trading on the new fossil fuel licences just released......the pinnicles of government corruption is daily being surpassed. Fortunes are being made out of the asylum system by Conservative party doners.......yet not a whisper of complaint. Funding a immigration service fit for the 21st century would be a start.....Why is nobody complaining about the Ukrainian refugees. The majority of the males are of military age, yet languish here on benefits while their country is being invaded by Putin and its citizens are dying on the battlefield ? While there are interpretors from Afghanistan with serious shrapnel wounds from IED's when on patrol with British servicemen on barges waiting for a trip to Rhiwanda ?......Boris Johnson was flying planes full of stray dogs out.......go figure. Doesn't the British public no longer realise when it is being gaslighted. The greatest post war generation of ex servicemen and women would see right through this bunch of jokers in Westminster.
  10. There was lovely .22 Bsa Improved Model, a late one with the side lever. On first look at the photos it looked reblued, but after some scrutiny I think it was original. I would have bought that but the no posting would have meant a 500 mile round trip and my pickup isnt the best on juice. Which was a shame. Auction prices have dropped a lot for the more everyday items.
  11. There is a stockbolt accessable from under the buttplate. I seem to remember you might have to open the action fully to engage the barrel correctly when assembling.
  12. morgan


    There is 8 billion people and not that many bears. Human type creatures have been living in Britain off and on for the last 800,000 years. All that time we rubbed alongside other predators. Its only been 500 years since the last wolf went, maybe 1500 since the bear got hunted out. 70% of british biodiversity has been destroyed this last century. So long as its not forced on rural communities and they are properly compensated in the long term, proportionate, well considered rewilding on marginal land, can only be a good thing for British biodiversity. I wouldnt imagine there are any serious schemes suggesting introducing bears or lynx. The newspapers are scaremongering about rewilding - they would be better off addressing food security in this country - the government are importing low welfare, unsustainable foreign government subsidised food into the UK, seriously undercutting and threatening british agriculture. Just to keep food prices low for the largely urban electorate. We export almost identical amounts of all produce as we import. 60% of farms in Wales for sale last year - were sold to non farmers - that says to me the city corporations and industrial agriculture are buying up rural communities and traditional farms. That is what people should be concerned about.
  13. The originals are tasty, but its weird, the vegetarian Richmonds taste exactly the same.
  14. Hi Could you meet in Chester please or that too far away. Iā€™m in mid wales. Or you would be willing to post these please. Parcel woujd be about 5kg. I would really like to in buy them as they are just what I am after. I think you can print out the label at home and then just drop it off at the parcel shop. They might even collect it. Cheers
  15. i use the copper coin method too. It works very well. Brass brush on dremal gently applied if very rusted but with lots of surviving blue.
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