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Everything posted by Vince Green
You are missing the point completely. Who ever suggested that we wouldn't comply with the EU regulations after we leave? Nobody that I aware of has ever said that?
Brexit is now about Britain telling the EU what we are going to do, its no longer about asking their permission to do it. Its really not as complicated as all these prophets of doom are trying to make it look.
And its the right response too, there is no justification for a re-run just because she didn't get the result she wanted last time. Now that he has put the remoaners are back in their box he has put her back in hers I like him, he is sorting things out
and a pickup is about as aerodynamic as a brick. Speed has a big effect on mpg. What any vehicle returns at a constant 60mph compared to 80mph is quite noticeable. On the M4 at the moment there are long sections of 50mph speed restriction and the average mpg figure on my car goes right up when I get in them. Its a good lesson
When I was at college in the 70s the Socialist Worker, Workers Revolutionary Party and CND people were all over the refectories and student union bars like cockroaches. You couldn't sit down without somebody engaging you in animated conversation. A lot of people when they first go to college were a bit lonely and feeling isolated so these cockroaches acted like a support group, your new best mates, meetings, drinks in the bar etc
There are solicitors who will fight that for you. we ended up paying for my aunt but learned later from an AgeUK dementia advisor that she should have been entitled to funding. Nobody in authority, GP, social services etc wants to tell you that though.
These big estates become police no go areas and one of the reasons is mobile phones. Years ago on the rough estates in Brent as soon as the police drove on the kids would bang dustbin lids to warn the dealers and assorted low life. That only worked to an extent though, the police could still beat the bush telegraph if they were really quick Now with WhatsApp etc one press of a phone button and everybody on the estate knows instantly that the police are coming . So, not surprisingly, nobody is ever at home.
The road test mpgs are obtained by driving a stripped out test vehicle at 30mph on a motorway for about 20 miles. As long as they can prove they got it once they can legally use it in their advertising. Even though they will have done many such test runs that weren't so good it doesn't matter. They even use tricks like putting thinner oil in the engine and transmission, switching tyres and over inflating them to reduce rolling resistance.
You can be sure of that
The trouble is the thugs have usually got the residents intimidated
They don't even have to be a skilled tradesman. A lot of menial jobs outperform what a graduate can earn. However, your comment about outside the M25 is getting near the truth. There are vast tracts of the country where the job situation is minimum wage or nothing
Labour have always made empty promises and they have to maintain an underclass to vote for them
I would be more interested by finding out how EU citizens voted. That might explain Labour's leaning towards remain
I don't think they will have to arrange a car crash for her, she seems to be arranging a metaphorical car crash of her own making
You can take the actress out of Hollywood but you can't take Hollywood out of the actress it seems
Having lived in America I can tell you the police over there wouldn't have been so good humoured. I respect their style of policing, its very tough but you know where you stand a
Yes his choice of Brixton the self styled "Front Line" is revealing
Its her, she may look the part of a princess but she has no breeding.
He should have just gone and not announced his intentions. NEVER explain, NEVER complain
You have to respect Boris for the incredible shift in the political landscape that resulted in the Tories taking places like Bridgend from Labour, that's almost unbelievable! . At one time you could have pinned a red rosette on a donkey and it would have been elected in Bridgend. But now I wanted to reveal a rather troubling side to political life in Bridgend. Since his election, won fairly and squarely, the new Conservative MP Jamie Wallace has been subjected to a hate campaign of truly horrific proportions. Smears of every kind imaginable, he's a paedo, he took bribes, etc all the usual pathetic stuff plus threats to him and his family. He is a local man and the threats are real. The business that he runs has suddenly been the subject of hundreds of complaints to trading standards since the election. Is that a co-incidence? The Labour council have pitched in now "supporting" the complaints and launching an investigation He literally couldn't walk down the road to buy a paper now. Massive and orchestrated intimidation and its not going to stop. This is the true nature of labour today. This is what the legacy of Corbyn and momentum gives us.
It will be interesting to see what the new evidence is. I am not going to pre judge her appeal before it happens.
The main reason I think Labour are going to be struggling for many years to come is because they lack a positive purpose that the electorate can identify with.
Not an image I would like to dwell on for too long thank you. However I am coming to the view that some of the candidates for Labour leader may well be sectioned for their own safety under mental health legislation such is the extent of their delusion. First it was funny, then it was a bit tragic, finally, it seemed too bizarre to be taken seriously but now its gone beyond that
She doesn't score very highly on the personality scale does she? Plus she doesn't seem to really get "it" about the role? nice bum doesn't count for a royal only for a bimbo.
Quite a few royals have withdrawn from public life, Anne is seldom seen, Edward is never seen but they just dropped out they didn't splash it all over the papers and TV