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Everything posted by stoggieman

  1. Is there a thermostate in your caravan? If so is it set right? Alsohas the regulator been of the gas pipe? Could be a small insect or a spider partialy blocking the gas valve before the burner. Cheers Peter
  2. If the glow plugs are ok check the fuel feed line from the tank. Had a shogun that had a slight crack on the top feed pipe on the tank same symptoms. Peter
  3. It is not the best of experiances. One doctor at my practis gave me one it was excruciating and I don,t usually feel pain. Saw another doctor latter on for the same complaint and he did his top. Put me on a course of anti inflamity pills and the job was done. Peter
  4. I would have liked to have been there. He has produced some fine books. Last time in hospital I took his book on Hunters fen and read it three times. If he as gone a little of line of lately with his articles we should make allowances and remember how he was. The older I get the more ecentric I get its a fact of life Peter
  5. Hi all There are systems in place for bad accidents I am pleased to say. On feb 10 2008 I had an accident at work I have not walked unaided since and spend most of my time in a wheelchair. I will not shoot again and I am just starting to rebuild my life again after nearly 3 years.I was not at fault and I employed a very good barister who worked well with me to a good settlement. But I would give the world to walk with my dogs again and to shoot and fish.Since the accident diabetes and cholesteral have had a go at the system due to weight gain caused through inactivity and the mind as gone of in a different tangent. I get angry with myself for being in this state It is funny how your freinds dissapear. I kept my company running for 11 momths after the accident and told my staff to take any other work they wanted if they thought it was better 3 stayed with me till the company was sold. The point is if there is negligence which causes great distres then claim If it is just a small accident that can be sorted out between the other party it may be best to do this. Peter
  6. Though I love all of my five doggie,s. I have an hurge for a nice ginger pussy!!!!!!
  7. You ain,t old until your dreams get dry and your farts get wet. Then who gives a dam anyway?
  8. I think you will ruin what will turn out to be a very good dog.Casteration should be the last resort.
  9. Hi Up to the time I sold my firm I used citroen berlingo vans. I never had a problem with them. The engine is a tried and proved design and will run forever if serviced and give a very good mpg.
  10. All my kitchen waste now goes on top of the garage. I asked my wife to get me some birb food today and to price up a bird table for the small birds. I had to stop shooting about 3 years ago but the love of nature can be enjoyed even in a wheel chair even the humble sparrow is a thing of great joy to me. Like Holly I hurge everyone to help mother nature at this most difficult time. Peter
  11. Hi There Try unpluging your box from the mains for about one hour you might find it will reset its self and work properly this needs doing often if you do not unplug it overnight
  12. Hi There Try the Warton arms on the Beverley to Hull road they do a 2 for one and have the best steaks and mixed grills in the area. We have our get to gethers there and it is great value. Peter
  13. My very fiastie wire haired tekle (Dachshound) was a little off coulor on monday took her to the vet and was told she had gastro enteritus had the jab and the usual advice but she was worse on wednesday morning. Took her back to the vet and saw another vet in the practice who diagnosed diabetis. She is not a well dog and will need insulin for the rest of her life if she pulls through. Does anyone else have a diabetic dog on the forum and any tips to make her life better. Peter
  14. Once had the same symptoms with a renault turbo diesel it was the turbo hose I tapped it up with gaffer tape and ran it untill I changed it
  15. Sounds like a bad earth problem. Would check the fag lighter see if the wires on the back are not touching Peter
  16. Had one of these about 30yrs ago they are fine guns for most jobs. You may find that it is single selective on both triggers .Try cocking it dry firing then tap the bottom of the butt hard with your hand and you will find it will fire the other barrel on the same trigger. Saves moving levers over to get a different choke.
  17. Hi There Many infact most of these guns were made in Italy. I once bought a fine o/u 12g It was a very good rough shooters gun a little tight in the chokes but it did the job well. Check the proof markes and you will find the country of manufacture.
  18. The smoke you saw may be no more than normal fumes of the oil caused by the heat of the engine. They would be dealt with in the engine breather unit normaly They were only visible because the dip stick hole is not as restricting as the breather unit Peter
  19. Hi All Two things that may help. Firstly has the car a towbar or has it ever had one? This could be the reason for the reversing lights not working. Secondly regards the management light check your fuel filter. I bet it will have a small drop of water in it due to condensation clean out and problem solved. Modern cars are so fickle.
  20. In 2007 I was in charge of a large security contract in the Evsham area. We were running new power lines over a vast area and when the power was off it was my job to prevent theft of the old copper cabling and the gear that was out on site One night I was going up the road that leads to Nawton farm not far from the Presscot racing circuit. It was very dark and I saw in my headlights a very large cat that jumped over a nearby hedge. My dog was distressed at the time and did,nt want to do his job for a few nights. I did mention it to the local keeper and warned the crews that were working in that area on the power lines. I can only say what I saw that night I have been a countryman all my life served in both the Army and the Raf and dont suffer fools gladley I am also a teatotalar. I know that I saw something that night that I had never seen before or since in the wilds of Britain. Peter
  21. Hi all I have been a pipe smoker fo over 45yrs started with a great baccy called Royal seal. Like all the good tobacco,s it is no longer on the market. Must have about 50 pipes at the moment inc Ben Wade dunhill parker & peterson. I was smoking Craven aromatic till about two years ago but I now smoke mellow virginia. I find it a very pleasant smoke. When I had to take to the wheelchair I bought a Falcon semie bent pipe with a dental bite as most true pipe smokers will not entertain these pipes all I can say is you do not know what you are missing easy to clean good to smoke easy to break in and robust. My wife once said when she followed me up the street when I was in my scooter that I looked like a small traction engine puffing away.
  22. Who anyone votes for is their decision. Just take time out to see the state the country is in before you let your head rule your heart for a change. Voting for a small party would be like putting the crew of a rowing boat in charge of the Queen Mary .I will go tory I have something to conserve MY COUNTRY. Waiting in the wings of the party is our future who in years to come will lead Britain like Churchill did in the past HAIGH The time has come for the british lion to wake from it,s slumber and roar once again. Peter
  23. Hi All Further to my last post on this subject when I took the exam there were six middle eastern gentlemen on the course and not one of them could speak English let alone read it yet they all past? The only thing I learned was not to put my hand in the upright position when dealing with females but to keep them at bay with the back of the hand then if they lounge forward you cannot be accused of groping It was a total wast of money a police check would do the job better combined with a period of probation during which time the licence could be revoked. Peter
  24. Hi All I ran my own security company for a number of years. When the S.I.A. law came out I and my staff did the doors licence as it covered the general security licence as well. I found it interesting and I am sure it has it,s place if every person employed in security was licenced. The exam is,nt hard just common sense.I think that the S.I.A. could do better on the admin side it use to take weeks to get your licence after passing the exam. I sold my company due to a serious accident that left me weelchair bound and I lost some good staff. I cant help thinking though it would be better if it was done in house so to speak. I got the feeling the S.I.A was out to make as much cash as they could. I will state though after serving as a RAFpoliceman and also in the army I did learn something on the S.I.A course Peter
  25. Hi Classic symtoms of a weeping cylinder head gasket Take a look in your coolant bottle for oil .
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