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Everything posted by old'un

  1. old'un


    Hi Jonty, I am interested in having a go at this, you say, you have to be accurate with your weights of ingredients so what's the weight of each ingredient for the 1 kilo cure? And where the best place to buy the prague powder#1 thanks
  2. You have another friend…….Google.
  3. See part 11.4….https://library.college.police.uk/docs/homeoffice/Guide-on-Firearms-Licensing-Law-2012-13-Shotgun-Certificate.pdf
  4. Yep, just received my new tax code showing the small increase in my state pension, I also have some income from a private pension which takes me over my tax free amount, so it looks like I will now be liable for tax, which will punch a hole in any state pension increase, give with one hand and take with the other.
  5. No...a friend told me.
  6. 4 dumplings I thought you said in a previous post you were trying to cut down on portions size due to expanding waistline?
  7. Nice bag of pigeons, what crop were you shooting over?
  8. And the morel of the story is…..don't put the battery and cartridges in the same pocket.
  9. Blimey, sorry to hear about your wife Jonty. I am sure she will love what you have done and must say it looks pretty good from here, will you be putting on a plaque or screwing direct to the stable door?
  10. Thats easy.....put less on your plate I was thinking more about being able to manoeuvre the food without it ending up on the table, mind you I guess you could always mop it up off the table with a bit of bread.
  11. think you need a bigger plate.
  12. email the op, Bobjamo@btinternet.com
  13. Try the Ann Summers forum.
  14. Well considering the conditions on Sunday that was a good bag of pigeons, I generally find that at this time of year and those conditions they tend to sit in the trees for hours sunning it up, well done.
  15. yep after tomorrow looks dry all week here, hope your new estate proves positive, what type of shooting you hoping to get from the estate?
  16. yep, lovely day, lets hope it stops dry for a few days, getting fed-up with all this bloody rain.
  17. Your gunsmith checked them over and he as passed them as no damage, your fear of internal damage is, as you say, entirely baseless.
  18. Looks very nice, crinkle cut chips…..going up in the world aren't we. McCain oven chips?
  19. ^^^ This, but I used reduce the width near the trap with 4 pieces of wood screwed/nailed to the sides, this stops them running along the side of the tunnel, they have got to step on the plate to get through. Only time I ever put a base on them is if they are set in the yard on concrete.
  20. When you say unusual catches do you mean none target, other than squirrels and rats?
  21. Is it possibly an age thing? Most of the people I know that have lost the spark are in their 70s, they still go out but do not have the same enthusiasm they once had in their younger years. In my younger years you would be hard put to find anyone as keen as myself, I am now in the 70s category and will admit I no longer cover the same amount of farms I once did, I still try to get out 2 or 3 times a week but now I have no desire to shoot some of the bags I once did, I have the farms and the tools to shoot fox's and rabbits but I cannot remember the last time I shot either. Mind you, with this bloody rain I am finding it difficult to get out, don't do rain any more.
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