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About guzzicat

  • Birthday 30/04/1946

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  • From
    Aberdeenshire via Tyneside
  • Interests
    English Shotguns,game &wildfowl shootng fishing old motorcycles&travel

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  1. Winning a goldfish at the Toon Moor, it either died next day, or lived for ten years in a glass sweet jar, cadged from shop, water changed once a year & fed on Armitages "Gussie "ant eggs.
  2. Our first house cost £150.00 more than my last dog!
  3. And fireworks were only heard over a couple of weeks & weren,t powerful enough to kill by their explosion, ( they were mostly made in Scotland not imported from China.)
  4. or just add a couple of gallons of unleaded to a tank of deisel
  5. guzzicat

    top gear

    Never a fan before, did not like the wrecking of the Reliant Robin, but watched the Nepal show last night, brilliant! the driving by bigger vehicles in Nepal was harrowing. Now a convert.
  6. Go for it big time, you are only here once, you will now never think, "I wish I had" enjoy it.
  7. Best of to you all, shoot straight & safe
  8. guzzicat


    Maybe sussing you out to see if you hav e anything worth nicking, get one yourself & play the red baron card.
  9. Me too a great curtain raiser for new year.
  10. A couple in USA charged over childs murder after it died after a fruit only diet diet. Two sibling taken into care in a malnourished state, home birth & un registered.
  11. I had this problem twice,I stopped locking it & not had problem since,also try swithcing off, turning back on (not using starter )& then switch off.
  12. At the start of Barbarrossa the russian army would have sided with Hitler after the mass shootings of their officers, by Stalin, but Hitler regarded them as Untermenchen, had them shot or sent back to camps & death,this +SS attrocities turned a potential ally into mass hatred.
  13. A Tyneside council voted a few years ago to fell aline of Horse Chestnut trees IN CASE a child fell & was injured, gathering conkers, & down they came. also took a market trader to court as he was still selling tatties to pensioners by the pound (at the same time Chinese markets on Stowell Street in Newcastle had all of their goods priced in YEN.The old saying "give a man a fish & he will feed his family " Call some people a councillor & power goes to their head.
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