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Everything posted by MC

  1. Oh no Alex, According to this thread mine are only pets as they live indoors. The fact they haven't eaten the house is that I have taken the time to house train them and not just shove them in a shed in my garden. However the fact that I have never lost a bird since having Merlin or the fact that my shooting is far better because I have a companion is irrelevant. They live indoors so they can't possibly be working dogs can they?
  2. I am just off to walk my pets, I won't get them to work or do any training as they are pets as they are sometimes in the house and they wouldn't be able to manage it.
  3. What makes you say that if they are inside they are a pet that works or a full working dog that lives outside. Mine are full working dogs that are inside if I am at home and outside if I have to go out. If you want to treat your dogs like a lawnmower that is in the garage until you need it then fine. Just don't knock others because of what they do :angry:
  4. Strange because she looked just like that when I met her.
  5. I am sure she can accomodate you Alex
  6. Click on the word HERE in the above post. Give Lucy a ring and tell her that Martin sent you. I am MC as in that is my username.
  7. It was from me Terry, Saf T Plugs are available HERE
  8. MC

    North vs South Shoot

    Only one pint? Mines about 4 to start with
  9. You'll be at the wrong shooting ground then :lol:
  10. The feeling is mutual, believe me.
  11. I think you have the wrong person, well respected? Generous? doesn't sound like me at all. Right now where are those hatsan wielding, canada goose shooting numpties for me to get stuck into?
  12. I thought they came with enough cable ties, jubilee clips and duck tape to keep them working for at least 10 shots? As for ringing up each year for spares rather than buy a proper gun like a Beretta. Don't make me laugh, my beretta is over 6 years old now and has never missed a beat. It certainly has never fallen apart or had bits missing or broken. Hatsan Escort - MAJOR FAIL :lol:
  13. No really, don't bother.
  14. MC

    North vs South Shoot

    Haven't you got anything worth shooting? :lol: :lol: Only joking
  15. Oh I am sorry, I thought you were my own size? Or should that have just been same weight? Short ***** :P
  16. Let's hope you haven't peaked too soon. Well shot though, it must have been easy :P
  17. You don't actually believe that last statement do you? Nobody does anything out of love anymore, they do it to make money. Why on earth would a large estate put on shoots just to break even? There is no point in doing it, romantic as it sounds they are in it to make money, just like you delvering parcels or me drawing joinery. You'll be telling next that gunshops lug tons of cartridges around just to make a pound per 1000 hoping that someone buys a gun when they come in for some.
  18. Why aren't the CA doing it either? Or is it just another go at BASC? Surely even a legally held gun becomes illegally held once it is used in committing a crime doesn't it?
  19. Well I have paid for days pigeon shooting with a guide several times and will be again this coming tuesday. The one I go with is excellent and works hard to ensure you have a good day. OK the pigeons cannot be garanteed but he will put you in one area for a hour or so while he goes and checks out some other areas, he will then come back and see how you are getting on. I have shot as little as 5 and as many as 55 on days with him and had the opportunity to shoot many more and missed. I have my own fields I can shoot on and on monday of this week picked up a few hundred acres of peas that have just been drilled but it is nice to shoot somewhere different and let someone else do the hard work for a change. As for doing the farmer a favour? Do you really believe that? If you do then I ask you to go and tell him that. I would bet you won't have your "Permission" very long. It is him doing you a favour by letting you on his land to carry out the sport that you love doing.
  20. MC

    pw bullys

    Oh no I didn't I put "it really is that simple" not "i'ts really that simple" you see I was educated when I was at school
  21. MC

    pw bullys

    Well done, you win the first prize in the insults race. I knew it wouldn't take long.
  22. MC

    pw bullys

    Isn't it about time you lot grew up and stopped posting about being bullied? None of us really exist anyway. Just get over yourselves, if you don't want to be pulled up on spelling or posting **** then either learn to spell or stop posting ****. It really is that simple, no honestly it really is
  23. Stephen dales is MD of the Kingston shot company who just happen to make and sell steel shot. He was also the MD of Gamebore while heavily promoting steel clay cartridges.
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