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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. Yes seriously and the last one was a six shot Taurus 357, I asked the man how he got it and he said he just applied. His attitude was you have to be able to familiarise yourself with the pistol. I have seen others too but I don't shoot on the Winians range at Bisley any more so I don't know how prevalent it is now. I did think at the time that this could be a way back into having pistols. They downgraded expanding ammo because it became too much trouble to administer.. If everybody applied …………...
  2. It seems to be very variable from area to area. I have seen people shooting with them at Bisley like the pistol ban never happened.
  3. Vince Green


    Some years back I wanted to build a fairly large shed. Having costed up the materials I found it was cheaper to buy one ready made.
  4. getting planning permission for a new caravan park is like winning the lottery. Very hard, in fact virtually impossible because its change of use I know someone who applied umpteen times to put four mobile homes on a small holding in Cornwall and got turned down flat each time.
  5. Vince Green


    I know somebody who makes papier mache coffins, she started it off as a bit of a joke but at £400 a time its turned into a bit of an earner,
  6. Macron is cracking up under the pressure now. He is becoming more desperate
  7. They want to ban Gavin and Stacey now, over my dead body.
  8. Got to be more money in a caravan park keep safe Steve, R-C-T appears to have the the highest rate of infection per 1000 all of a sudden. after being one of the lowest
  9. Lewis Hamilton is happy to drive for Mercedes who used slave labour through out the war to make vehicles for the Nazis. Strange double standard that.
  10. I agree with you. Democracy is a lot of mis-informed people voting for something they don't understand about based on which of the candidates has the best smile At least you are admitting that China is withholding information. that's progress
  11. Life on a ship of the line was unbelievably harsh. My dad was in the Navy and when I was about 11 we went to HMS Victory. Walking round in the summer, eating an ice cream you don't realise what living on a gun deck with open hatches above you would have been like on a ship at sea in the winter . My Dad picked it up immediately. Having been on destroyers in the north Atlantic when after a couple of days at sea nothing was dry and water was sloshing about everywhere below decks. During the Napolionic war Nelson in the Victory blockaded the French channel ports for two winters and a summer. Being on a lee shore with the wind blowing you constantly towards the coast the entire crew would have to go up in the rigging and change the sails round every twelve hours or so, night and day raining or freezing cold it made no difference. Unable to be given hot food at sea, they were given biscuits and a pint of rum a day
  12. Yes but they all live in a society where they CAN make something of their lives, if they wanted to. Not wanting to doesn't make them a victim. Too many think the world owes them a living.
  13. The organisers don't give a fig about the BLM issue in reality, the organisers don't give a fig about Extinction Rebellion or any other cause. The people doing the demonstrating probably do (well most of them anyway) but the organisation behind all this is the shadowy International Marxist Group in its various incarnations who only want to spread dissent and anarchy.
  14. One of the biggest threat to the shooting world is 'ethical banking' how can you run a business if no bank will deal with you?
  15. Most industrial and agricultural workers in Britain in the 1800s were no better than slaves.
  16. Bit garbled, you start on one line and end on another. Neither of which is actually relevant to the discussion taking place Strange that somebody takes a rope on a demo don't you think?
  17. Henry, with your track record I think its probably you that should do that. Two hunters were walking through the bush in Africa when a lion roared very loudly and very close. Quietly one of the hunters took off his boots and slipped on a pair of running shoes "don't be silly" said his companion "you can't out run a lion" "I don't need to out run the lion" said the first hunter "I just need to out run you"
  18. What you say is true but totally and utterly irrelevant. The others had the chance to vote, that's all that matters Because they are criminals
  19. No its where the opinions of the MAJORITY count. Go and look up democracy
  20. I have thought all along that Germany's use of slaves seems to have been conveniently forgotten in all this
  21. I had a friend at school who lived in a house under a pylon, he used to come to our house to watch TV because they couldn't get a signal where they lived so I knew him vey well as a kid. He and his brother both died of leukaemia, Andy in his 20s and his brother in his 40s. It makes you think doesn't it? Would I sit under a pylon? - no way
  22. Actually the navvies (as they were called) who built the canals and later the railways were working class royalty although that came at a price. Their work rate was nothing short of super human, the companies wanted to get the job done and each man was expected to do the work of two men and records were kept to ensure they did.. For their day they received very good food and sixteen pints of beer a day. They were only paid cash at the end of each run, called a randy (run day) and "randy" women would decend on the navvie camps to relieve them of their pay. Living hard, working hard, drinking hard and playing hard the camaraderie and the bond between the men must have been immense,
  23. There have been a lot of white slaves, pressed sailors on Royal Naval ships, agricultural workers, even on the plantations where the black slaves worked there were the rednecks, Irish and Scots mostly, who weren't paid but worked for bed and board because they had no option, take it or starve. Poverty was as much a form of slavery as any other, it wasn't so cushy being white
  24. George Washington owned slaves all his life, I can't see them taking down his statues in America any time soon. Several other US Presidents owned slaves too
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