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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. i will be there fri sat and sun with "Fancyacuppa" plus the wifes Got to sort out some grub for the barbi before. oh and some tinies
  2. over the past 30 odd years there have been umptien companies inventing new pellets that will fly flatter, hit harder, kill better and many other super out of this world promises I remember years ago all pellets were compared to Eley wasps,, now you have Crossman Premier or accupels Air Arms another hot favorite that people seem to go for. The main thing is with the world leading Air Rifle Pellets is "they are all made of Lead" I tried just about every make of new pellet out there, yes i read all the bumff and believed all i read spent my money thus increasing sales of said super best ever in the world pellet, only to revert back to the old lead pellet, because -------------------- they are better, Just check out what wins all Field target shoots for reccomendations
  3. We have a fleet of 22 Henry's George's and James's used every night tried others and gone back to the Numatic range
  4. Dougy


    good crop there Paul.. All that hard works paying off
  5. I used to go there fishing some years (aprox 10)ago actually Keshkergan, with my step Dad of about 23 years +, its just a visit to get some before and after photos and re kindle some great memories really. Kesh lake, Lock Scur, Loch Allen plus Lake Garadice while i'm that end.
  6. Off to Ireland October time,does any one have any decent B&B's they use over there, We will probably start around Lietrim then onto the South West coast for a couple of days. May even sneak a bit of fishing tackle in Thanks
  7. Dougy


    I will not knock people with genuin sickness such as stress, But !! going to the Dr complaining of stress nowadays has replaced the old excuse with the bad back, just with the added bonus there could possibly be a hefty claim going in to the company who the person works for. I know for a fact i can get 6 months off work with a stress excuse, get a few home visits from the management but still be on full pay, thats not bad really is it, and the company could do nothing about it but keep paying me. For people who are off work with genuin stress the i have no problem but its hard to find out wether they are waggers or not. As piebob states its getting the right level particulaly in management were a certian amount will actually increase a certian individuals ability to cope better under pressure.
  8. I had the same on thursday over rape stubble, sat in the pick up for 1 1/2 hours watching the rain, waiting for it to ease, it did eventually for about 3 hours had a pretty good time till the clouds went a bit black.Thought i had better pack up quick. Got drenched
  9. Dougy

    quad stolen

    I can see that the criminals are not just the ones the steel things, And they only think its yours, Its a joke really you get some thing stolen, see who actually nicked the stuff in some cases actually watch them doing it. give the local branch a call, perfect discription & all they can do is give you a crime number, well done. pat on the back !!! You normally get the reply " i think we know who it is"
  10. OK right then.I will be selling an IOR 4-14X50 tactical scope with MP8 ret with butler scope caps if your interested then PM me its got 4 ***** !!!!!
  11. Are they any good for betty swollocks :blink: sorry
  12. Yep will be there camping from Fri must start to sort out BBQ gear out soon
  13. its a shame that people need to ask around for assistance in such unfortunate circumstances, if only they were allready a member of BASC or similar then they would have help on the other end of the phone. I hope its sorted soon :blink:
  14. We have a resident expert on here now and again, not heard from him for a while now though, he goes by the name of "deadeye ive" He can tell you all about curing fox pelts and also on what program to wash them on in your wifes washing machine . the older members would of heard his stories
  15. Oh !!! i got all exited then, i thought i may have been able to eventually get to shoot the 600yard on the Sunday, That reminds me not heard from the plonker with the cannon has someone from the previous bisley meets sent him off on a harley I will not forget that man for a long time
  16. It depends on the situation, most of the time i leave the vehicle (on the farm land) with a full magazine in after the bolt has been closed, so no round chambered. When i get to the point that i may have a clear shot at quarry wich would in this situation would be Fox then i chamber a round and safety on before any calling is made or lamp is used. If i am rabbiting from a vantage point then the bolt is in and closed, magazines are full but not inserted. until i reach my destination.
  17. check out your local Dunelm, get some foam cut out partitions and sylicone on the inside
  18. Who on earth found this Forum David ike who, the bloke needs to be sectioned. This chap is mentally unstable for goodness sake he thought he was the son of Jesus didnt he ? This post should be moved to the Joke section !!!!!!!!!! Not in General shooting
  19. sounds like you have a trojan of some kind, If you can get it removed by using malware tools then all well and good but i doubt it, If you still have problems seriously check out bleeping computers, like Pigeon watch it is a Forum , only with a different interest. It is set up by PC Geeks who love to help out PC problems, they sorted mine out some time ago.
  20. check out "bleeping computer" very good
  21. I agree 100% :yp: My Mrs was told she must work the full 3 months notice, and the threat of suing for god knows what, OK go ahead, a multi billion £ world wide company suing a blue colar worker for a few hundred £ front page news, i dont think so No way, 6 weeks was given. and as you say, if it was that good to have left in the first place you aint going to go back, Something learnt in my life, never go back- B) always go forward
  22. i would say a 5inch target 1+1/4 groups if so, not bad but could do better. i am sure have you tried different ammo through it RWS/ LAPUA / many more to choose from. i know allot of folk use eley but not every rifle will like them. get yourself a good rest for the rifle (it doesnt have to be expensive, old socks filled with rice will do the job) and test as many as you can
  23. Aaahh!!!!!!!!!!! poor Sam, i felt for you whilst reading this and nearly came round with some morphene to help out with the pain. Really i cant believe you posted this I see you driving round in you big macho 4X4 ,15 stone, with your flat cap and long hair, shot gun or rifle on the back seat, blubbering cus a little ants bit your elbow. how do you think that poor fox felt some time ago that took you god knows how many attempts kill it. (just pulling your leg Ha Ha!)
  24. decroyffe, I have an A bolt 30.06 and agree as you say its bloody heavy on the trigger, I replaced the trigger spring for one allot lighter, it has made one hell of a difference for the better. But i must add, shortly after it was taken to a gun smith, (a very good one i must add) to be threaded for a "jet-z" i mentioned about the trigger and what i had done to improve the weight of pull, his reply was ;- "Oh! your a gun smith are you :blink: you've been "P"ing about with the bloody trigger. Next time ask some one who knows what there doing, specially on the trigger, any way its ok" so yes it will make a differnce
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