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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. best thing to do mate, thanks everyone
  2. thanks lads, vodka is well and truly needed tonight. sorry to hear that bigthug.
  3. there i was, so excited about getting my new rifle i was bouncing about the place like an epileptic on e's. rang my dad to wind him up about it and he broke down crying as soon as he answered the phone. my step mum (though they werent married) died at the weekend, she took a blood clot on her lung when they were out shopping. he's in bits, for all the medical courses he did in the army there was nothing he could do to save her, she died in his arms. he tried to ring me but only had my old number, waspure chance i rang him. makes you think, for all the petty problems, worries, arguments and rows everyone has every day, things could be so much worse.
  4. eh, did i ever mention about my ex who was a cop... na im messing, im still stunned i got it so quick. have to say i feel bad for you guys having trouble with your applications (and no im not having a dig), even though ive been lucky this time the general situation is still unacceptable B) hopefully we'll be seeing a few more woo hooo threads from the rest of you soon
  5. i did let it go, he's the one starting it again thanks mate, ill let you all know how i get on on wednesday
  6. i thought youd spat the dummy and asked to be banned?? now as for inappropriate? definitely but only if it complies with the things that actually matter, namely using it legally and safely. btw, are you busy saturday? i need someone to hold a target for me... never know mate it mightnt take too long, im surprised at how quick mine was, but as you say, maybe theyre getting on top of it
  7. i only use permission slips when im sending an application in to the cops for something
  8. oooh, now theres a thread, bullet pentration on a fridge at 100m (after i try it on the old 106 of course ) yeah bout 7 weeks, defo not bad, have to give it to the cops this time, they did great
  9. cheers lads, sent my application in 3rd week in january, had the feo's out 10 days ago then the licence arrived today, so im well impressed with it - my uncle was dropping hints the other day about rabbit numbers increasing, so new gun+bright nights = busy time for me
  10. Had a REALLY **** day in work today, it was one of those days when you want to run away all afternoon, doesnt help when sum twit with an IQ in single figures walks in just after 5, plonked themself at my desk and made me miss the bus, so i had to hang around for another half hour, which i dont get paid for. you can imagine what sort of mood i was in on the way home but what could have turned me from a borderline psychotic into a grinning kid on xmas day in such a short space of time?? finding the licence for this lying on the mat when i walked though the door!! B) marlin 917v .17hmr i was thinking i would be waiting til at least summer time before i got it, im working tomorrow so ill nip out during my lunch break and pick up the moderator, then luckily im off on wednesday for st paddys day, my local gunshop shouldnt be closed so ill be standing there from 8am waiting for the doors to open before heading out to christen the gun time for a wee celebratory drink methinks
  11. mutt?! that was Charaharley Top-Notch, main sire of Allineed Kennels, and a bloody good guard dog to boot :lol:
  12. now that was a fun thread, i seem to remember apologising to several people after it
  13. my dogs dont have stud collars, though they did have camo ones for when they went shooting with me...
  14. id definitely eat 4 B) and id go for 5 and 9 as well :o 5 looks nice
  15. get him a ps3, it wont be the end of the world - spending ages playing command and conquer on my ps1 has set me up to take over the world in later life :o
  16. theres a few dummy's spat out on here every week, should be easy enough to pick one up
  17. thanks thats not a bad group imo, considering youre shooting off the bonnet of a car
  18. can someone tell me what size of group were looking at?!
  19. dunno whether this is dumb or cool name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="385">
  20. not even if i was paralitic!
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