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Everything posted by Evilv

  1. Will be when I get around to taking them out of the freezer. By the way, that Mod on the rifle is an airgun one - a bit dodgymaybe (??), but not really. It met with a slight accident once upon a time on an pld airrifle and began clipping the airgun pellets because it was slightly offline with the barrel. I took out the guts and bored out the end plate to 8mm. The gun is almost totally quiet with eley subs - just a 'ping' - half of which is the firing pin striking the cartrdge. I know it should be a proofed one but it's had about five hundred through it and only needs the powder residue emptied out now and then. I'm not sure about the legalities of proof, but I wouldn't pass it on to anyone else to use so I'm not too bothered.
  2. I'm sure people are right when they say short barrels shoot perfectly well. It's probably all a matter of balance and personal aesthetic feelings. I used to have a Ruger 10/22 years ago with a pretty short barrel and it wasn't half as good as my long barrelled Cz standard 452. I also like the rather antique look of this rifle with its 24 inch barrel. It comes up really well to the shoulder and is light enough to hold pretty steady for freehand shooting. I generally sit with it, back to a wall or fence, if I can and brace it on my knee. If the undergrowth is short enough, I go prone. All I can say is that the thing is deadly and I love the way it looks. It is also far far quieter than the old Ruger carbine even without the moderator. I don't know, but I wonder if the muzzle blast is less in a longer barrel. Half an hour's work on my afternoon off.
  3. Good pictures under the circumstances. I wished I'd had my camera handy recently when I returned after a wander about with the rifle to pick up a half grown rabbit I'd shot earlier. As I came around the corner of the wood a buzzard flew off with the remains. Seems he'd been enjoying dinner when I rudely interrupted him.
  4. Ok Caplock. I'll put a cheque in the post this weekend, unless you want to do Paypal, in which case you can have the money in your account more or less right now. I'll check back later and then sort it out. - oh and unlike smoothelybeer, I need the see through mounts. Cheers. EDIT: Cheque in post now. You shpuld have it by Monday.
  5. I agreed to buy it, but if smoothely beer is desperate for it, I'm Ok. It's not a problem. If he is serious I don't mind. Do you want it Smoothely mate? Say the word and it's yours.
  6. Don't get me started.... We are plagued by politicians who seem to think that we as a people are never better than when we are constrained on every side by rules and regulations backed by legal force. It is as if we were children in a nursery - not to be trusted, and always to be supervised and directed by our elders and betters (The Labour Party). More and more petty regulations abound. Public services are tied up in government dictated targets, as if it was they, the government who knew all about doctoring, the suppression of crime, and education. Who are these people who dictate the conduct of every aspect of our lives? They are by and large career politicians, members of the majority party, graduates of the school of political correctness and NOTHING ELSE. Are they shooters? I doubt it. The people who should decide whether eye protection, ear plugs, or orange vests should be worn, are the individual shooters. If you take your kids shooting, then as a parent you will need to decide how to keep them safe. Otherwise, it's none of your business what other people do. A club which may have action taken against it by an injured member, might want to impose a rigorous safety regime, but for the individual wandering about on private land, no one else should be dictating rules about what he wears. I look at my castrated tom cat and wonder if we are all not all well on the way to being like him. Deprived of our balls.
  7. Hi - thanks for the photos Tracker. I think they are high mounts, but they aren't a pair. If you had another of the ones with the lower opening, it would be great. I believe they are for use with open sights, allowing you to use the open sight through the hole underneath the scope. Odd, but I an remember times in pi**ing rain when I could have used that feature when the scope was soaked, misted and useless. It looks to me that if you had two of those mounts, it would fit fine. I don't really want to take off the open sight though. I'll lose it for sure.
  8. I was sort of half hoping the 'hi' mounts would make it clear the iron sight. I'm using a 4x32 on the new CZ at the moment, and I've had a hell of lot of rabbits in the last month since I got it - over a hundred, but small mag sight isn't up to the accuracy of the rifle at ranges over 50yards. The guesswork involved in a 70 yard rabbit head with a 4Xmag sight is too great for really good shooting. I'm amazed that the group sizes are as small as they are on zeroing targets, given that I'm guessing where the bull is by centring the cross in the outer ring because I can't see the bull under the cross hairs. Any chance you could measure the height of the bottom of the objective in relation to the scope rail please. I note your guess of 10mm, but you'll understand I need to know the exact rise given by the hi mounts you're including in the deal as described. Many thanks No problems I'm out with the rifle tmrww and will check for you. I do think though that the rear sight asy will have to be removed as any of the cz's with iron sights that I've seen have been when used with a scope above 32mm objective. P.s I 'm guessing that the mounts included are 'high' although I don't have any definative specs as to what constitutes a high mount. Maybe someone more in the know can enlighten me Cheers OK mate. I'm off this afternoon and out shooting so will look at how the rear sight comes off. If it's simple to remove and reinstate it might be suitable. Just send me the measurement from the scope rail level to the bottom of the objective if you can. Cheers Tony
  9. I was sort of half hoping the 'hi' mounts would make it clear the iron sight. I'm using a 4x32 on the new CZ at the moment, and I've had a hell of lot of rabbits in the last month since I got it - over a hundred, but small mag sight isn't up to the accuracy of the rifle at ranges over 50yards. The guesswork involved in a 70 yard rabbit head with a 4Xmag sight is too great for really good shooting. I'm amazed that the group sizes are as small as they are on zeroing targets, given that I'm guessing where the bull is by centring the cross in the outer ring because I can't see the bull under the cross hairs. Any chance you could measure the height of the bottom of the objective in relation to the scope rail please. I note your guess of 10mm, but you'll understand I need to know the exact rise given by the hi mounts you're including in the deal as described. Many thanks
  10. How high would the lowest point of the front lense be lifted above the level of the scope rail? I ask because my CZ 425 has iron sights which the object lense has to clear, if you see what I mean. A 42 front lense just fouls the rear iron sight with ordinary mounts. Thanks
  11. Well said that man! I don't think there is one sentiment I would disagree with. America is a great country, with huge potential and power. Its every city has ten thousand better men than Bush, and it is only because of the control of media by the all powerfull dollar that the puny intellect of Bush could ever have been elected. He trots out stupid soundbites, such as, 'They hate us for our freedom.' 'No the don't,' I want to scream, 'They hate you for your foreign policy and the destruction you carry out and support in the Muslim world.' Is the world safer without Saddam? I don't think so - not at all. At least he had the country under his control. Now every kind of maniac can do as he likes there. What a mess. Why should other people's sons die for that? Be sure that neither Blair's nor Bush's kids will go anywhere near.
  12. A jungle cat was run over by a car near Jedburgh a few years ago. It's remains were examined by experts. If you have ever tangled with an angry moggy, you will know the ferocity of a cat. Being mauled by a large angry cat would be something to be avoided at all costs. One of the main causes of trouble from maneaters in India in the past was that they had been wounded by injudicious hunters and villagers. I have a great book by Jim Corbet about the man eaters of some Indian district. It's a great read and he definately didn't use a .22lr. In his tales, these maimed leopards dug into the natives houses and dragged their victims out whilst they slept in rooms with other people. Their relatives awoke to find them missing. It's a great read. It's cheap as well - less than a fiver. People wanting to shoot these animals should buy a Jim Corbett book before shooting at a leopard to give themselves a sporting chance of living to boast about it: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_w_h_/2...rds=jim+corbett On the bright side, the chances of the average rabbit hunter ever getting near such an animal, even if it was there, are very slim. They are extraordinarily wary creatures, and can melt away long before you know they are there.
  13. Give it another eight years, and you'll see what I'm up against. He keeps buying stuff, and when I ask him what he's going to do with it, he has no idea.
  14. Evilv


    I think it has to be a politically motivated killing. You could assassinate a President, or a politician, or an ambassador, as long as you intended it as an act in pursuit of some political agenda. Generally, they are more than ordinary victims. You couldn't assassinate a securiity guard in pursuit of a politcial motive like political espionage. In that case I think it would just be murder. Definition -
  15. Probably the best and safest way. Also, good to look back on. I had to hide my airguns from my old man. I used to keep a webley pistol in a ukeleli case in the wardrobe until my sneaky sister told him. Now he's 83 the boot is on the other foot and it's me trying to stop him from buying rubbish.
  16. Evilv

    New to forum

    That's a ghastly tale. I don't shoot in the borders, but in the North Pennines. I took up shooting again last year, gained a few permissions with an airrifle and then converted to .22LR. There's a much better margin of error for clean kills now, albeit that I have to make myself stop and ask questions about where the lead will end up.
  17. An old priest who visited our family gave me a book called 'Jock of the Bushveld' when I was about ten. It was about this kid in South Africa around the end of the nineteenth century. He wandered all over shooting springbok and other game. These tales of camping under the stars and feeding yourself with .45 caliber rifle, hunter's stews and the open air really fired me up and I read everything I could get about that kind of life; stories about poachers were especially exciting. I'm ashamed to say that as a kid I shot sparrows with a .177 Diana, but as I grew up and got my own house, I read up on shotgun etiquet and got myself some shooting permission and a certificate. I bought a second hand Spanish gun called an Essex and still have it. It's done some work over the last 31 years. In the eighties I got into rifles in a big way and owned .22lr and .22wmr for pest control, but also had an Enfield Mark 4 .303, a .45 caliber muzzle loader, a .58 caliber muzzle loader which had devatating power and a black powder revolver. At the gunclub, I shot everything going from .44 magnum revolvers to .45/70 sharps and trapdoor springfields. They even had miniature cannon there, but I couldn't see the point of that. Just a waste of time, powder and lead. I gave up most of my shooting in the late eighties due to work and family committments and came back to it when I took early retirement. Now I shoot maybe two or three days a week when I'm not working.
  18. Evilv

    New to forum

    Hi Davo, Well done on getting your land. Tha's a nice amount to have. Is it mostly arable or for stock? There is some lovely countryside in Midlothian. I drove up to Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago and I spent more time scanning the landscape for signs of rabbits than anything else. There's a nice hilly section north of Berwick where the road follows a railway line and that looked promising - near Grants House maybe - not that sure. I spent that part of the trip imagining wandering there with my rifle. Didn't hear a word the wife was saying, while repeating occasionally, 'Yes dear. That's right.' It got me through the journey. Shopping in Edinburgh was a different story though.
  19. Evilv


    You can load the picture up to here - http://imageshack.us/?x=my2 Then highlight and copy one of the links they offer you to the image. They are at different resolutions so you can pick the sise you want. I usually use the 'Direct link to image' one, but I make sure that I re-size the image to an appropriate size as I load it up. You'll see how to do that on that page I directed you to with that link above. Then paste the link into the little window the forum gives you when you click on the insert image icon on this site. It looks like a little tree at the top of the text entry form when you are posting here.
  20. Sad. There were a couple of guys who used to use an ancient punt gun on the Holy Island mud flats. As I understand the tale, one of them was blown apart while dragging the punt up onto a beach when the damned thing went of with about 4oz of shot loaded into it. The other was killed a couple of years later when it exploded and a four inch chunk of steel struck him in the neck. I shall think of this next time I feel inclined to climb over a gate with a loaded gun.
  21. Evilv

    Yet another poll

    The hardest part would be doing a fifteen stretch with a bunch of morons - that and the fact that all of my respectable friends would run a mile from me when I came out. Not to mention that my poor dead mother would be so disappointed up in heaven.
  22. How? There are millions of them all over the place, and anyone who wanted one could surely get it. But the already have ALL the power they need to act against opportunist crimes with airguns. They have plenty of power already. References to the hand gun ban has simply been to show how futile the most draconian bans are in depriving those who won't respect the rules. The answer is to have EFFECTIVE punishment of idiots. Move forward on the right front by all means. The issue isn't the guns, it is the total lack of respect, decency, sense of responsibility, of a MINORITY of people. Most people are as sound as any of us here. Sadly police spend so much time dealing with the dross of humanity that they start to believe that everybody is dross and needs to be vetted before being allowed to walk the streets or wipe their own a*se. I know some who think just like that. The default position for them is that people are bad until they prove otherwise. Fortunately, they don't make policy and the presumption of our common law is that an individual is innocent until proven guilty. This allows most of us to go about unhindered in our everyday lives and pursuits, but this does not stop the cops from calling for more and more powers, especially in relation to firearms, but last I heard, they were the ones shooting electricians in the head eight times and letting off guns on dark staircases while arresting dusky youths of dubious character. If you want to see some real menace with firearms talk to Harry Stanley's relatives. He was shot dead whilst drunk in charge of a table leg, and all the other ludicrous cases of shootings of mental cases who could have been sorted in other ways, or of course the armed response unit that lost its firearm because they went somewhere leaving the car unlocked and the gun in the footwell...... LOL and they come and pass ME as fit to own a rimmy and a shogun? Don't make me laugh mate.
  23. Cheers mate. I did warn him not to sign on, but what can you say to a 24 year old with a bee in his bonnet? Anyway, at least he can shoot straight.
  24. I think I'd take my webley axsor and the Hill's pump, but only as long as I could take tools and spare 'O' rings and stuff to maintain it. If I really had a choice though, it would be my CZ 425 and 10,000 rounds of Eley Subsonic. I suspect that with a little oil and a few rags, I'd be able to feed myself for a lifetime then. The model I have also has rugged and very accurate iron sights. I whipped off the scope and tried it over 60 yards. They are bang on for elevation, but the groups were a bit bigger for obvious reasons. That way, if I broke my scope, I'd still be able to use it albeit that I would need to be a little closer so as not to spoil the meat with body shots.
  25. Yes I agree. I can't see what you took out, but then that would require tha I remembered what was there, whioch since I'm turning senile is a problem. Who would be a mod??? A difficult path to tread maybe. C ya later.
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