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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. "Benching it for a while ",chris? It's so pretty that I'm struggling to leave the thing alone for more than a few minutes - I'm giving it regular coats of Walnut oil and that seems to be working on the wood but the recoil pad so far shows no signs of giving up it's 40/day aroma.
  2. Yes Mice - same set up with the same owner owning approx. 5000 acres, I believe there are 6 of us "volunteer marksmen" in total with each being designated a particular area but we do have access to all the land if we want it - I tend not to venture outside my area as I feel that it is "poaching" on someone else's patch but if the guy in charge asks me to shoot another patch for whatever reason then off I go. As for offers of help I'm afraid it is not that simple because of the risks involved and anybody wishing to join the group must join a particular local club and attend for at least 6 months ,after this period the club owner will decide if he believes you to be a good shot and a trustworthy person - without his say so you cannot join. - Insurance is compulsory and must be shown at the final "interview" which takes place at the head office. I do know that next season they are interested in increasing the number of shooters but new members must be able to shoot weekdays as the grounds are very popular at weekends - I have had to leave the woods several times over the last couple of months because of members of the public wandering off the paths and into the woodland itself (to be fair they have every right to do so) and this is a major pain at weekends. Update 2:50 this afternoon and the carbine has started to earn her keep....16 grains of AA Field delivered exactly where the cross hairs indicated between Nutty's eye and ear meant one very dead rodent not having to worry about hunting for Easter Eggs this year.
  3. I'm sexually self sufficient and growing tired of it
  4. Sorry Tony - for some reason I have a double post - AA Fields I sent you are 5.52 sir - open the tin in the shop before you part with your cash and check for signs of damage.
  5. Spot on Mice...shot No40 about 3 weeks ago and bought an RM8 to celebrate but I misjudged the weight of the beast and my failing health has made her unusable for hunting. Picked up the S410 carbine for a snip - gun is in 9/10 condition with the stock being the star of the show. Few issues with accuracy initially with a slight vertical string of about 3/4" vertically but a quick trip to Willards in MK saw a new breach and rear bolt seal fitted for pennies (cannot fault these guys) and now we are getting a 10 shot ragged one hole group with AA Fields at 25 yards . Still being sent requests for Squirrel control but over an even larger area although they seem reluctant to come to the hoppers and the last 7 hours have been without success - normally we are stopped mid March but the landowner has decided to keep filling the hoppers till the end of April this year - over 140 shot this season with your truly still being highest scorer - but then few people have the luxury of being able to shoot 24/7.
  6. A few years back TS had a huge truck with a display trailer on the back advertising their work and it was parked outside Tesco in Buckingham. We arrived to pick up a few bits about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I decided to wander over for a butchers. Turns out that I am the first person to enter the trailer since 9 o'clock that morning and I had my choice of 5 members of the team to chat with. After chatting for a while I asked why they had not done anything about the illegal DVD's that were a job to avoid at our local Sunday market - "unfortunately Sir, we simply do not have the manpower" came the reply !!!!!!!!!!!!! What a bunch of useless pancake flippers.
  7. Just picked up a very nice used Mk3 S410 carbine with a tasty Walnut stock but it smells like the gun has been smoking Woodbines for most of it's life - anyone had a similar problem and, if so, did you find a quick cure? If the smell cannot be removed I fear she will be living outside from now on.....
  8. Just picked up a very nice used Mk3 S410 carbine with a tasty Walnut stock but it smells like the gun has been smoking Woodbines for most of it's life - anyone had a similar problem and, if so, did you find a quick cure? If the smell cannot be removed I fear she will be living outside from now on.....
  9. If their policy is to take a 25% deposit to confirm a booking then the booking was never confirmed by taking said deposit, then I doubt that legally they have a leg to stand on. Lets just say, for arguments sake, that you had all turned up tonight and they had no record of the booking - pretty sure that they would be playing the " no deposit - no booking" card.
  10. "Not for Ball" was used between 1875 - 87 hope that helps.
  11. 364 High St, Lincoln circa 1886, 156 High St circa 1890-97, High St & Corporation St circa 1901-05, 4 Saint Mary St. 1913-40.
  12. No problems Sir - ALWAYS better to ask if not sure when playing with over 4000 psi in your kitchen
  13. If you mean the gauge on top of the Tank then it will show zero because it reads the pressure between the Tank and the Gun once the valve is opened (slooooowly!)
  14. Where I walk the dogs you can swat Woodpeckers like flies - annoying little blighters constantly machine gunning trees right above you - they seem to have no fear of people - but the best sighting this weekend has been 2 Yellowhammers - not seen any since I was a child back in the middle ages.
  15. Your contract, Dr.B is with the retailer, and all of your consumer rights are in relation to them. Get it to them and tell them to sort it or you will formally reject the goods - if it's less than 30 days since you bought it you have the right to do this.
  16. Saw a Tree creeper twice in one week a short while back - small copse right on the edge of MK - also 2 Coal Tits the same week/wood.
  17. AFAIK - the spring does not come into contact with this area of the gun - the gun uses a moving cylinder inside the main cylinder if that makes any sense - if the marks were not present when the gun was new then my guess would be that either a particle of something hard has fallen into the breach area and got jammed under the sliding cylinder ( which would cause an obvious grinding sound upon cocking/loading ) or the sliding cylinder has a burr or some kind of machining error on it - going to need stripping down to determine which but do not attempt it yourself as this will totally void any warranty claim you may have.
  18. bruno22rf

    Bathroom fan

    Ours uses a standard waste pipe of about 110 dia - we had to use tape to seal the fan to the pipe as the fan outlet was about 105 but it works fine - ours runs about 2 metres and our builder put a slight drop in the pipework to the wall just incase of the steam condensing - but we have had no issues at all in the 2 years since it was fitted. We have 4 downlighters in the bathroom with one being over the Shower cubicle - this one has a separate touch switch that also starts the extractor fan so you don't have to have all 4 lights on when showering during the day - the extractor is also directly above the shower cubicle. Buy the biggest fan you can get (within reason!!) - noise is similar no matter how big they are and most of the noise is from the outside vent.
  19. Maybe the cylinder is laser welded steel tubing that is then machined out - if so then the welding has not been up to spec?
  20. Whole gun here for £200 - just outside MK so not far from you - its connected to a FIAS which is identical to the Browning (FIAS made the Browning ) - gun is in vgc, high rib O/U 12G.Search FIAS in the private sales and it's about the 4th one down.
  21. It would be nigh on impossible on the stand to decide if the inertia block had indeed failed to reset or if the shooter had "hung" onto the trigger thus preventing the operation - I would not like to be judge and jury if this happened during a shoot off?
  22. I use the S410 most days but can honestly say I rarely need to recharge "in the field" - shooting "branchers" is the only exception although I find myself less keen to carry out such control these days (must be getting soft) - I sometimes carry a 3ltr 300bar Alloy tank in my car - it's only 18" high and 6" dia and weighs next to nothing - but cannot remember the last time I needed it.
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