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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. Has anyone ever fished whiteacres. Thinking of going next year for a jolly and was wondering if anyone had any info, fishing then the nearest pub etc. Jim
  2. PP Condolences and all that jazz. Jim
  3. Its a gauge micrometer. Jim
  4. jimdfish


    Happy Birthday CE I wont be getting drunk for a bit. My hangovers are getting worse. keep waking up with a throbbing head and sore backside. Most of the time I cant remember what I did the night before. Jim
  5. Send it to Aled. His need is greater than ours Jim
  6. might get a field shot. You know the ones, 1/2 a mile down a farm track, stomach gurgles, no paper, have to use a sock. have to put bare foot back in welly Theres something horrible in Bluebell woods. Youve all been there Jim
  7. jimdfish

    first post

    Do you ever go shooting in the campsies. bagged my first bunny in milton of campsie. lovely Jim
  8. Cher eugene. beaucoup de merci pour le conseil. espère que votre froid est meilleur bientôt. mes égards à edith Jim P.S je nes comprend pas, le même sexe ayant des bébés. fait comment ce travail
  9. GrandadDfish was a farmer, He used to pee on his own hands to get rid of warts. Hope this helps JimDfish P.S Uncle AlanDfish is still farming but I think he uses cream from the chemist now
  10. FM Do you think the F&M restrictions had anything to do with the rise in birds of prey. I sincerely believe that it did. Also great to see so many sparrows in the garden this year. Not the prettiest of birds but great fun to see 50 or so attack my feeders. jim
  11. You can do one or the other but not both mate... believe me. Come on FM You remember 18. There was that much testosterone that even the dreaded tenents extra couldnt put a dent in your ardour. six pints and I could still knock a nail in with it. Jim
  12. LB I have just phoned up my IT bloke from work and asked him for you. He says that it is risky running software " under 500 metres" as your computer might crash. BOOM BOOM Jim
  13. Why the predeliction for port? Is it a shooting thing? Jim
  14. Ahh. On the same vein a bloke who was in doing my occupational health the other day has invited me to go up with him in his microlight and light aircraft. will take pics of me bricking it and post them when done. Jim
  15. A tea bag in the coffee shed! What sort of primitives habit that far flung recess of Britain. No wonder the Normans built castles. How uncouth can one get. Teabags live in the tea shed Taffy. Coffee in the coffee shed and never the twain shall meet you celtic reprobate. Jim P.S below are the pics of the invisible buffallo I nearly shot when I didnt go shooting without Ernest Hemingway. if youre wondering, that isnt a pickle in the corner of my pickle shed
  16. Have a look at get-a-map or getmapping.com Thay have free aerial shots of moist places and most places as well. Do you want it above or below 500m? Jim
  17. jimdfish

    optilock mounts

    So close Aled, So close Keep trying though mate. In many ways you are the welsh Don Quixote Jim
  18. Does the rack come with the big ugly mounting block on the bottom? Jim
  19. If any of you get chance, try the victory Europa. It is a cypriot cart and the pattern as well as the speed are quite breathtaking. I was knocking down partridge 10 yards further than I would have felt comfortable with, had I been using the express. If you can find them, give them a go. Jim
  20. Thanks everyone you bunch of maladjusted incontinents. Ta very much. if I were sold now I would be off too the local dealer, and having my friendly engineer knock up a cage 4ftx3ftx3ft with a living section and plenty of room for pipes and tubes and ropes. Thanks for nothing reprobates. jimDfish
  21. Wh possessed the fish to post the above I will never know. Does he not know you will catch more flies with sugar than salt. Chances are the Fish is an inbred retard. By all accounts though he does need a ferret and he also needs your help. He has tourettes syndrome and limps when he walks due to a tree climbing accident take pity on the fool, and answer him. As his minder and confidante and occasional lover i implore you, help him out, otherwise he will beat me and invade me in a manner that is aganst everything for which our Lord stood for. Help him please GloriaDprettyfish
  22. jimdfish

    hard spell

    The fish has to be honest. i flew through with what turns out to be delusions of grandeur and got three. Fookin three. The good news is the female fish, got one. I reign superior in my household, still begging for a ferret though. jimDfish
  23. It turns out that I have got the wrong end of the stick. ferretv owners are knowledgable, well bred upstanding members of society. geniuses by all accounts. What sort of hutch would I need? They wont have read this far so I can say without fear I made all of the above up. apart from what sort of hutch do i need. the question is will one of them break free from their steely bonds of dimness and prove me wrong. watch this space. Jim
  24. Right you maladjusted n'er'do'wells If the fish were going to keep one of the befurred lttle wriggly excuses for rats he would need to know a few things. If any of you vaccuos halfwits has got the time to spare, If you are not too busy dribbling down your vests and forgetting how to breathe, perhaps you could give me some info ( if it doesnt tax your brain cells too much). 1. Can you keep them on their own and can same sex ferrets live together if not. 2. Can they live in a hutch outside or do the need to live in a garage. 3. What is the best time to buy them. If this post seems a bit much I dont apologise. Answer the question STUPID Come on dopey, i know torches are good and etch-a-sketch is good but put it down and come on. jim I apologise for the brutality of this post to other sane members but ferret owners are notoriousally thick . Prove me wrong weasel boy
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