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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. Try some village pubs that do meals, they may be interested
  2. I have seen (IMO) far too much meat damage using fast bullets from say a 243, compared to a 30 cal using 160 grn bullets for example. Which is one of the main reasons i went for a larger cal. We all have a choice to choose whatever cal we are lucky enough to be granted permision for. Hey! just imagine if we all had just the one choice be a boring forum would'nt it. We would all have the ultimate rifle for all occasions. But we dont
  3. Just out of interest to you guys who shoot 243, I have found the meat damage to be far greater than using a larger calibre,ie .30 for example. I can only assume its down to the bullet traveling slower. And as your shooting for the pot surely its got to be more profitable,less waste having less damage due to large ammount of bruising and blood clotts. :unsure: dougy
  4. That Picture crops up all over the place. I swear the picture of the 2 big pigs was shown in the last WI magazine we get through our letter box, In the lonely hearts section advertising for "Mature Women Home Help needed by hairy males" I should of left my camara back at the lodge
  5. Dont waste your money on scales, just use the weight from the container or if no info use the internet for the av weight. Check your setting on the combo chrono it sounds possible you have fluffed up on the set up.If that is all ok then see the shop that changed the seals and tell them to sort it out Get caught with it over the limit and you can kiss any future shooting hobby goodbye, so its worth getting it done by a pro
  6. Yes it does work I have tried loads of other methods too, this was years ago before i could read and write used to spend more time off school than actually at the place, used to fish for them aswell Got caught with a caty a few times by the game keeper in the woods, never got caught with any birds though Dad used to tell me to thank the chap that gave them to me
  7. Nice Tench My PB is only 5lb There's a pit near me that the Carp boys fish quite often, they get the Bream move in on there baited area and the muppets chuck them in the canal just a few yards behind them, thats if the fish are lucky, if there not they get dumped in the bushes. I despise that type of attitude from fishermen,. In my opinion they should have there tackle removed, and not just rods reels ect. If your fishing then you should be thankfull for the fish you catch whatever the species. Please dont take my comments as a knock at you though Mikee.
  8. If your other half is trying to restrict your enjoyment, hobby, sport call it what you will, at this early stage in both of your lives. I would wish you both the very best. You were both attracted to each other for what you are, what you do as individuals, even before your living together she is requesting you change to what she prefers, then she will moan about you not being the person who she met years ago. For goodness sake man grow some testi's.
  9. you will get some damage but only in your wallet you will loose a little MPG
  10. Mine too were getting on the cramped side, and found taking rifles up the stairs unlocking my gun room then my cabinet was a bit noisy for the other 1/2 and also the neighbours (as its a mid terrace)in the early hours after a nights lamping. so i bought another one (bigger) and put my smaller one down stairs, as soon as i get in.i put the rifles in the smalll one down stairs Quick easy and considerate next day they are cleaned then returned tothe upstairs room.
  11. dont bother getting the weak stuff fromthe garden centre its like water, try and find a farmer supplier in your area, its allot better and an awful lot cheaper. Mind you it does come in 5 ltr containers, I think i paid about £30 last time
  12. December I will show them Croatians how to do the job the English way It may take a little longer though
  13. MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm lovely nice rabbit salad with its own Mayo
  14. Doesnt all income need to be included in your total annual income before CGT is calculated, for example if your in full time employment and renting out property, surly its classed as 2 incomes
  15. I used to be for about 28 years been out of it now for about 8 though. Bit far to travel down south though, but it looks as if there are a few meat hackers down there anyway
  16. This is what happens you see, people ask for advice, they then listen to somebody who thinks they knows
  17. Having a shorter barrel does result in a higher degree of unburned, or should i say burning gasses into the chambers of the Sak, being only alli it does erode allot more compared to other mods,I checked mine some years ago after only putting around 1000 through and noticed erosion around the baffles. I ended up changing it for a ASE, after having it on the rifle for nearly 5 years there is no sign of erosion
  18. There's a diesel one near me,its getting on a bit too and to be honest i would rather use a chain saw.
  19. This is some thing that i have disscussed with a few on here before, i miss being in the game and jump at the chance of going back to a job i enjoyed doing for so many years. The venue would need to be local,the price well, fuel for me and the car
  20. If its not ballanced correctly in the first place,or the bearings are shot out. just a guess as i aint no spanner expert
  21. Been loads of posts about the same problem. To solve it stick some insulation tape accross the front of the scope lense about 1/2 inch off the bottom, you will find that will do the trick
  22. I had one some time ago, "security tool bar 7" a neat little trojan, the inventors of these need hanging up by there bits !!! I went through "bleeping computers . com" very helpful
  23. Did you manage to sort it out
  24. You will find some folk will have a pop at some cartridges because they arent "In Vouge" at the time,and can also afford the top price cartridges that AAA class shotters use, thinking it will make them as good, shoot them as suggested make your decision and most of all enjoy the time you spend shooting them
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