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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. Not getting into the pros and cons of crypto currencies as a separate issue, there are a lot of scam sites (some of them very convincing and official looking) that will claim to be investing your money in crypto and manage your account for you. They issue regular statements perporting to show your investment is growing steadily. At this stage they encourage you to invest more. Every thing goes well until you try and get your money out T
  2. The old London black taxis when they had the Nissan engine would often do a million miles when operated by the hire fleets. They were doubled, that is to say operated 24 hours a day in two shifts of twelve hours, seven days a week. The engines never went wrong, change the oil regularly and they would last forever. The problems started when new engines were fitted to later models to comply with emissions. Turbos and a lot more electronics.
  3. I dread to think how much the cost to the taxpayer in legal aid for all those appeals in the high court. At the end of the process its the lawyers that are milking this for all they can get out of it.
  4. As it turns out, actually no we don't. It seems We pay them to patrol the beaches. Nobody said anything about stopping the migrants jumping into boats while they are waling up and down patrolling. Lots of footage of them standing watching the boats getting loaded and setting off.
  5. Yes but once they set off from France the French wont take them back
  6. This is EXACTLY what happened to me at College in the 70s practically every day Every time you sat down in the Refectory or the bar one of these CND types would sidle up to you and start saying we shouldn't listen to what the TV and the newspapers said about Russia. It was all British and American lies. Really Russia was a gentle peace loving country and it was our side that were the bad guys. Oh and why don't you come to a meeting this evening...............
  7. I have never had any dealings with them but my friend in Sussex had some really good days out with them early on. They soon lost favour with the shoot organisers because of the number of unreliable beaters who put their names down for days and then never turned up for what ever reason. Causing severe embarrassment.
  8. You should sell them very quickly, they are as scarce as rocking horse manure at the moment
  9. I still have my Wamadet press but unfortunately not the swaging dies.
  10. No but financial transactions leave a paper trail and a digital footprint that cannot be deleted. During the height of the pandemic all sorts of allegations were being tossed around by all sorts of negative sub groups. Anti vaxers, covid deniers and the looney left. Matt Hancock came in for a lot of attention but it has never come to anything. Not only no proof but absolutely no smoking gun. It speaks much more about the integrity of the accusors. Easy to make snide allegations The suggestion that cabinet ministers could earn backhanders is just to admit that you don't understand how closely scrutinised their financial affairs are monitored. For that very reason. Donald Trump made Billions out of his presidency, our politicians lose money from being in office
  11. Far too many people watching them far too closely for anything like that to be going on. They would have to be mad to think they could get away with it . Nothing is secret these days. Anyway, if you want backhanders you don't become an MP, you go into Local Government and get yourself on a few planning committees.. .
  12. That would be illegal, MPs have to declare all interests. Its very tightly controlled and its all in the public arena. All this stuff about MPs lining their pockets from covid contracts came from the anti vaxxers trying to smear anybody in the Government directly or indirectly
  13. If you live in London you are drinking Thames water. You will be about the fifth person to have drunk it by the time it gets to you.
  14. Yes they are part of the problem, they are just milking the system with no concern for anybody but themselves
  15. This is why the Rwanda scheme is so potentially good. At the moment the migrants know that if they can just manage to set foot on British soil then its 99% certain they will end up staying. Its hard to repatriate somebody who has no paperwork and the lawyers just keep lodging appeal after appeal, During all that time they have to be fed and housed by law. Introduce even a low level of doubt and they will have to consider their options a lot more carefully. It no longer becomes an open goal
  16. Thats the whole point. It becomes almost self cancelling. The true refugees cant afford to get out and are stuck in refugee camps on the Syrian border or where ever
  17. Thats alljazeera's version of the story. Hardly a neutral observer in all this, but if I was really fleeing a war I would be glad to go anywhere that people are not shooting at me.
  18. It has to succeed They have to send out the message that jumping in a boat is not going to work because at the moment it IS working. Once they land on British soil very few (virtually none) ever get sent back Its all about the message
  19. My missus gets fed up with me going round turning off the lights all the time. Says i'm obsessed Older TVs use almost as much electricity on standby as they do when they are on. Standby is a big one to watch out for, PCs games consoles, sound systems left on all the time on standby. The sound system in my step daughter's bedroom was left permanently on because it displayed the time. I reckon it was costing something like 30-40p a day. Thats £100 a year. Electric showers cost a f-f-f- fortune as well Our air conditioning unit is 3.5 Kw. In the summer they leave it on all day with the doors and widows open. No wonder im such a grumpy old ***. Smart meters are great, they allow you to monitor your usage then change something and see what the effect is
  20. Vince Green


    The labour party tells the working class it is fighting for it but really it doesn't. To survive as a party they need to maintain an underclass who will vote for them. If they raised everybody out of poverty more would vote Lib Dem or Conservative. So they need to keep the workers poor and disgruntled. What they do is raise the grudge factor by pointing out how unfair this is or that is. With Labour everything is unfair, and they 'sort of' imply they would do something about it. Somehow though it just never happens The SNP is the same, grudge grudge grudge, but no answers.
  21. Vince Green


    She was, she worked as a care assistant in a care home but like many before her she discovered the Union. Her rise through the Union ranks was pretty rapid. I wonder why that was?
  22. Politics is like a cess pit, the biggest lumps always float to the top
  23. Lead occours naturally in very large amounts in many parts of Great Britain. Its been mined since Roman times and probably long before that. It was a flourishing industry Practically every roof on every house has lead flashings. So what? everyone knows lead seals itself. The oxide layer creates an impenetrable skin. Thats why lead pipes are still tolerated in houses. They self seal. OK but you can't have it both ways To suddenly politicise lead in ammunition as some environmental disaster is just the looney left in the guise of concerned environmentalists doing what they seem to do best. ie LIE. Make up the evidence, shock horror. Pluck random figures out of thin air, if you are going to tell a lie tell a whopper. Lead in food? yeah gottit. Don't necessarily agree but I will run with it. Anybody here got a recipe for clay pigeon ? Or paper targets? or steel plates? or air rifle falling targets? Food? I don't think so? Stop getting bogged down in the detail. Its a political hijack, focus on the big picture. While people argue about individual cartridges and .410s thats what they want to see.
  24. In America and Australia they sell the V6 petrol version 2.4 litre I think, more effortless to drive and about the same fuel consumption
  25. On the Honda CRV Facebook site a member is bemoaning the fact that his mechanic has told him his 2004 CRV is beyond economical repair. It's done 740,000 miles!
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