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Ozzy Fudd

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Finally did the 3 kills for 3 shots today with the mossy 500 :P :( :D


i did it a few times before with the benelli semi auto, but this is the first time with a pump action; i can do pairs easily enough but never managed the magic number :lol:


so i was sitting in the hide today and the place was dead. i could see plenty of birds on the surrounding hills, but nothing within 600 yards, so decided to go stretch the legs and have a pee while nothing was about. wed set up the hide about 30 feet in front of some trees so i lifted the gun and walked towards them, lighting a cigarette as i went (need that alan carr dvd asap guys). so i was standing fumbling with the drawstring on the waterproofs when i looked behind me to my right and saw 3 pigeons hovering over the decoys, about 35 yards back. i was that shocked i couldnt help shouting "**** ME!" and drawing attention to myself :good:


i spun round and raised the gun as they started to move, when i was facing them they were going to my left, so i dropped the one furtherest out, which made the other two double back infront of me. i swung onto the second one, which was a bit closer, bang, dropped him right on top of the hide :good: automatically pumped the 3rd shell in, but wasnt expecting to get the 3rd - he'd been flying faster and was now trying to gain height, so the branches would obscure my view in about a second. swung onto himj ust as he disappeared behind a branch, so i kept swinging on the trajectory he'd been on, hoping id maybe get a shot, next thing i came to a break in the branches and there he was! i pulled slightly further ahead of him and pulled the trigger just as he disappeared behind another bunch of leaves. put quite a nice hole through the branch and the leaves, thought id missed him for a second then i heard the thump of him hitting down behind the trees :P:D


so im still grinning now. it wasnt the best of days, we only ended up with 5 crows (between 3 farms), 13 pigeons overall and picked up 10 (which are cooking now), but i got my first 3/3 with a pump, and also got a new permission earlier this morning, so happy days! :good:

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cheers :good:


meant to say id been shooting with richie today but he had to go pickup the girlfriend from work (:lol:) so he missed it - tho im glad he missed it otherwise i wouldnt have had all 3 to myself :good:


pigeon broth is simmering away nicely at the mo :good:

Edited by babbyc1000
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