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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. Ern If you are playing it on media player there is a little button on the far right hand side if the screen. It gives you complete coverage of the monitor as if you were watching tv jim
  2. I think it means he is going to try to fight you, then tell you he loves you, and you are his best mate and then be sick down his vest. Its what happens to me after a pint of Vod jimDfish
  3. Ernyha I have heard that you can get a screen that will automatically bring a small video clip or webcam clip to the size of your monitor. They were very highly priced for a while but I have learnt that you can now get them from Spec Savers monitor division. Screen Savers. I apologise profusely for the lameness of that joke jimDfish
  4. Hammergun I hope you were being ironic. jimDfish
  5. Teal Genius. And the bloke who suggested webcams and video. Also Genius jimDfish
  6. jimdfish


    Digger there is a new shop opened in Stockport in the building that used to be the petshop. It seems that the previous owner left some tanks as this new wallah has got himself a spider . It is a baby now and only 6" big but will grow, he confidently tells me to 12". If you like I could arrange a trip but I will not be able to accompany you as I will be standing on a nearby chair screaming. jimDfish
  7. Went out today and set my hide up using a hedgerow as the front and the netting behind. 5 shots later and five in the bag. Next a flock of Ferals came in and I had such trouble sighting on one, they all landed. When they took off I had the same problem and shot at the lead bird. 2 down. They never really left after that and ended up with a good bag. Shooting ferals is fun, but does anyone else feel slightly dissappointed that they are not woodies. There were some amelias in the flock that I definetely shot to miss. jimDfish
  8. jimdfish


    Well. It would save me getting changed jimDfish
  9. jimdfish


    LB Changing tack I once went to see Hinge and Bracket. I took my ma as a present. I was suprised to find that they are actually young blokes. They would be about 45 now. It never twigged that they could be anything else than old. They were also brilliANT. HONEST jimDfish Bags be Dame Hilda, Dr Evadny thats you Vulch
  10. No Pain No Gain BB jimDfish
  11. Wear rubber gloves. HA hA hA jimDfish
  12. FM Just so I do not make any mistakes, when is Tupping season and is there any aftershaves or anything that I should not wear, you know, that could make them frisky and unable to resist a man in a jacket like mine. Also if say a person where to , you know, try to avoid that sort of scene where would be the best place for him not to be during Tupping time in a big coat like mine. jim( definetely not even a bit curious)Dfish
  13. jimdfish


    LB You have a study!! Bit posh that aint it. As to the sitcom I will do it as long as I can be Eric to Vulchas Ernie jimDfish
  14. jimdfish


    Plink I do not want this to turn into an arguement at all but can you not see the unfairness in sea anglers not paying for a license when coarse anglers have to? jimDfish
  15. PERCH (Perca fluviatilis) 5 9 8 2 537 2002 Dean Rawlings (Aged 11), Glebe Lake, Fringford This is the the officially recognised weight of the largest rod caught perch within the british isles recorded. It is in lb ounce drahm etc. Figures are from the BRFC who are a shower but they are de man when it comes to this. do not wish to seem like a pedant but they do not call me jimDfish for nothing jimDfish P.S got carried away with my self then Re Stagg. a stonking fish,well done, get there down in winter it could be touchin 2 3/4
  16. Browners have you ever seen Tom and Jerry with the Kangaroo in. You work out the rest. In all seriousness though any harm done to the cats by your fair hand (as if you would) could result in prosecution and a loss in your license. If they are true stray ring the council, or the CPL. they should help jimDish P.S I saw a cat have a poo in my garden the other day then bury it. Amazing
  17. jimdfish


    Leonard Rossiter once wrote a book titled "sarcasm is the lowest kin of wit". Vulcha, I am sorry, I sunk to the depths. By the way Staffies are as soft as fresh cowpats. I have one and on Sunday night while messing about with my Brother in the garden she did not protect me once. I have torn knee ligaments and he has re-broke a rib. All she did was stand and bark. jimDfish
  18. As I always wear a personal stereo when shooting I have found that certain types of music help my concentration and improve my shot/hit ratio. I shoot best to ska and late 50,s early 60's rock and roll or anything out of early Memphis. Northern soul has its place as well as the stone roses and inspiral carpets. So to start a new thread what would you shoot to? jimDfish P.S the cry of the valkyries by wagner is a stormer. Da Da DAA DAA.Da DA Daa Daa do do do do.
  19. If i remember correctly there was a chap called NOAH who also had the idea. Bast#rds I give up. I am dismantling me boat. The monkeys have nicked the wipers off the rascal, The buffalo have migrated into next doors garden and are worrying their cat. Must go, the mongeese and the snakes are kicking off again and one of the skunks has got behind the bath panel. Good luck "Noah" if that is your real name! jimDfish
  20. jimdfish


    Spot on Ern jimDfish
  21. LB they do say some have to fall on fallow ground if you know what i mean and I amsure that you do jimDfish
  22. Teal Not a bad idea but it could present a problem or two when it comes to my breeding and release programme. I mean, I know that if I shoot the dog and the vixen then they will both be f#cked but this may not result in cubs. I have also just heard that my idea may have been hijacked. Apparently there is some bloke called Noel who also building an arc. Thats the problem with forums, You have one good idea and it gets pinched. Has anyone ever wondered why we dont get green mammals. Thats a bloody good idea. In the Savannah and all the other Zebras are black and white and you are green, who is going to be lunch? Wont be you jimDfish
  23. jimdfish

    My new coat

    After coming home from the cheshire show we felt it only right to nip to the pub to spend all the money I had just saved on buying all me bargains. In the pub, me mate Dave comes up and says as he is moving he is having a clear out and would I be interested in a coat that no longer fits him. Fearing the worst I says bring it in and he turns up moments later with a Norwegian army arctic survival jacket. It is made with the entire fleece of a sheep inside, not just the skin, a collar made out of a fleece that when pulled up completely covers my heqd and a waterproofed cotton outer shell. It weighs over 20Lb and is the dogs. I will never be cold again and will be brilliant for flighting on the marshes this year. No real point to the post, Just showing off and telling what a Beezing day yesterday was. jim (as snug as a bug can be)Dfish
  24. That is only one ounce off the British record! jimDfish
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