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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Surely this Ammo can be traced and recalled? If not then why all the form filling when you buy the stuff? -EB need to get their fingers out before someone gets hurt and they find themselves on the wrong side of a lawsuit.
  2. I have a criminal record, Armed trespass(x4),Holding a shotgun without a licence to name but a few. In my 35 years of SGC ownership and 15+ years of FAC I have never shot at anything that I was not legally allowed to-nor have I ever felt the urge to. I wonder, RossEM ,as you are local if you would like to meet up and explain why I should not have a gun (or,in fact,an explosives) licence? I love a good pint and a debate.
  3. Hat off to you ,sir, for taking it so well-my toys would normally be well thrown by now.
  4. Great picture, butchdickason, you should be very proud .
  5. bullet boy-apologies for not explaining my post more simply (bud) if you are struggling please have a word with pabs who seems to have grasped it, thanks (bud)
  6. Pretty much spot on advice from evo but he miss-spelled TX200 (he put HW80-easy mistake )- in .177 flavour of course. Look around for used guns of good quality cos they don' wear out -but they don't hang around either.
  7. Tesco have OLD TOM on offer at 4 for £5-thats daylight robbery for what has to be one of the finest Ales ever brewed.
  8. Roost shoot them on a Moonlit night-anything else is sheer folly. Would your rfd not lend you a shotgun-make life a whole heap easier.
  9. "A good write up by Terry Doe in Airgun World" eh David M? and who do you think pays his wages? I'm sorry to be blunt but anybody who reads this drivel and pays it any credence should have their corks taken away to stop them shooting somebody. Nothing personal, David, but come on.....
  10. Try downloading C/cleaner free version and run it-see what it finds.
  11. You make I larf, chris - are you going to buy a springer next because you miss the kick of a real gun?. The electronic triggers are a world apart from their mechanical counterparts and surely the improvement in accuracy is worth the different feel? While on the electronics-there is still a movement in the action when the solenoid hits the release valve?
  12. Why mess about?-buy your Wolverine and then, most likely for less than the cost of upgrading and registering it, you can buy a second hand .22lr Brno and enjoy shooting out to 100 yards or more with more than enough accuracy, greater knock down power and quieter-no brainer surely?
  13. This kind of behaviour is going to become the norm i'm afraid. Schools have had their ability/desire to punish removed and seem to now go out of their way to avoid confronting troublemakers. At school today, during lunch, our primary school children managed to remove a large outdoor xylophone ,that was secured by 4 bags of postcrete, and move it (I cannot lift it on my own) about 20 yards ( breaking it beyond repair in the process)-upon hearing the news the Head teacher decided that it was the fault of the company that had fitted it 6 years ago.
  14. My Daystate uses a spring but it tells me when I have fired 10 shots-na na nana naaaa
  15. Get yourself a .22lr with a mod-you should get a nice Brno with all the bits for around the £250 mark-far quieter than a puff gun and as good as you want it to be out to 100 yards-some guys can go to 120 yds.
  16. I usually use the same technique for deciding which is which- When I miss and destroy a small area of copse then its most likely a woodcock-If its a small patch of Reed bed that gets the full blast then the bird disappearing into the distance was most likely a Snipe.
  17. I have Arthritis in my hands and have had operations on 2 fingers and one thumb for "trigger finger"-I only really suffer in the cold weather but decent gloves really help. I would suggest that, if he uses a semi and keeps a supply of pain killers with him, he should be fine.
  18. Try find what he farms i.e. Beef or crops and google them-you can then slip in a few questions/statements that make you sound like you belong-just a simple "Wheat prices are up again " goes a long way.
  19. Father in law died a couple of weeks ago and he collected just about every first day cover over the last 20 years-cost a fair bit when you add it all up-had them valued a couple of days ago and was told that the vast majority of them are not worth the paper that they are printed on-the newer ones are worth about half their face value
  20. If you have a local keen PCSO then they can request parking and speed checks in their area-they must get Brownie points or more buttons to polish.
  21. Mick-my Lawnmower is not quite Tickety-Boo, not your fault but while you are accepting responsibility for things that are not your fault........
  22. Rapier 1 I guess?-can you pm me some pics please-have pm'd you.
  23. Yep-as Holly says-and if you use frozen ones you don't need to "p r i c k " the skins when you use them. (jeeez the censorship on here is keen)
  24. It usually makes the terms clear on offers such as this-if you do not contact them within the 8 week period and cancel the contract then you are deemed to have agreed to a full years contract. If its a decent company then the terms would have been on the initial order form-it may not have been in 6 foot high letters but it will be there somewhere.
  25. RWS subs all day long for me-superb rounds and never had any vermin complain about X marking the spot.
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