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About gummy_bear

  • Birthday 05/02/1974

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  • Interests
    shooting / fishing / forestry

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  1. Hi, I bought recently a benelli 20ga montefeltro. The stock is a bit short for me. After a bit of begging for parts 😀 , I end it up buying a beretta gel pad for £22 that are widely available and 3D print a spacer that will join the two. Here the prototype in blue for my 20ga and 12ga. I also have the 12ga version that will use the original benelli pad. Now, I could print spacers for super 90, centro and montefeltro that will allow to use a beretta gell pad or the original benelli pad to get the right LOP. adrian
  2. Hi, I do have four boxes of 28ga Eley Grand Prix - 21/2", 9/16oz, 6 shot, paper rolled, smokeless, water resistant. Will swap them for carts on 410, 20 or 12 ga. based in Dundee. thanks, a
  3. do you have the link? are they working ok? I mean keeping the powder inside. With my lee I am getting some powder on the table from the slide.
  4. as per title, I do have a good number of magnum goose decoy heads. £3 each or a deal on the job lot.
  5. will take the 20ga if still there
  6. up for sale three CONWAY LONDON leather shotgun slips dark brown, flap and zip, brass buckles, 50 inch long little used, in good condition, £75 posted each
  7. gummy_bear


    is the rail fitting a ruger rifle?
  8. are these "home made"? or original for a specific shotmaker?? thanks
  9. thanks for details goggle is saying that they are to be used with black powder is this correct?
  10. would they take a normal primer or the pocket is for the old eley ?
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