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About garygreengrass

  • Birthday 30/08/1963

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  • Gender
  • From
    Neath, S Wales
  • Interests
    All type`s of hunting, best of all lamping foxes.

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  1. I have a Stihl MSA 220C with a AP 500 battery, would not go back to petrol with a sharp chain and a full battery will cut a ton back full of logs no problem.
  2. Totally agree never had any my dog going back for a booster, seen it online saying waste of time.
  3. I have had mine for three years when you get use to controlling the temperature you will be surprised what you can cook and smoke in it. Look on youtupe for smoking dad bbq.
  4. Country cover club - ccc3 Jest joined them covers all sports.
  5. Clear coat it will protect the paint.
  6. Just leave it in gear and don`t put the hand brake on.
  7. Have a look at the currency club they were the best when I bought last time.
  8. Totally agree with with you, Should never have been done for it.
  9. I would go and have the gun fitted is does make a difference.
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