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dodgy dave

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About dodgy dave

  • Birthday March 24

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  • Gender
  • From
    the wash
  • Interests
    wildfowling pigeon shooting fly fishing beating

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  1. thats where my inlaws are a place called pen i come from a place called lee common
  2. i think it did ditchman what about the ginger spice and all the other depravements
  3. yes and the ole man comes in and him say oh no not ******* beans again
  4. never new there was 57 variates of farts (see how i copied your spelling and got it wrong)
  5. if you know stuff well answer me this who puts the farts in baked beans?
  6. yea thanks for that ive had it for forty years never done anything with it oil and grease wise i need a good kick up the jacksy used to use it the mower and log saw then i bought massey ferguson 165 and put it on a new mower they call them toppers now i wiil just use the little fergi now for carting weeds and rubbish on a trailer the 165 is ok but there a job to get in and out the off. the peddles get in the way.if you go out backwards and find the footrest its ok but if you jump it jars you all over i ended on me jacksy the other day sat leaning against the back wheel im glad nobody saw me
  7. some of the magistrates are all right been before them a few times mostly for not paying my nhs stamp in the 1980s when there were no work i paid all that money and now ive been waiting 4 years for an operation but lets not go into that
  8. thanks for that i was wondering if i could put a cup of diesil on the first drain down and fresh waste oil in the second its a fergi grey gold by the way very good starter
  9. ihave just pulled an old tractor out of the brambles its been there for 8 years that i know off it started within 60 secs on the diesil that was in it i checked the oil and it was like tar is there an additive i can put in it that will thin the oil that so i can drain it or what else can i do
  10. now now dont talk about the war
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