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Everything posted by old'un

  1. It always amazes me how little take-up there is on offers of shooting, I cover a fair area, mainly pest control, pigeon shooting being number 1, years ago I would bump into other pigeon shooters regularly but now I might meet another pigeon chaser every 2 or 3 years and most of those are getting on, so where are all the keen young shooters, clay shooting?
  2. Blimey, you got a hotline to the FSB?
  3. yep, that's what we keep going out for, great when it all comes together like that, well done on a nice bag of pigeons, as you say there's a good chance you will get another day out of that field, good luck.
  4. Thread as in the nut and bolt going through the decoys, never mind I will my coat.
  5. simples...male pigeons, right hand thread, females have left hand.
  6. Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has issued a statement claiming that the terrorists involved in the Moscow Crocus City attack were planning to cross the border with Ukraine, and that they had "contacts" on the Ukrainian side.
  7. Nice bag of pigeons for a short session, lofted pigeons work well most of the time, thing is you shot 12 but how many shots did you have?
  8. I think most of us have had a friend or relative taken by this horrible disease, just hope Kate can win the battle.
  9. same here, very little winter sowing due to a wet autumn and what did go in looks very poor, a lot of farmers are looking at spring sowing but talking to a couple of farmers the problem they are facing now is a corn seed shortage and high prices for seed when they find some.
  10. Excellent work .....when making a number of the same item how do you keep them uniform? eye and measuring, profile template? I presume there is no CNC machining involved.
  11. https://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/profile/1082-mel-b3/
  12. yep, as someone said in the comments, complete psycho’s.
  13. if you are saying it was travellers then why would they do that?
  14. Yep, I don't believe this was done by “poachers”
  15. Also the article does not say how the hares and rabbits were killed but if it was running dogs they would have to cover a lot of ground over a number of nights to kill those numbers. They dont say how the kestrel, barn owl, pheasants or deer were killed, were firearm used?
  16. Mr Packham and the antis should look at this long and hard, because if shooting goes poaching will get a lot worse.
  17. You are more than likely correct, only problem is when something like this as the voice of Lolo Williams behind it the damage is already done.
  18. Well if a video of me jerking off appears on PW then all I can say is its a deep fake video.
  19. This is the second email of this type I have received, these people will try anything to get your money, best is I don't have a webcam. Hello, my perverted friend, Unfortunately, the fact that our paths have crossed doesn't mean anything good for you. I have some good news and bad news. I'll start with the bad news. While you were surfing porn sites, I managed to install a spyware using your browser. It has gained access to your webcam, your browser history, and all your devices, not just your computer. This alone wouldn't be a problem if only I wasn't particularly interested in your love of the very controversial genre of pornography. You know what I mean. I saved a backup copy of your webcam and screen recordings as you enjoy jerking off to these videos. The video on the left shows a recording of your screen with the clip, while the one on the right shows you in real time. There is no need to feel sorry for yourself or blame me for the situation. the fault here is yours alone because if you gaze into a dark abyss for too long, this darkness eventually will come knocking at your door. You should even be grateful to fate that I'm the only one who discovered your unhealthy obsession and not your friends, family and colleagues. And this is where I get to the essence of my message - I can easily organize this. Everyone you know, love and cherish, everyone you've spent years building your reputation as a respectable and honorable person in front of, will get a copy of the video of you self-pleasing yourself while watching these controversial videos. All of your email and messengers contacts will get these videos at the same time. You will have nothing left but to move to another city, and perhaps even another country, to get rid of the sick guy trail that will be running behind you. However, this also might not help. As they say, the Internet remembers everything. There's a good chance you will have to deal with the consequences for the rest of your life, despite your efforts to clear your name. Now, as I promised, the good news. I have a win-win solution for both you and me. You regain your old free life and I make a small profit. You should transfer $1340 to my Bitcoin wallet: 17aB5wwDJ6EGdzzMgp3Y5deKCrqe7ga3qR If you are unfamiliar with cryptocurrency, it's simple. Type "crypto exchange" into the search engine and choose the option that suits you. You can think of me as a kind of your life coach because if I didn't show up in your life, you would continue to lead the same destructive lifestyle as before. So I kind of did you a favor, and favors are never free. I must warn you not to do something stupid that you might do due to your lack of experience, such as: ; Contacting law enforcement. I'm untraceable anyway, because cryptocurrencies are anonymous and I have access to all your devices, so as soon as I notice you trying to do something like this, the compromising clips will be made public. ; Negotiating with me by responding to this letter. My demands are ultimatums. I generated this letter using your own email client, therefore it is impossible to contact me! ; Resetting, reinstalling your system or destroying your devices won't help you. I repeat: I have access to them and if I notice such activity, hasta la vista, baby. I wish you all the best and especially get rid of your "interesting" habits. Then you will not only no longer encounter people like me, but you will also be able to reach a new quality level in your self-development. Bye! P.S. A little friendly advice: from now on, take what you do online more seriously.
  20. I see you have cut down on portion size…..or is it just a bigger plate?.
  21. old'un


    Hi Jonty, I am interested in having a go at this, you say, you have to be accurate with your weights of ingredients so what's the weight of each ingredient for the 1 kilo cure? And where the best place to buy the prague powder#1 thanks
  22. You have another friend…….Google.
  23. See part 11.4….https://library.college.police.uk/docs/homeoffice/Guide-on-Firearms-Licensing-Law-2012-13-Shotgun-Certificate.pdf
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