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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. Its a bit more complicated running a still than first meets the eye. There are some toxins that have to be removed and discarded, called the fusil liquids. On the other hand, there are a lot of stills available and books on the internet.
  2. How did Diane Abbott's son get a job working in the Foreign Office in the first place? Apart from the obvious nepotism issue, as the son of an opposition Cabinet Minister wouldn't that make him a potential labour mole?
  3. Latest one in South London is kids wandering between cars stuck in traffic popping the boot open on cars and grabbing whatever they can. On my car that wouldn't work but a lot of cars the boot unlocks when you unlock the doors.
  4. One of my step daughters is a housing officer for the local council. People phone the council because a light bulb needs changing or the battery has gone in the door bell. When she says they need to change it themselves, the reaction is OK if you send me the bulb I will change it but I'm not buying it.
  5. We don't do Christmas except for the kids. No tree and just a few token decorations. There is a big family gathering on 28th and that's about it really
  6. No doubt it won't be long before somebody crawls out from under a stone somewhere and starts criticising their actions. I would be interested to know his history and why he was sent to jail before all this, also why he was let out
  7. My mind just blanks them all out, its strange but they don't even register with me. Most of the time now I don't watch live TV, I record everything and FFWD through all the ads and the trailers.
  8. Armed police are a fact of life in London these days. Who would be a copper living under this sort of pressure day in day out? They are after all just ordinary people who go home to their families at the end of their shift. Yet every day they are walking round with an MP5 and a Glock waiting for their worst nightmare to kick off. Be very grateful to them.
  9. If you want really biased reporting listen to James O'Brian on LBC. I really don't know how they allow him to get away with half the stuff he says because it just plain one sided biased claptrap. I thought broadcasters had a legal responsibility to be even handed but apparently not
  10. I see Boris is being criticised for not appearing on a CH4 debate about climate change. Despite climate change not being an election issue. So they replaced him with with a block of melting ice, allegedly from the polar ice cap. It appears to me from that, the tone of the debate had already been decided in advance and he was right not to fall for it.
  11. Lovely car I have always hankered for one of the Ford engined Jaguar V8s . Beautiful!
  12. Yes but it works for them, I would say the vast majority of labour voters are on the benefits bandwagon and are voting for more of the same. Its not politics its bribery.
  13. You are so right! thank you for posting that because it proves what I was saying all along. My Youngest son worked in Farringdon and used to get Ubers home late at night back to Harrow. He had concerns about personal hygene and erratic driving but his watershed experience was when a driver went totally the wrong way round the Hangar Lane Gyratory system, nearly killing them several times over and later confessed that he had only been in the country a few days and had never encountered anything like Hanger Lane before in his life .
  14. Truth does not exist, if you don't believe me, that proves my point. Three biggest lies in history 1) Its OK he won't bite 2) It was like that when I found it 3) Jeremy Corbyn is not an anti Semite
  15. The police don't always regard 'locked in the car' as adequate security. One of those "we can make the rules up as we go along" situations. I have a U bolt and a heavy duty steel cable with padlock as well in my boot. Damned what ever you do, if it goes missing you are in the do-do Years ago our then club liaison officer made a telling comment, stolen guns virtually never get used in crime - they are too valuable. They disappear abroad
  16. Its only what is being said on the investment websites, that's where I get my information from on a daily basis.
  17. Yes but you have to wonder why its that cheap. Remember the driver doesn't get that £40, Uber take a slice off that before they pay out the driver. Could you run a car, tax it, pay the proper hire and reward insurance, maintain it safely and cover the petrol to do that journey for about £30? The sums don't add up, its all about the gig economy and exploitation. People who drive for Uber don't do it because its a great career
  18. The Romans did not "allow" Christianity to flourish. The Emperor Constantine imposed it forcibly as the State religion in 313AD. And he did it for purely political reasons, he himself was not a Christian. How little you appear to know of history but then as a Communist yourself I don't suppose the history of Christianity is one of your strong points. Or the Romans it appears. Constantine created the Holy Roman Empire by that action, As a result Rome became the centre of the Christian world, and a huge money spinner for the declining Roman Empire. But what your point about Christianity had to do with Chinese coal fired power stations is beyond me. A bit random don't you think?
  19. Yes but Uber is a whole lot lower in standards than even the private hire sector, and that's saying something. I can't see how they were allowed to get away with it as long as they have done. To be a driver you just subscribe to the phone app. They do some checking initially but after that who ever has the phone can sign on and get work for ever and a day. The company is not even based in Britain, I think they are based in Holland but if you sign up with them they will open a bank account for you in Luxemburg and pay your money into that account specifically so that the taxman and the benefits people wont find out what you are doing. To me its just crazy, why would anybody want that?.
  20. I am not at all surprised, living in London the stories about Uber, its drivers and the cars are beyond belief. Its only a phone app, nobody -least of all Uber knows who is actually driving or what car they are using, whether its insured and safe.. So it is the perfect way for all sorts of dodgy characters, benefit cheats, convicted criminals who would never get a proper cab licence to work below the radar.
  21. I don't think anybody doubts the climate is changing but the dispute surrounds the cause. I remember at the height of the Extinction Rebellion protests in London one spokesperson getting up and saying its all down to us eating meat. Really? Its a bit of a bandwagon
  22. Yes but you are talking about Hong Kong, we are talking about the Peoples Republic where they are building the power stations
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