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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. When in 2016 we voted to leave the FTSE was at about 6200 and it had been falling for about a year. As soon as the vote came through it rose and it is now around 7600. You have to understand, the FTSE doesn't lie, its about knowledgeable people investing their own hard earned cash where they think it will earn them more . There are no fake pundits, money doesn't have a political view. Watch what is important (the money markets) and stop listening to A-holes
  2. I have recently observed people eating pasties walking round Aldi and feeding similar to their kids then (presumably) paying for a token small item and walking out
  3. Not at all, there have been some appalling pointless murders committed by pubescent girls but for some reason cruelty to animals, usually dogs and cats, seems to be a boy thing. Many (most?) of these offenders go on to commit more serious crimes in adulthood. So it could be seen as an early sign and the animals are just more easily available.to them.
  4. Its not as unusual as you would hope, cruelty to animals is a 'puberty thing' with some boys. Like vandalism and anti social behaviour
  5. Vince Green


    Because the future will be electric cars. Tesla are just reserving their place at the table at present. You have to plant your crops in the spring if you want to harvest them in the autumn
  6. Vince Green


    Its a big problem round London suburbs with people building illegal extensions and bungalows at the bottom of the garden without planning permission. The councils are largely powerless to do anything about it . Yes they COULD take one or two cases to court and make them take it down but they can't fight all of them. Also the registered owner is usually hard to find, "Mr XYZ is not here at the moment but I will try to get a message to him" which of course never happens. You can't serve papers on a brother/ nephew/ uncle.
  7. First person on board can claim it
  8. That man probably died in his early 50s and was an invalid for the last five years of his life from "the dust" That's if he was lucky and the roof didn't fall in on him or got crushed by a truck first. Go to South Wales and take a walk round the cemeteries in the old mining villages reading the gravestones. It tells a tale
  9. The single market is no friend to Britain when we import at the very least £70 billion more than we export to EU. Why should we want to be in it?
  10. To be honest, I can't see a single negative. What's not good about it? As long as we don't get locked into some stupid exit deal that ties our hands forever and a day its all going really well
  11. Yes but I know somebody who thinks she wont She is a stooge, nobody organises their thoughts that clearly speaking off the cuff when a camera is stuck in their face. Fake interview
  12. The solution to that is to ship them out to a country that is prepared to accept them for a fee. Israel does this very successfully, they ship them to somewhere like Namibia and pay the country about £2,500 to take them. The interesting outcome of this apparently is that people now realise the Israelis mean business and its not just an idle threat so they don't destroy their paperwork in the first place. The Israelis turn illegals around in about 48 hours. Being firm works, they are not nasty or cruel but they don't hang about.
  13. I take them to the local nature reserve and put a few in the hides down by the lake. Its a great ice breaker, it seems to get everybody talking to each other. HAHA!
  14. Vince Green


    There was a pub near where I grew up that had historical connections and was a listed building. The new owner just flattened it a few weeks after buying it and happily paid the fine.
  15. I do think, having read all the narrative surrounding her case, that she was treated differently by both the police and the CPS because of who she was. I don't believe (with some previous experience from a past life) that police called to what amounted to a first time domestic would have gone this far. Particularly when the victim didn't want to press charges. Also, some questions over how details of the case got into the hands of the press
  16. And deliberately not train enough doctors and nurses in this country so that we are constantly having to recruit from abroad. Then they can say without the doctors and nurses from abroad the NHS would collapse. Like that's some sort of justification?
  17. That appears to have been Labour's position on immigration since the Blair / Brown years. That and the creation of a benefits dependent underclass is the only way they can get votes in the 21st century. The traditional working class voter has lost faith in them
  18. This is the power of payment by instalments.
  19. Yes that's what I understand but I have no personal experience. I have several aquaintences now who are/were Cornish fishermen.As I understand it the EU paid them to decommission their boats and took back the quotas. But decommissioning then took a twist, the EU insisted the boats were broken up so they weren't able to repurpose them.
  20. The French cant do "tough" they can only do "obstructive"
  21. Not a bad little number, get an MP's salary, almost unlimited expenses and you don't have to lift a finger
  22. Mine does that when the internet goes down
  23. This is what we are talking about her words? clearly not its scripted, its a performance, she is no more than a puppet, besides her English is not that good that she could have written it herself.. Her early stuff on social media was more angry and more shouty but also more theatrical. However it earned her huge number of hits and a massive following. Hits make money.in this day and age. She is making millions out of this, don't be fooled The BBC just want to capitalise on a multi million pound phenomenon while it lasts
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