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Everything posted by tonyshooter

  1. I doubt if this will impact on certificate holders, but the man is a proven liar and everything that his has done in his police career is surely worthy of consideration of review .
  2. So sorry for your loss. At 63 years of age ( wife is a tad older ! ) we have just got our last ESS puppy, we already have a 7 year old ESS. We gave this some thought as if he lasts as long as our last dog I will be almost 80 ! My fishing club President had this scenario and his solution was " if they want my money when I am gone they must also have my dogs ! "
  3. Been there, and know what you are going through, but, you have a head and a heart full of wonderful memories.
  4. This would be great as it is the cause of some " friction " between the police and shooters, however we need to keep an eye on things so that a mentoring condition or a deer management qualification do not sneak in side ways !
  5. Yes I am still after one but RFD 2 RFD makes it a bit silly on cost. I will decline and thank you for your efforts. Cheers, Tony
  6. I need a .410 shotgun, ideally single barrelled, for the humane dispatch of foxes in a cage trap. If anyone has one for sale please message me. I am in Sheffield 8. Cheers, Tony
  7. It would fail at my renewal. The locks have to be inside " welded pockets " according to the spec I was given.
  8. Having never shot wild boar, which I am keen to do, I find myself wondering if you have to give a running animal some forward allowance rather like you would do with a shotgun.
  9. Beaters day on our small shoot saw all of the women beaters ( who shoot ) show up with their guns. 2 new women beaters want to learn to shoot and one has joined BASC as an individual member. No barriers from us, and every encouragement is given.
  10. Signed, and thank you for highlighting this. I am secretary of a fishing club in the Peak District. We have a trout river, with significant predators ( and a minuscule number that are allowed to be culled by permit ). Frustrating is a word that comes to mind !
  11. Ask the police for a replacement certificate It cost £4.00
  12. I have 21 in SYP area. I have shotguns, rifles, combination guns and revolvers. I have a professionally fitted and accredited alarm system and CCTV system. Both are monitored. I have always exceeded what SYP would be asking of me in resect of my security. I learned this at work when my old boss used to say to us " lets do one better than the HSE would want of us " !
  13. I desperately need a Mud Daddy or a similar device. Please can I ask what any other members think of this item. More importantly what alternatives are members using ( including a garden type weed killer pressure spay ). Cheers, Tony
  14. Our beaters get no cash payment, however, they do get a beaters day ( driven birds - value £315) and a mop up day ( walked up birds - value £100 ) and a place at the annual shoot dinner for them selves and their partner ( value £140 ). This equates to £555 divided by 8 shoots = £69.38 / day We shoot 8 days and at the start of the season we ask the team if the would like paying. The answer is always a no.
  15. I use these. https://www.countrysidefeedersltd.co.uk/
  16. Can you post this to Sheffield please
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