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  • Birthday 08/09/1955

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  1. Have a look on YOU TUBE loads of vids on the cheap pumps and rebuilding them. Aliexpress.com had an offer on them £23.00 free p&p. All staineless steel. Last week.
  2. To everyone asking about getting parts. ALIEXPRESS.COM Do a full range of parts from gaskets. O rings. to Pistons. All very cheap. I am thinking of getting one. I have two Cylinders that are both out of date now. And need Hydraulic testing and filling so there will be no change out of £100 thats half the price of a 300 bar Compressor. Theres loads of vids on YOU TUBE on rebuilding and using them. Has someone as already said keeping then cool is the best like using ice water to keep it cool.
  3. The early Walther RM8 is an Unregulated Rifle and will have a sweet spot where it shoots at full power. The spec on the Riflle is 150 shots in .177 and 170 shots in .22 from a 232 bar fill. But you will get around 80 to 100 shots at full power.You need to find the Rifles sweet spot. (ie) What power is it shooting at what Bar. I have a few Unregulated Rifles Logun Pro. Daystate Huntsman. Falcon FN19. All say fill to 200 bar. At 200 Bar they are well down on power. The Logun at 200 bar is shooting at 6.5 Ft lb. 190 Bar =8.7 ft lb. 180 Bar =10. ft lb 170 bar down to 80 Bar it shoots at 11.7 ft lb. So the sweet spot is 170 down to 80 Bar. You can have a Regulator fitted so all your shots are at the same power. You could do with a cheap Chronograph around £40 to check it`s power at what Bar. I have just been reading that since early 2017 That Walther have been fitting a regulator to the RM 8 has standard to get rid of a power curve sweet spot problem. Good luck. Russ.
  4. It looks like a TITAN MCO 10. To me. Titan the Company was bought out by Falcon to get there hands on Titan Gunsmiths designs. Falcon renamed the Titan MCO 10 to the Falcon FN19. The gun was outstanding and still is. It did very well in HFT and FT has it was so accurate. You will find it deadly accurate and get around 70 to 80 full power shots out of a 200 bar fill. I still have one in .22. I have had it over 25 years and is fitted with night vision for Ratting. Love the gun and would never part with it. Mc Avoys Gunsmiths Standish. Had a Titan MCO10 in FAC doing 25 ft lbs for £250 i was very tempted.
  5. I WILL SECOND THAT. There was a second hand one going a few weeks ago. Rifle & Bag & 3x9x50 scope & Bottle. £350. Bargain.
  6. I used to deliver for Europarts and i dropped that stuff of at a few Garages. Around £25 to £30 a bottle. I asked a few of them weeks later if it worked. And they all said Surprisingly YES.
  7. What make is the pump. How old is it. And what is it`s top Bar or PSI. Where abouts are you. Any idea how much it is to post it.
  8. Aldi are selling 2.5kg bag of dog biscuits like chum mixer for 79p. Great floaters for surface fishing for Carp.
  9. Just a heads up Aldi are doing 2.5kg of Dog biscuits for 79p. Great floaters for carp.
  10. Have a look on Gumtree. Manchester but may post. Put on today. Stainless Steel Lug Worm Rag Worm Bait pump mint cont. Gumtree Add Number 1184095098. Tel Number 07899034802.
  11. There`s a bargain on Ebay at the moment 86 left. Ebay item number 291154318956. Expander pellet pump. You get 2 x Vacuum Containers 1 x 400ml. 1 x 700ml. 1 x Pump. For £3.99. Free p&p I use mine for Expander pellets. Boilies. And small feeder pellets. And sucking extra flavour into the pellets. All the vac pump dose is suck some air out of the pellets and pull water or flavour into the pellets so they sink. This makes them softer so you can hook them direct. Or Hair Rig them. I use pellet bands a lot. Better Presentation. I have just seen some of your old post and what you are looking for is a suction pump for sandworms ect. For sea fishing bait. They are like a bike pump. Stainless steel is the best but expensive. The problem is every time you suck a sandworm up you suck a load of sand up has well. Very abrasive and will damage seals. You have to keep washing the pump out with water to try and wash the sand out. Tight lines.
  12. Have a look on Youtube. There`s loads on there catching carp with fly`s. Fly fishing for carp. Tying a bread fly like floating bread using white foam. Very easy fly to make. Great fun catching carp with a fly rod.
  13. I use .25 cal for Ratting. Very hard hitting stops them dead. Excellent for close range work. There`s loads of .25 cal pellets now. I have .22 and .177 as well but for barns and pig pens i like the .25 cal best. .25 Cal do drop of badly after 30 yds. RWS are doing Hollow points. Superdomes. Pointed. Have a look at. www.airgunpellet.co.uk www.pelletperfect.co.uk
  14. All you need is a 12v 500mA trickle charger loads on ebay for £5.00. If the battery is flat 12V - 7AH 14 hour charge. ie 2 hours charge per AH.
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