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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. If it fits it will come out of the other end. The problem you will have will have bearings on the rifle twist with regards to being accurate all to do with Stableizing during flight, google for more info, at work & dont have time sorry Standard twist rates are 1-14 & 1-12 most will be happy with 50-55 grain bullets. if you want a more accurate bullet for range use nosler 55gr bt very good My favorite load was 55gr Noslers 36.5gr h380 fed215 primers.. get your seating depth correct and you well away had problems getting 55gr noslers so changed to 50gr 38.5 h380 not as good but good enough sorry didnt read thought you were reloading still its a little bit of knowledge
  2. Just be aware that the gun dealer may or most probably "will" refuse to exchange if it has had any DIY gun smithing done on it, speaking from experience
  3. will take the noslers if you still have them, just tried to PM but not working at the mo
  4. as said 28 are nice, light and very pointable for the ladies
  5. Well worth the annual subscription IMO You could have gone for 243 for fox and deer also a 30 calibre if you wanted for the larger deer plus anything else;- Wild Boar Less meat damage too all the best with your interview
  6. what size is the bushing die, if you have problems getting the case stuck in the die its another sign of pressure, i am no expert but i could imagine if you had a bushing thats too small it will increase the pressures, does the bolt lift easy or do you find it hard, do you check your scales now and again to check its throwing the correct amount just another thought the brass i am sure will have less capacity that most others, being lapua i am sure its a thicker brass. my bushing are i am sure 47 & 48 & 49
  7. looks like to much stiching to me, the less the better as when they go its normally around the seems, may last a season stone creek a tad more expensive but better quality IMO had mine 4+ years now just for the dryer months
  8. Sak are good at what there supposed to do, after some time though they are prone to errosion from powder burn, depends on the amount it gets used i suppose, but then for £30 its dissposable price.
  9. Get a target (paper) Put it out at 200yards. Put 10 shots all into a 1.5inch group. Post it on here. but then you would need to be honest Then and only then would i believe the calibre is a 200 yard plus tool. Consistantly no !
  10. Dougy

    Slugs and Snails

    Noooo you cant eat them!!! of all the creepy crawlies in the garden the amount of slime they secrete makes me cringe
  11. I set my alarm especially for the occasion; you will have to let us know when you’re on again
  12. Dougy

    Slugs and Snails

    get some sharp sand or course grit they dont like moving over either, just put some around me osta's another tip, but i'm afraid something i cant do any more is shoot them with my air rifle, (sold it) good practice and fun.
  13. Dougy


    I chuckled to one of there beggers not long ago as he knocked on my front door begging for money, he thought i was a tree hugger type as he admired the bronze Squirrel number plaque on the front of my house, he made the fatal mistake asking if i liked squirrels, yes i love them but i havnt shot any for a while, and they were nice on the BBQ He didnt get any money either, all he got was a short sentence on the animal wellfare, releasing fox's about 3 miles from my house, used to be good shooting for the farmer, 120 odd fox's in less than 12 months. plonkers
  14. The problem may have been caused by the choke not being screwed in tightly and wadding being forced behind it after each shot gradually causing constriction eventually being too tight for the shot and wadding resulting in the choke being ripped from the thread. Just a thought. I had one for a while had problems simalar to you, not cycling some rounds, chopped it in for a 22LR
  15. No i dont. At the moment its on a Sako75 22.250. its good enough to handle recoil from any rifle we shoot in this country
  16. If your interested i will be selling an IOR 4 - 14 X 50 (was illuminated) the red dot has given up the ghost hence looking for about 250 for it. The procedes will go towards another. Good scopes i just miss the red dot. wont be for a few weeks though.
  17. Dougy


    i would recomend a scope without parallax adjustment on specially while out lamping. you need to keep it as simple as possible as you will not in most situatons have the time to mess about making adjustments with the scope while the rabbits stay still for you.
  18. Dan you can google and get quite a few agency's that will offer you some decent sport, you will need to look into it though in a bit more depth on a few though. Be aware though some give you a price which is quite competative offer everything then when it comes to the crunch you are being charged for the trophy, which unlike Deer stalking you wont have the time to think about the possible few £100 on top of you origanal cost before you squeeze the trigger. I have not long been looking at shooting Boar in Poland for a change from Croatia the price is about the same but the agency in Poland charge for the trophy and transport to and from the drives, another thing to think about. I suggest you take a look at basswood sporting. wherever you decide to go, it is well,, how can i put it;- some times quite frightening with regards to huge Boar crashing through undergrowth a few feet in front of you , and at other times very peacefull standing waiting listening watching and possibly even smelling for the approach of some huge Boar that could bowl you over as easy as anything. Go for it you will love it, Oh i must add, if you have'nt all ready got a calibre i can reccomend the 30.06
  19. I have an A Bolt in 30.06 very good IMO, Miffy has the A Bolt Delux in 308 he i think is happy with his, so thats 2 more with the same or simalar. No problems with mine, the trigger has been made lighter as it was quite a heavy pull, good light stalking rifle IMO second hand i would expect to pay £280 -£300 ish i will be honest with the feed, i did have issues but have polished the top of the feed quite a bit as the edges were quite square and rough no problems since.
  20. If your in rented then your landlord should get pest control in, sounds like there is an investation nearby. Shoot them in the meantime, keep you entertained while there's football on the box,
  21. Dougy

    FAC Airrifle

    you now have a really good choice out there nowadays. Price is not going to be that much different either, You have the most popular choices such as R7, Air Arms, Daystate, Ripley, BSA they are the most popular for good reasons. Power wise i would stick to around the 30ftlb mark you could stetch to say 36ftlb using AirArms pellets with fairly good results if you go much over that then you will need to go for the more specialised pellets. Shot count will also be a major factor, plus as your aware the charging gear. Its also worth thinking about those with buddy bottles, you could take a spare out in the field with you, but with say the AirArms 410 its not possible. If money was not an issue imy first choice would be a Daystate air ranger around £1000 mark then add to that scope Bi pod and charging gear so total around £1500 or if money was an issue then AirArms 410. R7 very good i had one for 12 years brilliant bit of kit set at 33ftlb
  22. dropped a bit in value didnt it £7 million
  23. Another thing just thought,,, The front site has to be taken off to be able to fit a mod.. But if i was to buy another it would be a HW60j for definate
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