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Everything posted by old'un

  1. I find Lab’s easer to train and there are smaller breeds of lab out there, I have had a number of dogs over the years, mostly spaniels, never found them hard to train to-be steady at the peg or in the hide, all down to breeding and most importantly training, although I did have one spaniel that was a bid of a headcase, me and him were always falling out.
  2. Always use a fishing brolly when its raining, a bitter wind or shooting blacks. Pictures below, pigeon shooting and it was a bitterly cold wind but the brolly helped keep the wind off my back.
  3. Yep, nice day, well done in getting out and shooting a few, dog looks happy with the results.
  4. Yes I have noticed that on a lot of posts, not just adverts, and another thing the site seems a bit slow in loading pages….or is it just me?
  5. He needs them with all the cooking he does.
  6. The wife loves pasta but I am not a fan, must say the photography and lighting look very professional, like something out of a glossy food mag.
  7. You forgot the most important part of repainting pigeon decoys….the eyes.
  8. Careful you might be feeding the “Troll”
  9. You are right of course but the police see it differently. How's that possible?
  10. Wasn't statutory guidance issued by the gov?, see 2.54 down….https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/statutory-guidance-for-police-on-firearms-licensing/statutory-guidance-for-chief-officers-of-police-on-firearms-licensing-accessible-version-from-1-november-2021 That's if the police listen and act when abuse is reported..https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68786745
  11. Most things gun related are disappearing fast, an old mate (retired now) used to do checkering for the Birmingham gun trade, towards the end of his working days he used to make his own as he found it difficult to find checkering tools and of decent quality. Some really talented people here, most are USA but even they seem to-be struggling to find checkering tools….https://www.facebook.com/groups/832682070080205/posts/5372080636140303/
  12. Brownells was the place for checkering tools but they never seem to have any in stock now, as Old Boggy says it looks like the only other place that seem to have any is Peter Dyson...https://www.peterdyson.co.uk/acatalog/CHEQUERING_TOOLS.html
  13. Blimey, 116 years old, think they only started manufacturing the A5 in 1902?
  14. Ok thanks, does the file open or download?
  15. Came across this whilst looking for some info on a mates gun, it maybe of some help or interest to someone. Seems you cannot see/download this PDF file unless you are signed in, can someone tell me what they are seeing and if they can download the PDF, thanks serialization-date of manufacture.pdf
  16. 2.5 years? I would be banging on the door well before that, a SGC maybe a privilege as they call it but you are paying for a service.
  17. Steve try this. One jar of Sharwoods Kung Po sauce, good hand full of finely chop onion, whole cucumber sliced on mandolin, about 2mm thick, half a teaspoon of garlic and ginger paste (comes in squeezy tube) corn flour to thicken. Cut meat into bite size pieces (we use chicken) put peanut oil in woke and get it almost smoking, put chicken in and cover woke (stops oil covering hob) cook for about 2 mins turning chicken as you go, then put chopped onion in stir fry for 2 min then add sliced cucumber, garlic and ginger, stir fry 2 min then add the Kung Po sauce, stir fry and heat for another 2 or 3 min, we like our cucumber al-dente. Tip, we use the whole jar as we like plenty of sauce but you do get a little water from the cucumber so I use some corn flour to thicken to our liking, serve with noddles, rice or chips, we like chips.
  18. I know someone (gun owner) whose relationship with his wife as been a bit fiery over the years (not physical) but they are still together after 40+ years, she is anti gun but tolerates his hobby, if it were up to her there would be no guns in their house, she only needs to hint during the interview that she is not happy about him having guns in the house and he could be facing some serous questions from his FEO. If they open this up to other members of your family, as suggested, one wrong word from any of them could put you at risk of having your ticket suspended or worse losing your ticket or refusal of grant.
  19. We had this last night mixed with onion and very thinly sliced cucumber, love it. Did you use Sharwoods Kung Po sauce?
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