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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. you cant tell what colour it is when its dark- - - - - - - - - - silly unless of course its this colour
  2. Oh i understand then, now thats a good enough reason to shoot them but which one was it, the one with grease round its beak
  3. Its brill in it aye !!! i have just had a look along the hedges on some of my permissions to see if any rabbits are about before i go out, i couldnt see many yet so i will look a bit later. Give me chance to have a cuppa and a bite to eat, Will keep looking about every 1/2 hour,, do you think this will be enough time or should i give it a bit longer before i have another look :blink:
  4. And for what reason is it something you "need" to put on your-------- "ive this shot list" just find it hard to understand why you ask in the first place.
  5. i would leave it about 15 mins, if you have another rifle or 2 take them and have some practice while its cooling. I found with the Optilocks when i first mounted them i hadnt tightened them up enough, not as simple as i first thought. I would of thought shooting through a hot barrel your shots would start to string, ie; start to creep one way or another not have fliers here there and every where
  6. it doesnt sound like your reloads, more likely to be a problem with the scope. I have been there myself and i fully understand your frustration, i can only suggest that you start from the basics. Remove the scope and the mounts, then replace ensuring that "ALL" fixing are tight. and then re zero. that is the cheapest and quickest option and hopefully you may sort out the issue What scope do you have, and what mounts
  7. 223 is a good choice for a foxing cal even though i use a 22.250 223 is a bit OTT for a nights bunny bashing but i have gone out (day's) and done a bit of long range bunny bashing head shots are possible at over 200yards with plenty of practice and some good consistant rounds (home loads) If you are doing a one for one on your ticket out of the 2 rifles you have i would choose to get rid of the HMR, reason being you will have a good quiet rifle for rabbits out to 90yards,
  8. 39grn H380 50grn Nosler BT 36.5 grn H380 55grn Nosler BT I have gone onto the 50grn as they are more explosive on impact, both group very well, but i think the 55 grouped better
  9. I cant recomend enough the need to get some very sound advice from an experienced reloader. 1 simple mistake can be disastrous, but dont let it put you off, i have been reloading now for a couple of years, the process itself is rewarding and is another part of the sport that adds that little bit more pleasure knowing that you have hand loaded the bullet hits the mark
  10. I like the sound of you RFD advising you to try both on the clay ground before you part with you cash, there are a few who would be pleased take your money for your first choice. A good choice of make aswell they dont fit all shooters though, (so im told)
  11. Dougy


    Just caught my eye 30.06 I agree that the 308 will do just about all that the 06 will do and more effiecient with regards powder usage, but i had the choice of any 30 calibre and i just happened to choose the 30.06, i am thinking now though i should of gone for a 300 win mag, why??? because its bigger as regards recoil allot depends on what your pushing through it, compare a 110 grain to a 220 grain and you will feel the difference
  12. Be prepared folk its going to be a bit on the muddy side. i may be there Sunday depends how i am after a 12hr night shift.
  13. Are the batteries good, you will notice as they get low it will give the results you are having (mine does anyway) and as said you need to keep it still'ish until its recieved a steady signal back.
  14. Some years ago you were able to get what they called "Eley Bullet Heads" i am sure they stopped making them, Rabbit magnums are still available but not as accurate "Die Sung are still about but again not as good as the olde eley. Ox nato where if i remember about 18grains they were accurate in some but thats normal with most rifles. made of ali they would drill strait through quarry. so not an effiecient pellet, allthough i did have some good bags using them in an old Galaxy. I dont think you will go far wrong using bisley magnums.
  15. go onto "bleeping computers .com" will sort out the prob very good forum extremley helpfull unless anyone else has suggestions, very likely...
  16. swap the mounts over ie; front to back , see if that does any good, where you with them 100% of the time could they have dropped the rifle without you knowing i did that on the range some time ago and bent the scope. that has the same affect impossible to zero. sounds a bit odd being ok one minute then out the next to that extent.
  17. Dougy

    Pellet washing

    I used to wash all my AA field pellets in washing liquid rinse then rinse in a car wax additive then dry in the oven on a very low heat, it did actually increase MV slightly, on average i think it was about 25 fps, But the most important thing was it gave me more confidence with my kit. that is what its all about I was then at the time putting around 8000 pellets through a year down the barrel.
  18. same here that way they can see your actually doing something
  19. Just a thought here! Are the markings more common on the younger ones, it may be that they fade as they mature, I shot 4 cubs last years from the same litter and all were simalar in markings, i have also noticed on other young but not so on more mature fox's say 18 months +
  20. And i bet he got loads of his shot out of the gutter, LOL
  21. Has any one had a smashed window from a passing gritter lorry ( assuming of course it is grit size ) I am sure the grit is heavier than 7.5 shot
  22. Some years back while camping at Weston Park we were in the line of one of the sporting shoots so quite a few cars got showered with shot, not that frequently but still they did get quite a few marks left by the lead, but there was no damage other than that. They have since moved the camp site a bit further away That would of course have been 7.5 shot now if they would have been allot larger then we may have been looking at small indents in the body work but i doubt it would have broken windows
  23. how do they speed up the slow motion shot then :o
  24. 75% of my permisions have given me a copy of field's and boundary's plus i always ring and give an approwimate time of arrival and expected departure time, i have been stopped twice by the police with fire arms, they have been more than happy with the information i have given them with regards to phone numbers and maps. On one of my permisions i ring the police incedent number and they then give me a incedent number incase of a visit, mind you it is on a village sports field. IMO i think its better to cover yourself just in case
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