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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. You are not allowed to move the metre, that is the responsibilty of the leky company. you must also get them to remove and fit the cable that supplies the power to the fuse box.
  2. Try midway uk. i use 0.248 or 0.249 with nosler custom brass depending on batch. how come you went that big reason for edit;- sorry miss read the "waht" bit
  3. now your just being silly that will very possibly be breaking the law if you shorten the barrels. Do NOT cut any off the barrels cut it off the other end
  4. dont be such a tight bum, buy yourself a proper cabinet, for sale section £100
  5. I didnt like to risk taking them off with you still in the same room as me, :blink: :yp: Just in case. (got the address thanks Lee)
  6. How about this one;- Always have a bullet or 10 handy, just in case they fell out of your pocket when you slipped over on the way to the top of the mountain while walking in 2 feet of snow in Croatia, and you need to shoot a charging giant, masive ,huge M-F angry Mung chomping Wild Boar, with no bullets And you could have nicely tucked away in your little stretchy bulllet holder thingy, wrapped around your "BUTT" some nice shiny bullets to load into your rifle and shoot the big Pigy. therefore saving your own Butt and being able to ware your undies yet another day :blink:
  7. RCBS Rock Chucker for sure I just have single stage turret press, so cant comment on the other. But they are a good solid built I got mine from reloader solutions £89 a tad more expensive now though
  8. Oh dear Am i gay or just one who has to have every thing :blink: i use mine quite often if i'm doing some long range bunny bashing (100yards) although i can get 10 in mine :blink: :blink: It keeps them all together,and it keeps the scratches off the nice shiney cases As for looking cool maybe but as i go out mostly in the dark i cant see that being the reason
  9. I may not be as you say "in the know" but the 30.06 can and does pack some serious clout. it does the job its intended for, and prety well Remind me November time about the 19th i'll let you have a go i'll load some 220s for you
  10. Had simalar issue with mine, i used a chamber brush to remove the deposits. i think its plastic being left from the wads cant be lead its still in the wad
  11. I have found that during buchering a few deer i have noticed that the larger slower bullets like .30 do far less meat damage than the faster bullets from .22 -.243, may be worth bearing this in mind, you also have the rifle for anything larger. I personaly went for 30.06 probably a bit OTT, but my choice, origanaly bought for Wild boar. .30 cal's give you the choice of about the largest range of bullet weights to choose from 110 grn to 220grn. Another thing to think about is the actual weight of the rifle combo, stalking with 10lb plus of rifle, scope, mod plus is no joke, then even the weight of your shot Deer dougy
  12. A tad hard in todays climate with regards to jobs i think. I would assume your not in any union (they do have there uses in times like this) you should try your local CAB (citizens advice bureau) He is in the wrong for sure. He needs to be updated as far as employment law goes
  13. Your taking a bird for the pot, well isnt this what shooting is all about. The best reason anyone could give for shooting something is -----------------"i am going to eat it" I am afraid in my eyes that beats shooting a fox it because it knicked a chicken, or i shot a Deer because it was a good trophy, If the keeper cant keep "his" pheasants on "his" estate then its tuff, and a matter of fact.
  14. Nice shooting Evil You can ask for a one for one or exchange at RFD if its not listed on your ticket for example "Sak mod for 22LR" If you have written on your ticket the make of mod, and you are found to have a different make on inspection then there may be problems. I exchanged a Sak for an ASE at a RFD no prob diversed a bit then. yes you do need to give in your old mod
  15. Ive been known to wizz round the village where i used to live on a suzi AP50 during dinner break at school, nearly ran my form teacher down They were far toooooo fast for me Mate of mine had the Yami JPS that was smart
  16. Its looks very impressive :unsure: But £100 plus a day seems a bit OTT for me
  17. I dont think it really matters, its more to do with mental health problems, but hey! put it in, they are very keen on honesty. but most importantly dont tell any porkies
  18. May i add, I am not the worlds best at pigeon shooting as i've not been doing it for so many years. But one of the things that stopped me from going out was the fact that when i started my vehicle was just a poxy hatch back that i could only just fit my wellies in. Basicly i looked at trying to save space and a doz or so full bodied plus flapper and magnet then shot gun cartridges maybe some snap and flask soon filled what lille space i had. No chance of asking another gun to join me as the only room left was upstairs !!! So if i could have used something that saved all that space then maybe i would have got out more often, very likely. how many of the well seasoned, world champion, pigeon shooters frowned upon the shell decoys when they came out??? or a thing that made dead pigeons spin through the air like a helicopter, floaters, flappers, or lofters So things change maybe not always for the best, But they still change, I bought a box and will try them out,thats what its all about. If they work then i would use them against the full body bulky type for the simple fact they are more compact easy to carry and store.
  19. Dougy

    Organic Food

    Do you think i didnt ask
  20. Dougy

    Organic Food

    Totally agree with you there, Over priced Saw an advert localy selling free range rabbits for £12.80 a Kilo
  21. There may not be a short answer to this question,as i doubt any 2 rifles will be the same, I was taught to seat to the point the bullet touches the lands, then back off 1 or 2 thou and see how they group. Load different batches at different seating depths keeping notes all the time of POI find out the best seating depth then fine tune the powder by .5 of a grain or less again keeping notes. Remember to keep them seperate !!! Most important though is to keep to withing the safety limits always load up to max not down and check for signs of pressure . Best advice is to get a mate who Knows what he is doing to give some help.
  22. with regards to the christmas shoppers, a few got chucked out of one stalls i was next to, i dont think they agreed on the price of some of the stuff. I had not seen so many before. Bought some nice looking Deeks, got them home out the box and gave them some water and a bit of feed. with a bit of luck if the farmers not ploughed i'll be out Fri / Sat to give them a bit of fresh air and see how they compare A good day had.really enjoyed it. Even better for saving £65 by not camping.
  23. No worry's frenchie, If i had a decent spare scope floating about you could have it with pleasure, I just think its a bum if you spend what little you can afford only to have wasted your money. All the best Frenchie. hope you get sorted soon so you can get out and do some shooting
  24. I personaly would not go for that. I think you would be far better off saving a bit more money. I understand its probably hard but its more than likely to be a waste of £54 going that route. Have a look around for a better quality make 2nd hand scope. I bought one of these and put it on a 30.06 not a problem with recoil (a tad more than 22.250) "Burris Sport Optics Fullfield II 3-9x40 Rifle Scope" (free bino's) Ok its quite a bit more that the ones youv'e looked at but i can only see your purchase as wasting your money. you could always sell the bins to get some money back
  25. Best of luck getting your dept back, My bro inlaw got done for £70k some years ago from a large tyre manufactor it sunk him, dont let it happen to you Take some advice from Mung He seems OK i think
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