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Everything posted by Maidment78

  1. Morning, Just a heads up really, birds now coming in hard on the rape seed and rooks and for some reason coming in really hard in huge flocks on the corn. Not seen that before so is it normal? Tend to be active first thing, then quiet between 11-2 then hitting hard again later in the day. Roll on Sunday as wife has given me a day pass for being good,,,
  2. Are you talking about the magazine feed spring? I have one from a beretta fitted to my hatsan, compared to the factory fit it is marginally better and give a slightly better feel to the gun (though like most things this is probably all in my head but I like to think it does)
  3. Are the tomatoes really expensive like the coffee that pass through monkeys and then sell for £80 a cup in city coffee shops?
  4. I am with Alex, I used to work in a waste recycling plant when I was a college, there were a few waste products we had to deal with, sweet corn was a big one, and the processed waste was sold on to farmers as a fertiliser, thing is it is so processed by the time it is on a field in a heap it is really just rotten organic matter but I would not want to climb on it,,, Sorry Dave-G but they are not joking on this one.
  5. will give it a go tomorrow with the tester and see what the diff is, just suprised me thats all, does anyone find that after the first shot anything stays about then comes in to allow a second or is it just a one shot and leave? Not deer as to be frank more than one would be a pain to carry but was more thinking of foxing. (which I will be doing Wednesday night all going well)
  6. Morning, Daft question ime from me again. I have just got my .243 and used it for the first time on Sat, brilliant, love it and far lighter than I thought it would be. Question is how quiet should it be with a moderator? I ended up going for a PES unit as it was slim and stainless and I do shoot in horrid weather so did not want it to rust out, been using 17 and 22 for a while and they are seriously quiet so when i pulled with the 243 I was not expecting the amount of sound that came out, no kick just a bang. I have a noise meter here so will go and compare but it was quite a bit. Paul.
  7. Saw two boxing yesterday, magnificent sight, bit like deer rutting, time and a place for all really. Sum up the post, 12ftlb air probably not the best idea on hare unless absolutely needed rabbits not a worry.
  8. Thanks guys, Showed the wife some photos and to my suprise she said it was a very pretty thing. Think that might be sort of an ok you can have it sort of thing. Will do some reading up and let yo know how I get on, Paul.
  9. I was in the shop today wit a friend who has just bought his first gun, I tagged along to give moral support as he has sod all idea what was going on (like I do) and was woried he would make a **** of himself or buy the wrong thing, anyway, he got a lovely new toy, all the bits and did not shut up all the wat home so off out tomorrow to use it. However, while I was there I was having a nose about like you do and happened apon a corner with some good old english side by side guns and was considering what parts my wife would cut off when I then saw a stunning gun with damascus barrels, it was a hammer but took modern carts I believe and was stunning, more than stunning, it was beyond words, issue was the stock was a little short at 14" 1/4 but not massively out. It was not cheap, in fact it was very far the other side of not cheap but looked so good and I have not used the credit card for such a long time. I am genuinly tempted but did the sensible thing and left, question is, is there anyone on here that really knows about these guns and what should I look out for, should I leave well alone and continue to use my O/U that is very well fitted and well made or is there a place for one of these guns still?
  10. I shoot rabbits all the time with my PCP, I choose not to shoot hares though as they are much bigger and tougher beasts but that is a personal choice.
  11. It is good fun, he clearly has experience with a rifle but it is experience shooting and dealing with shot deer that counts, I have mentor condition on mine and to be honest I think it is a must if you do not have the skills like myself so FLO will make the call. DSC1 course will normally clear it though, but not mandatory.
  12. They are all in my garden at the moment eating organic bread that my wife puts out, it has got so bad they are leaving the cover crop that was planted a couple of weeks back and just live at mine permanently and to top it off I have been told my garden is a designated gun free zone.
  13. I am a newbie to this site so not had a chance to hear from you before but sounds like you really have had a challenging time, puts life in to perspective. Good to hear you are coping with it all though and it sounds like you and Trix must be a good team working through this lot.
  14. Forgot to mention a live trap not leathal, Chicken, well all poults are dumb really, would be a shame to get it wrong. But if your there with a gun then all the better, let us know how you get on.
  15. I doubt fox, we have had a few fox kills in the past and it is like a slaughter house and nothing is left, I would put money on a stoat. Do you have anyone with a trap you could leave by the existing hole?
  16. Put me down as a secound if Mr Elvis does not want it,,,
  17. Just got 2,000 32g clear pigeon #6 as they are 70mm length so cycle in my semi, damn fine so far!
  18. People have mentioned getting names on shirts, there are loads of companies that do this, I use a local company in Andover called Stitch A Logo, only a few quid and looks good (They make all my staff uniforms for me), just make sure if it is a waterproof you get it taped as it will leak if you don't/
  19. oh and it is fitted with an extra silencer due to the very load rimfire like crack you get from her now she is uprated.
  20. It is a daystate Mk3 .77 with a leopold scope FAC rated to 17ftlb with crossman premier pellets sat on a very sexy walnut and cherry thumbhole stock, zero at 38 yrds so needed a little holdover her to get the head shots. Was up there again yesterday and managed to fall off the bails in front of the farmer who then asked me in a very serious way 'no quicker way to get down, less painful but not quicker' then walked off. Good news was I landed on my **** with the gun over where I left her on the rack so I was quite pleased that I managed to demonstrate safe gun handling while falling off something like a plank.
  21. Possition in barn looking down,
  22. Managed to get out for a bit today so headed off to the farm in wilts area for a change to see what was about. Weather was meant to be bad so was not expecting a huge day. Arrived at the farm a 7am and had a walk around to see a large flock of rooks on one of the fields used for grazing, (100+) and also further up the track there are two fields of Clover that had by the look of things been cut in the last day or so and had a good head of pigeon on each. Decided to try for the pigeon first so after about 30 mins of try to work out where the birds were coming from, decided that they were dropping in from three points and the the top left of the right hand field would be a fair bet. Rain was starting so I had brought my fishing umbrella with me to see if it would be any good and if the birds would mind it so using the brolly as a backstop in some hawth I built the hide around it and then set out the deeks. I have to say with the brolly stopping the wind and providing cover from the rain it was seriously comfy in there and I will definitely be doing it again as the birds made no sign of having any issues with it flying in to 15 yrds from the hide so brilliant discovery. Also kept the wind off my back and stopped the hide netting flapping about. I did have to pin it down and tie it off against the tree or it may have flown away but worth the effort and extra weigh carrying it. Birds came in from 8am fast and I managed a few from the start but I have been using my OU a lot and going back to the semi was hard and my aim was really off, stock seems to be slightly out and I am pointing a little high but by the end of the day I had it nailed. Birds came in every 5 - 10 mins and followed the pattern to a inch, I set up a standard horse shoe about 25 yrds from the hide going out to 45 yrds with the opening at around 35 yrds ish, flapper on my right looking at it and a bouncer just behind. I had to move the bouncer though as although it brought the birds in well they all landed 5 yards to the right and outside the horseshoe, moved it to the left of the pattern and they came into the u shape perfectly. by about 1pm I called it a day and wandered back to the farm to use the air rifle for a bit and set up on top of straw bales in the barn about 30 feet up looking down on a much heap, perfect ambush point and managed to knock down a further 7 pigeons, 1 crow and a mag in 45 mins before I had to leave. Total bag for the day was 21 pigeons on the shot with 15 picked (how I lost so many in the hedge amazed me. 7 pigeon air 2 mags and a crow so I was happy.
  23. No need, sold her at the weekend.
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