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novice cushie shooter

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Everything posted by novice cushie shooter

  1. salmond is trying to "wing it" imo. Its also a lot of wasted money!
  2. Pigeon, a cushie doo!!! My old man always calls them that. prob sounds more like kushie when said.
  3. Edinburgh council were fined 8k last month with regards to the condition of liberton high school. Its about time they stopped penny pinching and its a travesty its caused a young girl to lose her life when it could have been easily avoided. Not that it will help the family much but i hope the negligble person gets punishment of some sorts and not the usual council "payoff"
  4. Thats all very good if you can see them!!!
  5. Decided to stay up after 3 12 hour nightshifts as the baby was at the outlaws so thought i would plant some trees and get a few cushies for the pot. Headed down to the shoot at 9 and though the mist was hanging about i thought it clear. after planting the trees i headed to the good flight line but as the picture shows you couldnt see the tree tops so even though i dissapointed to not fire a shot it was good to get out and about and some fresh air. Good to see plenty pheasants about too.
  6. My dad and a workmate both there and said the prices for clothing and gear were very expensive
  7. Good to see robbie runciman, used to shoot on his brothers farm! It does seem to paint a rosy picture so far quite imbalanced.
  8. If anyone has any succes in finding a maker can i get a pm please.
  9. They look great. Wish id gotten one.
  10. It confirms correctly most of the things members posted on the numerous threads previously. There are some very lowlife owners
  11. I cant speak for all pool fans but imo the improvement this year is something to build on. They are playing fast attacking football and itsgreat to see and experience. Liverpool have been exciting in any 1 game than man who have been all season. Yes its dissapointing to not be in the cup finals but we were unlucky to get beat at arsenal and there is an excited buzz around anfield thats been missing the last 5 or 6 years. Ynwa
  12. Very sad news. A very vocal supporter of the hunting world and her local community will be a great loss. Rip
  13. Good ****, w*** w*** w*** w*** w*** w***. Moyes must stay
  14. On the news that they highly suspect hijaking now and its flown on for an estimated 5 hours. Which was what most expert analysysts said when it all started. Dont know why but the minister for transport has been denying this from the start, i just hope they have been cooperating with investigators and not wasting time when innocent lives are at risk.
  15. Beat me by 5 mins!! Fancy champagne fever and hunt ball tomorow.
  16. Is it wrong that im more excited than xmas?? The missus doesnt get it and thinks am a loon. So so so excited
  17. 'The rangers' are not in admin as they were formed as a newco. They are hemoraging money losing around 1.5 million a month depending on what rag u believe. The easdales want more control so does dave king but theres a few issues surrounding the current board. Theres a lawsuit starting soon by the former pr/marketing guy claiming 600k in unpaid bonus money. Its all very confusing. Personally i think they will struggle finacially and will fond themselves very close to admin this season or next.
  18. Aye strawberry ones in his gob! Truly phenomenal player
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