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Everything posted by Maidment78

  1. Would it just be easier to buy a second cabinet?
  2. Yes, I think I may have had a full on strop and walked off but that's just me.
  3. I have the PES on my T3 Hunter .243 and love it, slim so I can use low mounts, and does not mess up the balance of the gun.
  4. Can not see an issue myself, police approved cabinet, bolted to a structural wall out of sight is job done. All down to your profile and interview now! Good luck.
  5. I use cross man premiere, .177 rated at 17ft lbs and they are very consistent and hold together well.
  6. That really does not look good. I am not that great on air guns but what would you use it for?
  7. Non ejector on clays are great, less fuss, rough shooting no issue either as plenty of time to reload. Full on driven day, 100+ birds you might have one or two times when you are slowed but I love mine and always use it on driven days. Just my thought.
  8. Grandad owned a farm in Devon, dad got me a .410 three shot bolt action when I was 8 and let me loose on the rabbits and pigeons and have been shooting ever since, going to be getting my little girl a .410 as soon as she can lift a gun, she is 1 year at the moment but not long now!
  9. I let the land owner know every time I am out to make sure I am not in his way and also that I know where his staff are. Would never have thought to let anyone else know, not even the wife most of the time,,,,,,
  10. I find a shot magpie is a fantastic decoy. Trick is to find their patch as they patrol all day.
  11. Come on guys, look at the title and read the words, this is a young lad that is on a forum and thought this might get him some respect but ended up going horibly wrong. Airgun open sights barn clearence, no issues if you can consistanly shoot a target at 15-20 yrds to allow head shots. We all get the occasional non kill shots and it is all about clearing up and minimising suffering so learn how to dispatch a wounded animal be it fur or feather and practice this on an animial you have already killed so you know what to do in real life as and when it happens. Lastly, yes the post title was very poor, take note and next post remember we are all at different levels of knowledge here and for the most part be honest and people will help. We all shoot, this means killing things but repsecting the quarry is the number one rule here. Good luck and do not give up!
  12. Getting cold, these look seriously warm. Any suggestions as to where to get a good one? (never been into brands so good quality but not wanting to sell my house to get one)
  13. Sent off for my .243 variation, 3 days later got a call, next day was interviewed and a week after that the ticket was back in my pocket plus the mod so very happy indeed. That was the Hampshire boys.
  14. Love my SxS for clays, I will never win comps but my avaerage is about the same if not better with the Sxs as it just feels so much better to shoot with. Also having damascus barrels it looks great too! I also use a 16 bore SxS hammer gun, getting use to the second shot took a while with the first hammer up as it sometimes gets in the sight picture but again when you get used to it it is fine.
  15. If I am honest and I never am I would say between 50 - 70% depending on how I am feeling on the day, seem to have better days in really windy weather for some reason and never do well on the right to left, think it is something to do with the earths rotation,,,
  16. Maidment78


    Never had any luck using a trap but baited the loft for the last month, know I have done well as every week or so the glut of flies give it away.....
  17. Used to care, these days not too fussed, I get mine delivered from Virgin and have never had a bad bottle, and there have been a few. There is the whole eco consideration regarding cork production but as regards to the taste of the wine that is only a few seasons old there is very little to tell.
  18. Love these posts, make me realise my life is not so bad after all. Ps my Hatsan is great, never jammed, never missed, never put away dirty. Like all shotguns, try it, like it, buy it. SIMPLES!
  19. Spot on! Really pleased to hear it is not a major one. Just read all the posts from the start and it really has made my night.
  20. Good luck tomorrow, though from a man 23 years on from having 6 months you sound like you are a tough old ***.
  21. 73% posh wife, god help me.....
  22. I have one and mostly use it in the hide, though on the ticket it states any vermin so rabbit is also allowed, some areas do not like the idea of them for rabbit shooting though. Need more then 3? no, like more than 3, yes, used more than 3, few times but not alot.
  23. Totally agree with Vipa. It's all in the timing.
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