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Everything posted by Maidment78

  1. I was usless too to start with but time patience and a good recipie for stew for the botch jobs did for me, moving on to deer now so that will be a new test. Good luck, be patient and take your time.
  2. Hi all, Just managed to get the wife to ok a new car but can not afford to run 2 4x4's so the trooper has to go. She is a 2001 LWB Citation 3ltr TD Just had the injectors done and a few other bits to boot, very tidy and very good nick. Virtually new General Grabber AT's just been fitted. Just over 100k on the clock and a 51plate If you are interested shout and I will email some photos over. Looking for £3k as that is what the garage offered to part ex but would rather sell it to someone at a low price that let the garage make the money on her. Oh she is very pale gold/silver in colour
  3. Been able to shoot two in lose earth with the air rifle, could a lot through traps and even managed to try a new method where you stick a kids hand held windmill thing in the ground, when it moves the sneak up and garden fork in the ground does the trick, but to be honest it is a lot of faffing about, traps work best for me and my lawn.
  4. That is a lot of magpies! Well done, farmer must love you for that lot.
  5. The fine would be bad but think of the issue they will have with their sgc if convicted,,,,
  6. Thanks guys, my previous best was just over twenty, I was so pleased with myself yesterday, now I look like a scene out of a horror movie, I have filled the freezer and even the dog is sick of pigeon feathers, really going to have so sell some or give them away next time, that was just ridiculous.
  7. Well done, she sounds like a real tinker, enjoy.
  8. Just come back from a super day on the rape, went to do a little DIY at the farm but no one turned up as it was raining so at 10am when the rain stopped I went for a wonder and saw the farmer topping the rape. I asked what he was up to and apparently the new farm hand got the mix wrong on the spray and killed it. (100 acres) So off to the car and set up under a nice old oak tree that is in the middle of the field and waited, farmer was still cutting about 200 yrds up the other end of the field but it did not seem to make any difference and for the first time this year the birds came into the pattern like they were on rails, bird every 2-3 mins for about 2 hrs then slowed down. I missed a stupid amount for which I bow my head in shame and will be off to the clay ground I feel but managed to bag 86 pigeons and 12 crows by the end of the session which is a major pesonal best and decided to stop there as I was shooting so poorly I did not deserve the extra two. Left the phone at home so missed the chance for a photo but a great day and when I was leaving the farmer told me he will be ploughing tomorrow and drilling again Tuesday so I have a feeling it will be a busy week on the field.
  9. Remember it is the tosspots that cause trouble though, so even if they are a total **** try and bite your tounge, All the above is fiar game but the law is very wolly so people will poke holes at it where they can and this just goes down badly with the general public when they hear about people killing poor fluffy cute innocent harmless animals for fun. Next thing you hear is gun totting mad men in the country side killing swans by the time the press finish with it. The farm I am on tomorrow has a huge crop of clover this year but then it is so tall pigeons will get lost if they land in it.
  10. Good shooting, love the hide, lost as to where the roof ends! Top work.
  11. That is the point though, the words judge and flatter trag on a sub 12ft lb is key as with the general lack of power you have to hit head shot or no clean kill. I used to swear blind the .22 was the better but then I tried the .177 and that was that. I know I know it is the shooter that holds the key to shooting but I personally prefer to go for the .177 so I would say try both, then make you choice as at the end of the day if you have confidence in the gun the rest is easy! And I totally agree, the .22 does impart enegy better but then .177 in the head still makes them jump a little and I find tissue damage from the .177 far more agressive, now that is just me but someone might know the reason.
  12. If I had to choose one sub 12ftlb aire then I would go .177 PCP zeroed at 30 yrds. Only issue with this is ratting you can get an over penetration issue but only if you miss the head,,,,
  13. Get down the clay ground, if you have little experiance with moving targets with a shotgun then it is really hard to learn on your own in the field as the targets are fast and random in most cases. I would get on the learner clay stand where the clay goes nice and easy, stops in the air then falls back, if you can take a friend who shots even better as they will tell you (if you miss) where and why and also correct any stance issues, really important to get the basics nailed first or you will pck up really bad habbits like I did and it is a lot harder to fix after you start. Also if you are a rifle shooter then practice is even more important as us rifle boys are really good at aiming and this really does not help when shooting a bird in the sky. Enjoy though, do your home work on the land, take it slow, and remember we all miss every now and then,,,,,
  14. Practice will not help, he only has one eye and it is always looking the wrong way,,,, Will give you a lesson on monday, loser buys the beer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  15. The lord smiles on me today, they have just ploughed and drilled the field at the end of my garden for cover crop, I will be waking up, full fry up, walk 20 yards to the shed, get decoys out, set up, have lunch delivered by loving wife and see what happens, had a good flock of crows late today so managed a few that I will use as decoys and also set up 10+ pigeon and a magpie to finish the set up off then see what happens. Might have to walk back to the house every now and then for a cuppa. Life is sometimes very hard,,,,,,,,,,
  16. This time of year the shotgun is just not needed and extra weight so leave it at home, saves time,,,
  17. Welcolm to the forum! Ps you can bring the food on the next trip ather than eat all of mine!
  18. Just sorting out the holiday let when the wife shouts that we have been invaded by a monster. Think it is a hawk moth but I am no expert, very friendly and I measured her at 80mm across
  19. Hedge Monkey! That is the best bit, get some time to catch up on sleep and chill out,,,,,,,,,
  20. Well, that was a brilliant day, only 10 birds in all, 2 crow, rook and some pigeon but superb weather and there was a buzzard who decided that one of my deeks was lunch, hit the bird (plastic) then look very upset and flew to the branch 10ft above my head and sat there for a while. Great to watch. Carts, they were supurb, very low kick but I was using a 8 shot semi and it does not really kick anyway but smooth, clean kills out to 45 yards for one bird on 1/2 choke so all in all I was pleased, bright colour casing did make it easier to find the spent carts in the grass so that too was a plus. The debate for game or clay, and shot size will rage for some time I am sure but I for one rate these as being good.
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