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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. Did you manage to sort it out
  2. You will find some folk will have a pop at some cartridges because they arent "In Vouge" at the time,and can also afford the top price cartridges that AAA class shotters use, thinking it will make them as good, shoot them as suggested make your decision and most of all enjoy the time you spend shooting them
  3. For goodness sake it was a joke, your supposed to laugh, not rip it appart for the sake of H&S or what your local "golf club" says whatyou can and cant do. Its given me a great idea for this afternoon, i think i will go shoot some balls of the "Ts" with my 30.06, just for a laugh PS if anyone whats to join me let me know i'll check with the local green keeper see if its ok to bring a mate
  4. Would love to, i could pop down the road and see my Auntie at "Springfield Farm" while i'm in the area Its certianly change from the old "WAGBI" HQ i remember
  5. Ok, sorry a bit early in the morning.The sooner i get off 12 hr nights the better
  6. Those with the lock Stu are not the problem its the pen knife folding type that have caused me to visit A&E, but being honest it was in my younger days, most probably after a few beers Its the index finger that normally gets shortened, by about 2 inches when it happens :o
  7. I posted a picture after shooting a dozen the other night all using HMR all were head shots but 1 which was a high neck shot,there was no damage to the normal useable meat, very little bruising on that particular rabbit. Its quite an accurate little round yes very frangible,there is mess, (if thats the correct word)so its quite easy to just take head shots, so unless your into head eating there shouldnt be any problems Shoot one low shoulder or stomach area and you will end up with a mess
  8. Fixed blade as stated safety wise, its a bit of a bum when you get one fold onto your finger Mora for me too £6.95 from the local. Allthough there is a gerber multi tool in the car for other uses.
  9. Will be ok for any of the above dates,
  10. I quite enjoy reloading, its my escape in life. I can go down to the bottom of the garden in my shed (its actually a purpose built reloading building) full electric, fridge, lights and i even have a wireless in there for 5 live A fridge full of pedi some nice smokes, sit down there and load up some special bullets for the long range rabbits that are a bit on the shy side, (they wont let me get any closer than about 200yds) I enjoy it it gives me great pleasure indeed, nearly as much as reading some posts on here. As you can imagine i have not done much reloading for a while, its quite entertaining listening to reading about the worlds best ever. Seems i have allot to learn yet
  11. Had an invite from a chap at work to shoot some rabbits, apparantly there were loads he says. Well i took my Ruger 17 and 22.250 just in case Fox's showed. Got all sorted went and stood in an old barn under cover from the ligh rain within 10 minutes 1st rabbit about 70-80yds, waited a few minutes for any others to show but ended up with just the one from the barn,. We then went back to the enrance to the farm yard, along the hedge line there were about 6 rabbits out into in the field from a couple of yards to about 10 yards, roughly 150ish yards away,we walked close to the hedge to get a little nearer as the ground was undulating i could see the rabbits as i got near to the ground even with my long legs on the bi pod fully extended. We go to a point that shots could be made so down i got and dropped 3 with out moving position all of which were only 4ft apart, who says HMR spook the whole populaion A further walk down the same hedge row gave us another 8 rabbits so 12 in total for about 1 1/2 hrs. Rain stopped play so ended up in the local for a little refreshment No sign of Mr Fox maybe next time we will improve on the bag
  12. My impression was, the FEO were actually interviewing you to assess your of sound mind and of a good character first ond foremost. Then to ***** your knowledge of your chosen tool and how your going to go about using it. I have had interviews with 4 different FEO's now and each was different, the one that was the biggest pain was the one with the most fire arm knowledge, some of the questions he was asking were verging on the edge of stupidity. He is no longer doing the job. The others were i thought just out for a cup of tea and cake, really freindly chatty and seemed interested as to why i do what i do. It was in fact good interview tactics, allthough at the time i didnt realise it. The last one was round for just under 3 hours, and actually suggested i needed another firearm so swings and roundabouts i think, some are ok while others are a pain
  13. I will try and get in touch, when we have a date, i think miffy has been in touch recently so we will both try and get him out.
  14. Dougy

    cat problem

    by them doing that it makes it legal a tip, they DO NOT like being caught, AT ALL !!!
  15. I will have to get out more its only down the road from me
  16. I 2nd that use the knife only when you start to pull on the flesh then only using it sideways, try not to use a knife with a point on,(more likely to cut through the hide or into the flesh) the rounder the better, they are called either siding knives or skinner's. Using your knuckles or the handle of the knife parting the hide from the flesh using the seams between and using the blade only when the seams ends or its ripping. I may be possible to skin a whole deer in that time if the conditions were good, ie young warm and hung at a decent hight
  17. Sounds a good one Sparkie any range restrictions, will i be able to take my cannons and fire grit at the targets
  18. I was in Enniskilen last week talking to a chap in the sports shop there, he was sure there were going to be changes. Something like a one for one of simalar calibre, example would be a 22rf could be changed for 22 mag or HMR, 22 cf for any other 22 cf but not say a 243 which is he was telling me was deer calibre. Just a matter of wait and see i think
  19. Ok. Again stick to chest shots side on As a beginer like i am i would not advise any other shot ita far larger target and gives more allowance for nerves from the shooter.... Skinning well you skin Roe, Fallow and Munties then get back to me and say which are easier I personaly have skinned more than that including lambs,beef cattle, fox's, squirrels, rabbits of course, plus a few more smaller mammals. end of, me, well i am cool as a cucumber
  20. I have the incedent report office number for my area, i ring them for some of the permissions due to being close to properties and public places. All they ask is what time i will be going and how long roughly will i be, i also ring them when i am done. They have my phone number and if they do get a call from jo public and happen to need to check up, it saves them calling the AR unit and saves me from being put in what can be a very difficult and worring position.
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