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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. Hey come on no need to be so rude Not everyone has an english degree,there are some people out here less fortunate than youself that may have learning difficulties or just have a mental health problem, Nice photos pigeon shooter76, and a nice story
  2. i cannot agree more, i wasted £30 + on a cheap set. if like you say £50 is your top budget get some beam scales or save some more money,
  3. A great shame that Stu But still a good Boar any way it was nice to see you break your duck ..i reckon the one that went between Mung and myself could have been something too it looked a big ******
  4. And could cost in the region of £500,000 to get back into service, the bill i would pass on to the remaing scum bags that were involved.
  5. I think you should all go for petrol, I think everyone in the country should go for petrol cars , then maybe the government would drop the price of deisel, then i would be better off :unsure:
  6. Dougy

    Swine Flu

    The only correct diagnosis would be from a blood test. Not a short phone call to some possible agency worker reading from a list of symptoms that could be from anything from Pneumonia to a runny nose. Nothing short really of folk just dossing and taking there sick leave as art of there annual leave entiltlement, i say sack em
  7. Malted or Blended ? I wouldnt be that fussy, any gift is a better offer than no gift at all I treat all my permisions,but at the mo i,m having problems sorting out some nice pipe tabbaco for one of them, the shop in Town that sold all stuff like that has closed.
  8. Dougy


    Will you be taking your rifle with you Just a thought You could have a nice weekend Boar shooting in Croatia
  9. All i can say is check out the different bullet weights available for each callibre, I have 30.06 so i would say that callibre i know i can load from 110 grain up to 240 if needed, thats a very good choice IMO, i dont know why the wise old man said not to go for a 30.06, would be worth knowing it may help. Difference in recoil :blink: allot depends on the round i think and yourself its not like your bunny bashing popping off round after round so it doesnt bother me personaly. just Wikipedia it have a look and take your pick.
  10. i didnt see any where were they :blink: i must have been a good boy :blink: mind you i was a bit under the weather. i did notice Mrs plastic puppies though with the peroxide waves.
  11. Mrs Sweepy, now i'm not saying your not "fit" not at all !!! But i can tell you and many others, those beaters are bloody amazing you need to see the tarain they walk up down and through. Its hard enough for the guns, and they have the easy bit at times even get dropped off by vehicle. I for one would not change places with those beaters, But there again Mrs Sweepy i am sure you would get plenty of assistance going up and down those big hills :blink:
  12. You would be very lucky to get a shot at a standing Boar,by standing it depends on how long you mean 2 seconds 5 seconds??? that aint long when you take all into account. 1st you see it 2nd check target 3rd you start to mount 4th IS IT A SAFE SHOT 5th aim and shoot It does happen when they are thinking which way to go, then decision made, there off like a rocket, and boy can they shift when they want to. there are allot of views obscured by thick cover as allready stated but occasionly you get the chance to see a fair way infront without obstuctions As for a dog getting shot not on our trip last year, I think one was killed by a Boar (about 50yards infront of my peg) if not 2 not sure about the outcome fromthe one that got taken to the vets
  13. Dougy


    exellent rifle, they have been around for a very long time, and are sort after still by many, I wish i had never sold mine. I paid £89 for mine new. I can highly reccomend having it tuned and the barrell checked by a reputable gun smith to improve its shooting capabilities, if you got it at a good price then it will be well worth it, not only for the looks but also for its value. I should'nt worry too much about the mod on a springer it doesnt in my opinion make enough difference to warrant the added weight and length. Try it for yourself and see.
  14. I am still alive folks, just still a bit off. Thanks for all the medication Mung i am not sure if i paid though due to me not feeling all that good at the time, please let me know how much i owe you if any :blink: Trying to get in the loo on the plane to unload some more pork and cat food was a bit more difficult than i thought, the blond air hostess with the big teeth bloked my entrance.............. boy ! she never knew how lucky she was, talk about close ...................i think ive lost 1/2 a stone thats a bonus any way apart from that another good week end, a great pity i didn't get the chance to unleash the raw power of my 30.06 Then and only then would you realise what it takes to keep that beast under control. Next time i go i'm going to try and smuggle in some ration packs that'll be a treat ..be like Christmas and birthday all rolled into 1.. anyone got any butter :blink:
  15. Dont offer them cheap broken buiscuits or you may as well not bother applying. A nice fruit cake should go down well :blink: apart from that just be yourself there not there to give you the 3rd degree, just to see what kind of person you are stop worrying.
  16. something tells you nothing..... :blink: There you go jumping to your own conclusions, You dont know so shut up. Simple
  17. I am not a sleep expert maybe you are but that sounds a bit wierd to me, If you get your head down and fall to sleep without the use of an alarm clock to wake you and allowed to wake naturally your body would normally decide when its time to wake.
  18. Stu have a couple of beers on me with the £5 Bro's happy with the cabinet As you have said you know you've been a bad lad, but hey aint we all at some time just that some have been badder than others. I shouldnt worry too much about the shower room i dont think anyone will be in the same block as you. your feet stink far toooooooo much and your tooooo ugly :blink:
  19. If your still having issues with trojans and viruses i can recomend www.bleepingcomputer.com very good bunch of folk on there
  20. The price i quoted was for fitting aswell which included radiators and all materials which i didnt think was expensive.
  21. We have not long had a Hunter 8 multi fuel with boiler, it does the water and 4 radiators, The total price i think including 6" Stainless Steel Flu + filler for the chimney plus fitting cost us aroud £1500. well worth it, our gas bill is now less than £10 a month, thats for a gas hob and gas fire,
  22. Well are we all ready for the Boar Whats Mung taking to point at the pigs this year??? Will Stu actually get to pull his trigger??? Will anyone be taking there hands free Is Rodders going Shall we take some snow chains just for the mini bus in case we want to get over that mountain covered in 3 feet of snow to save us 1/2 an hour's drive??? Would anyone like me to make them some "pork" butties for the journey??? Dont forget the De Icer for in the mornings !!! I must remember TO REMOVE ALL EMPTY CASES FROM MY COAT POCKETS BEFORE I GO THROUGH CUSTOMS IN CROATIA
  23. Dont rush into getting a lamp, think first what it will be used for, its not much use having a 5,000000 candle watt with a 4 mile beam when your only shooting say 100 yards, is it for air rifle, rimfire or centre fire, dimmer control is a bonus but not a must, scope mounted or hand held, depends if your on your own or have a mate who can lamp for you. 1.Tracer scope mounted 2.Clulite scope mounted 3.Tracer 140 scope mounted All above could be used hand held and suitable for air rifle up to rim fire, 2-3 ok for centre fire,
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