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novice cushie shooter

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Everything posted by novice cushie shooter

  1. Plenty fresh air and to be with those that need you most.
  2. Its a good quality card but agree dave its never ppv. Joshua v price if it happens will be great. I hope groves can lift himself for a title shot as he has class but agree looks tired
  3. Not a fan of bellew. Quigg very classy and impressive. Good night of boxing
  4. tragic mate. I have been in similar and its awful. The injustice is as bad as the phycological effects. Hope ur ok.
  5. This is mine. Any questions feel free to pm me. Thanks
  6. Looks great a bit expensive for me.
  7. #939 good luck in saving your families heritage. Unfortunately green belt doesnt seem to exist anymore certainly in scotland.
  8. I am getting some 20g hopefully so if anyone around these parts wants some to make it a bit cheaper feel free
  9. Touching and Kind words. Condolences to family and friends
  10. Sturgeons face like a pitbull chewin a wasp!! Bad move for the snp imo
  11. possibly refering to up here tbh. Snp cons and labour. very pleased with the result as i keep my job. I can see changes for the better throught the uk. There is a massive political void imo in scotland. Labour and the cons have been losing voters for years and the snp have a very strong hold on the country,time for a stong challenger to the snp but which party will grab the bull by the horns??
  12. So sad that somone doing charity work for free not fighting is taken by these cowards and murdered in cold blood. Agree with pistolgrip those 'britons' going to fight for their 'cause' should be given there just deserts. Thoughts and prayers with the haines family.
  13. glad its not just me it irks! Though it works both ways a good example being the british strawbs and scottish rasps. Thats fair enough i was born in 79 and havent looked up the history rgrds the last indyref. I still think that the way it is with the majority win is that if it is 51/49 vote to decide such a major political landmark should have to be a larger majority yes/no as we are at risk of dividing our nation not to mention the possible resentment from other areas of the uk.
  14. Two things strike me from this thread. 1) i dont think the majority off all scots hate the english as is being made out by a few on here. Tbh the only time i get worked up is when the footy commentstors mention 1966 for the hundredth time in the 1st half!! It seems there is more dislike from england now than ever. the second point is why cant it be a 60/40 vote in order to gain independance as 51/49 does not show outright demand for independance.
  15. Was just gonna post that kdubya. Article in the sunday times.....were doooooomed, dooomed i tell ya!! I agree FM 100% its all about the salmond ego, whenever you tell a yes voter that all you get is that youre not voting for him you are voting for future independance, does my head in.
  16. There are some very heartfelt stories on this thread. I hope it may have helped save some lives and the onus is not just on the biker. A sad loss and a very brave mother.
  17. I know this is a major decision in the future of scotland and britain but i am fed up of all the slagging and counter claims already. On my social media is full of people plugging the yes vote and very few 'naws'. Personally i am a no purely because of job security, there has been very little neutral information regarding this vote just one side saying one thing then getting counterclaimed by the other side. I am very proud to consider myself british and proud of the history these isles hold, i am also a proud scot. They reckon it could be up at 90% turnout at the polls, i wonder what the turnout will be to elect a party post independace(if succesful obvs)?
  18. great site. Thanks. Kayak fishing looks fun if a little dicey!
  19. Thanks. It was a boat i was in and dont have the experience to go shore fishing on my own. It was so exciting getting bites from what could have been upto 10 species of fish.
  20. Hi guys am sure a few on here will sea fish. Was out yesterday for my first time and really enjoyed it. Looking at buying rigs etc and trying to avoid fleabay. Im also not great at filleting and have frozen the mackrel whole (gutted and head off) are they ok to cook this way?? any tips and help would be greatly appricited
  21. Good write up mate. No mention of midges.....
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