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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. Hi most of the above posts are pretty true, and you have some good advice. without sounding repetative stick to boiler room shots side on. Its been said they are easy to skin, well in comparison they are allot more difficult than other deer species, so those that have only done 1/2 a doz in 12 months they have been extremely lucky, or , I get the slight wiff of manure from the comment made !!! I have skinned and butchered ummteen deer carcuses and believe me Munties aint the easiest. Pity you are not any closer i could have given you some tuition. dougy
  2. Are you able to engage the trigger sear when you pull the bolt back ? Have you moved the spring tension screw in ? Is the safety catch in the safe position ? I would suggest removing the bottle before tinkering just in case you have a pellet up the spout its going to be something simple but i cant remember off hand what the cause is likely to be,i have come accros that before but its been a long time since i stripped one
  3. Another one happy chappy here, i bought a 2nd hand 30.06 does what it says on the box only had one fault that was shooter error "the bolt wasnt cleaned" resulted in lost Fallow, nowt came owt the barrel :o dirty firing pin IMO the wood looks pretty good on mine
  4. Thanks for the offer Sparkie , but if i got other folk to sort out fox's on my permisions i wouldn't have any need for a FAC, then i could spend more time in the pub getting drunk getting home some how then ending up falling out with the Mrs. could be very very expensive :yp: . On the other hand i could buy another rifle, a little less expensive So ................ what i'm trying to say is "al4x" your spot on
  5. I all ready have a sako75 in 22.250 just had it rebarreled, i just fancy another, as i got caught out last year, asked to do some foxing and my sako was away for a few weeks, **** law you get a call for help when its impossible.The farmer got a strop on said "i'll get someone else then" i think he was having a bad day. Anyway thats why i'm asking i need another rifle as a spare just in case and could get another 22.250 i have a slot, but i just fancy a change. I have heard some good reports from shooters who have them, not people who want to sell them ie gun shops. (not refering to you jamie g) I remember fister having probs feeding at Bisley 3 years ago, thats why i would rather not go down the BR/PPC line. It will be for the same use as my 22.250, fox and anything smaller. thanks chaps. i think i may be leaning towards the ruger at the mo
  6. Thanks chaps, i will be going for either a sako or tikka action i think, reloading was always on the cards. The BR or PPC were on the list, then knocked off due to not being able to mag feed.
  7. As title who has one and how do they find it I am contemplating a 20 cal and not sure to go down the custom road or not, possibly a .204 Ruger or a 20 Tactical, any views or recomendations. Thanks
  8. If only we were back in the olden days, Aye!!! The talk of treason and speaking badly of the King or Queen "OFF WITH THERE HEADS" there would be a few less ingnoramus's on PW God save the Queen
  9. V max 150 SST/ 57.5grn N160 cci br primer vel 2610fps Deer and Pigs
  10. i have used a recording and yes they do get the attention, good if you want them to move round a tree into site for a shot
  11. In my opinion you will be wasting your money if that is your worry, 17s have little drop between those distances to make enough difference. find out the point blank range. Have a look on the "jbm ballistics" web site and have a play with the zero range of your choice, put in the vital kill zone 1 inch, put in point blank range and it will give you the info you need
  12. If given the choice i would go for a .30, you can load .224 bullets with the use of a sabot, and from 100grn rite up to 220grn for anything you fancy in .30cal I dont think there is another cal you can do that with
  13. on the job 4 times a day or even more,if i was lucky i think that was how i got interested in the rabbit part of shooting
  14. Thats all part of shooting as i stated earlier its not worth the expence having it blue printed there are not many PCP that wont group well out of the box, if there is an accuracy problem its more than likely down to a poor barrel finish ie,a rough crown job. Finding a pellet that shoots well is part and parcel of your rifle there ae no fast rules you just have to find one that suits. Sounds like you have a good marriage there with your pellet rifle combo happy bunny bashing
  15. Will rabbit legs be long enough surley you will need longer legs maybe a fox leg would be 2ft, or really that will only be 1ft so you will need 2 of them. sorry good idea though good bait area for foxy
  16. Dougy


    Its all OK having these hot curry's sweating from your top lip,eyebrows,behind your ears, inside your nose and just about any other place sweat doesnt normally come from, then the following day you really sweat from all the normal places only 10x worse because you bloody know what the feelings going to be once you get on the thrown and do the buisness, its then and only then you wish to the lord all mighty you hadnt have made the silly mistake of ordering the supper hot rubby murry with extra all sorts in it, just to impress your mates, (that will be laughing there pants off cus they know whats going to happen to your bottom eventually) Oh yes i remember it well a self baster and natural yogurt may ease the suffering a little
  17. Is it the same as this one a better picture
  18. Me' i'm a bit of a funny ****** when it comes to that kind of thing. I was in retail for quite some years and allways served customers with a smile and appreciation and thanked them for there custom, something that seems to be a bit of a rare thing these days, if i were you then, simples they dont get my money, if i go into a shop and i get ignored then i walk out. If it was'nt for your money they would soon be out of work. Another hate of mine is the "wonder shop" or magazines printing "POA" yep !! dont bother with then either If they are good on price they will let the whole world know and not keep it a secret
  19. Chuck it get a new one from Curry's £250 jobs a gud un £75 to fix thats %25 of a new one with 3 year warranty
  20. Just read this through twice and gave up trying to understand what the hells going on If your rifle will group 40grn bullets as well as the others you use then go for it,
  21. what exactly are you expecting after the tune, are you have issues, inacuracy problems IMO its not worth the expence for sporting air rifles, and over rated
  22. Must be a good un congratulations, and what were you doing on here at that time last night you should of been getting the bride sorted
  23. Dougy

    London protest

    They are expecting how many 1,000000 thats going to be a laugh, and how many people actualy knew it was taking place well i suppose there will be big signs in the job centers and in the local prayer meeting places so that should get a few
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