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Everything posted by stoggieman

  1. Hi All I have yet to see Hague not give a direct sensible answer to a direct question. This is the mark of the man he is what we need in this very troubled time. I too did well in the Thatcher years as did many others she got me on the property ladder and that is something that the young couples are struggling with today. We need a leader who can see both sides of society and respect the life styles of his constituents be they rural or urban. It is about time someone stood up and spoke for the working man and the pensioners who are being bent over a barrel. Cannot the present government see we are the dumping ground and laughing stock of the rest of the world. The British lion needs to awake from it,s slumber and roar once again. Peter
  2. Hi All We do have a statesman waiting in the wings for a chance to get the country out of the mess it is in. I reffer to William Haig. It is my oppinion that he is our only hope of salvation at this time. He has an aroura of Churchill and speaks his mind for the people he represents. I for one hope he gets into no 10 during my lifetime and await the results. Peter
  3. Hi All I am in Driffield I do not shoot anymore but there are some clay shoots in the area Bransburton could be a good choice. Peter
  4. Hi All I do not think for one moment that all children born to unmarried mothers should be labeled in this way. My son got a girl pregnant several years ago and they split up now after two other relationships and a divorce he is back with the same girl. I have a very polite fine grandson who is doing very well at school loves his grandad and is liked by all that meet him. His mother brought him up well and he is a creddit to her. Peter
  5. On sunday afternoon at 1445hrs we had a very fine snow shower it lasted for two and a half minutes followed by a good shower. Peter
  6. Hi All Many thanks to all who have given advice on this matter to date. My son,s present landlord has done nothing to the property for several years. When my son moved in he had to sign a tenancy agreement and part of the agreement stated no dhss. When my son lost his job he found out that his partner was pregnant. She has left her job as she could not cope with a high pressure job and the pregnancy at the same time. My son,s landlord appears to want them out so he can re lett the house for a greater amount. he is a unscrupilus person and the sooner my son and his partner are gone from his grasp the better.In this neck of the woods there are very few houses available to rent at a reasonable rate and no councill accomodation what so ever. We do intend getting a tenancy agreement drawn up when he moves into the new place. I also have been informed that he can get housing benefit providing I or my wife do not live at the same address we will have to inform the inland revenue and pay tax on any rent paid to us by our son.It is my intention to rent the house to him for about 10 years then I will give them it. This is to make them aware of values and to get them on the property ladder though I cannot see them ever wanting to move has the new house is in a great area and only about a mile from some very good bass and cod fishing. If it was not for the fact that I am chairbound I would live there myself and let them have my present property. Once again thanks to all who have replied. Peter
  7. Hi All Thanks to all for the input so far. I have the means to buy my son a house infact I have done this allready last week and we hope to have him and his family in residence in the next few days. The problem he was in was no fault of his and it caused my wife a great deal of stress this as now gone and we can now get back to normal. Wife has to see to me due to an accident and the stress was pulling her down she is now like a new woman. I take on board what several people have said about renting to relatives being not a good idea but when we go he will cop for the lot as he is our only child so in a way we can watch him with part of his ineritance and help him out at this very bad time. I want him to realise he has responsibilities and work towards his future. He is a good lad never been any problems and worked for me untill I sold out after the accident not long after his maridge folded and I am sure it was caused by the hours he worked for me. It is just the finer leagal points that we need to sort. His partner is going to the citizens advice to see what they have to say and I shall draw up a contract that he will sign when he moves in. The property is very modern and he will only need to pay a small rent this is to make him realise that he has commitments if anything happens further down the line I might move in myself or if the housing market picks up we may sell so it is a no lose situation. Once again thanks for the advice to date. Peter
  8. Hi all My son and his family have to be out of their rented property very soon due to the fact that he has lost his job and his partner is pregnant and the landlord will not entertain any dhss in his property. He has applied for several jobs but without succsess. My wife and I have decided to buy a property for them they will lease it from us at a reasonable rent. We have never been down this path before and would like any info fron anyone who has knowledge of this sort of thing. Will my son be able to claim housing benefit if his father is the landlord and what other pitfalls are we likely to incurre? We are doing this to help them not has a money making scam and want to make sure both sides are well within the law. Peter
  9. Very easy to do just go behind a hedge and have a gipsies then use your kit, Problem solved just watch out for gay ramblers mid thruch.
  10. Old farming trick was to put waste oil down the holes then bung them up it alwayes use to work when I was a kid.
  11. Wife and I visited our British legion club for the first time on saterday. I was going to join so as to get out a bit more and have something to do on a saterday night. I was very disapointed and we did not stop.I am in my sixties and ex Raf and Army but there did not seem to be any comradery not like a naafi bar use to be in my youth must be looking through rose tinted glasses at the past. Peter
  12. Take a few daddy longleggs along they are about up north and fine trout flies
  13. As far as I am concerned the rabbit can stay as long as he likes. I look forward to seeing him every morning. I thought I made it very clear in my first posting I am not supersticus and my deceased freind would only take what he needed for the pot. I was within a yard of the creature today and he just sat nibbling the grass. I can only assume that he may be a wild rabbit that has been domesticated then released back into the wild.This can be the only explanation that I can think of at this moment. I no longer shoot though I still have my guns and about 1500 carts but mobility issues at this time rule shooting out. I am a member of the forum because I like the countryside banter. I was house bound for quiete a while after a serious accident but when I did get out in my first wheelchair I found I was interested in gardens and flowers something I could,nt stand before now nature in all forms keeps the grey matter active. Peter
  14. Hi everyone About two months ago a good freind of mine died very suddenly he was a good countryman and was from true romany stock, He like his father before him had a great love for nature and all ways told me what was about that I might be interested in. However on the day of the funeral I returned home to find a very fine and very tame wild rabbit on my lawn.Now I have five dogs and they are not interested in the rabbit at all and one is ex field trials not even the jack russel has much as looks at it. The area that I live has many dog owners and most of them walk round my corner on route to the park with their dogs. Many have seen the rabbit and all have told me that their dogs also are not interested. Also since he as been in residence we have not had any neighbours cats in the garden. My wife has seen the creature sat about a foot from the dog run and the dogs were not at all interested. Yet when my wife walks the black lab he is after everything in sight. Now I have been a countryman all of my life and I have never seen anything like this before. I am not in any way going down the reincarnation route. It just seems so very odd. Look forward to your views. Peter
  15. Soak the breast and legs in milk for about 3 hours before using. This will get rid of the bitter taste, Works for all meats Peter
  16. Best I ever did was Cape town on six meters using only four watts. Held a qso for about five minutes with a scout thinking day on the air group. Conditions were not right for the band at the time. 73,s Peter
  17. I use to use plastic lemonade bottles the ones with plastic tops, Just pop a little bit of suger into a filled bottle to start it off again then store it for a few days. Nectar of the Gods.
  18. I know that a few radio hams have done this with their handheld radios. There are several sites on the internet about it. I have a decent handheld transmitter that needs a new battery. They are about £40 for the original so if it works it will be money saved. Peter
  19. Ohms law comes to mind. What voltage are you using? And what are you trying to do? I would think there would be little resistence on a short run. I would resolder with a very hot iron and new solder then try again. Peter
  20. Had an uncle who owned a market garden before he died. He use to grow an old type called Alster craig. They were wonderfull I do not know if they are still available. Peter
  21. I am sure that there was a Zabala magnum that was designed to do this if you used the rear trigger first. I bought my son a Zabala and it proved to be a nice gun. The double discharge was meant for wildfowl. Peter
  22. I do agree with you about the core temp but I should have stated that the coat I gently wrap him in is one he has slept on since the day I got him. Buster could not use his back leggs when I took him onboard he now walks the coat has all the doggy smells that he can relate to during the fit. I took him onboard because I am a wheelchair bound person and he has been a great companion for me. I also have a very large wire haired dachshound that I look after because she like myself is diabetic she actually just about tells us when she needs her jads and whe have had no problems with her apart from the cost of insulin. The other red dachshound is as daft has a brush and a bit gay I also have a eldeley jack russel who is just a lady and also without doubt I also have the best gundog I shall ever own he is a very large black lab I bought him fully trained but I cannot use him now He has been known to carry a fox and once recovered two geese at the same time. We are all daft with our doggys but they are the best freinds we will ever have. Peter
  23. I have five dog,s One is a fine little long haired Dachshound who sometimes throws a fit. I just pick him up gently put him on my knees stroke him and talk to him if it is a bad one I wrap him in an old coat till he recovers. The look of gratitude on his face after one of his little doo,s is remarkable.
  24. Would be tempted to gently wire brush the burner then vacume it also check the flame failure device for gunge then rais it gently with a pair of thin nosed pliers but be gentle
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