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clay shooter

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    Nr Doncaster/Barnsley South Yorkshire
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    Clay Bashing

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  1. Write them onto my certificate as bought do I write on his then sold or what
  2. I know that you can store another persons shotguns at your home but how do you go about this obviously store in cabinet secure but what else anyone know or done that please
  3. Anyone got the mail address of the vermin and pest control who operate out of wakefield/ossett west yorkshire. I know there is one in Harrogate north yorkshire but want the one in west yorks....Thanx
  4. jacko the letter is a genuine request from SYP to help local police and to help the crime prevention fight...ignore it ? NO ..... sign up and get alerts the firearms team need all the help they can get.... Guns are being stolen ..used. In sheffield and the country for gang wars...you will get updated as i do on the situation from the horses mouth...not chinese wispers....might help your renewal of license to as shows you want to take care ..its up to you though..
  5. The whole virus saga has had a very testing hard time for some.we are now told to get the harvest crops in. George Eustice the secretary (Defra) has a family fruit farm ... Overseas labour is to be isolated on entry To the uk...corbyn and co are not the only ones at.... It.. Pigeon shooting over crops is now ok..fishing is too. But what of the grouse/partridge/pheasant shoots.and what of our own future ...under brexit...
  6. A problem for all syndicates is will members return .. Will you be able to social distance with the guns..and the beaters..it has been suggested that "a pod" of 10 together might be allowed..but ...would the beatrs and guns be willing to be that close. With relative strangers..we here are a closed family private shoot so could really deal with that ..not have any beaters..just have walk up days..syndicates can do that too members stay distance required and walk up birds ..our pheasant poults are ordered and are own laying pen laid eggs incubated so birds hopefully assured. We all will just have to hope the 5 govt tests can be met to relax the lockdown in time for sept..or oct.
  7. Well. Said indeed we must just keep always within the law..dont be afraid to do your utmost to support all the shooting orgs and game farmer as well as our local hard pressed farmer..Im rearing my stock of partridge and pheasant for this season..if we cannot shoot as virus still dictates lockdown then will keep feeding till virus has past..most cannot do that though...so support them ..basc..countryside orgs. Giving up ...plays into WJs hands..to them ...one less is a victory..
  8. Thanx will pass that on as i have had several offers to shoot here..but we are a very private family estate .
  9. can anyone from north yorkshire please tell us if the north yorkshire police can issue a letter or give an ID number in orger to help farm crop protection as travel restrictions are in place and shooting is NOT classed as an allowed activity. It is just leisure activity as is fishing...Do. North Yorkshire do this.Has anyone applied??
  10. Canada as well as greylag can be also classed as vermin under some council local authority bye laws agreed if you were a twitcher as is packham then they are both as are duck......waterfowl..local council bye laws may decide on the following (as they have done here by the way)...shooting removal of eggs.... destruction of nests .. or as we do give em here a No BB shot well placed. It is the into the chiller with the game a semi auto can be used or even a single barrell. I also have shot canada with my 16 and 12 bore shotguns and feeding on waste maise with my old 247 rifle.
  11. NO you can until that date july 31 ..this will change for the trial license period in june (july was written to allow for the consultation talks ) defra decided to do with all parties when wild justice emerged to stop shooting defra made july 31st as a stop gap date but during talks it agreed on june and all parties agreed .to keep them the same but defra add 3 new parts as stated ..... so june will see a trial of all the GLs until january 2021 then become law if they work to all parties liking ... So xmas day....you can stuff and eat one...put roast spuds carrot peas and if in yorkshire. Yorkshire puddings on the plate a Glass of red ..and xmas pud after.. Mmmmm now thats worth waiting in a wet bog hole till a skeen comes by ...then shout packham and boom and a well placed STEEL shot taken eh? Dont forget to...... pick the empty case up..please.
  12. Shaun The way to go is at the moment under the GL you do not have to apply for a license to destroy the geese provided the owner of the pond or the person(s) who holds the sporting rights give you or any person or person(s) the written right to do so. They are wildfowl and can not be sold but can be eaten they can be pests so are on the general license the landowner or in your case the pond and pond side field owner if it is the club can give you permission if public health is at risk or damage done to joining farm crops pond life is debated in many other quarters .but public health is not it is a fact. Geese c++p is health risk due to geese fly all over flying to other climates and countries so we do not know where they have been hence you cannot sell then for public health issues. Funny though you can eat them yourself ..family sunday roast. Christmas dinner. Yes if you are given the right to do so by the owner or club officials you can if they agree they cause danger to public health the trent area is full of them around the river they follow it to the bird reserves along there..be sure you are not near one of them bird watchers may report you..check also with local bye laws make sure you have the right to shoot under the GL some local bye laws forbid shooting in certain areas etc check them before you do.. I have shot in the north east in july with friends for a council as they c++ped all over a public park area so they can be shot as vermin pests to crops and public health issues as said danger to pond life ??? Debatable .good luck but check
  13. Defra is flying in pickers from Romania starting next week 500per day..virus free straight to the farms for isolation in mobile homes so crops picked and dispatched ok
  14. Quite right that comment was made by packham on tv and social media adds to that look at you tube see the shooting videos ..look at the idiots acting dangerous with guns. Then we have murders..drive by city shootings insane holders who have been genuine upholders of the law..just lost temp control..we all must stay calm keep legal and show the public we can shoot fair and square within the law..I know that our shooting vermin and the woodie over farm food crops will survive intact in the coming June trial if the coronvirus legislation is relaxed . But it could be changed by the idiots who dont care for real sportsmanship then it could be only farmers and landowners who can hold firearms then where would most of pigeon watch members be?? God forbid this would happen... But newscasts and newspapers carry shooting each day.. How long before enough is enough the public cry
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