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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. And here i am with 936 ---937 with this one and been on here for nearly 4 years, just goes to show some of us spend more time with our fingers on the trigger instead of our fingers on the keyboard, Or out socialising the old fashioned way
  2. No it wasnt from the stables, not seen that one, its off another once i get to know where the gate ways ditches and most other hazards are i'll get you out,. I have been busy studying Google Earth checking out access around the place :blink:
  3. I have read the post again and i am most humberly sorry to you, my "mate" I have a friend at last TJ91 The only tip i could give then is to use some lofters to tempt them towards your gun, hows that "my mate"
  4. I would say get yourself down the nearest clay ground with your mate and get a few rounds on the skeet, that will just about cover most shots you would take on pigeons, when you improve your kill rate on the clays then i think your roost shooting will no doubt return bigger bags, and therefore a much larger grin on your face I personaly think you owe it to yourself and the quarry to be a better shot, All the best
  5. Thanks chaps as far as the online forum Firearms Licencing Inspectors are concerned i personaly couldnt be bothered, i spend as much of my time as possible shooting rather than nit picking other people's posts.
  6. I had a call from one of my permisions last week with regards Fox's being seen around the farm yard and i was asked if i had anything available other than a 22.250 that would sort out the problem, I needed to get the task done ASAP due to lambs being due anytime. Anyway it couldnt be CF as to the area so i opted to go with 22RF, So i turned up at the farm after giving them a call as usual to let them know i was about and started a slow walk around the fields to see if i could pop off a few rabbits needed for my Local Pub (Restaurant), about an hour or so before charllie had been seen. Well after 1 1/2 hours and just 3 rabbits later, the rain started, only light at first but gradualy progressed into a rather uncomfortable scope clouding getting too wet session, so i decided to call it a night as far as the rabbits were concerned, thats 3 night with very low results. So back to the yard and under shelter waiting for charlie, and waiting and waiting but no sign I'd had enough really mainly due to just coming off nights but also the weather didnt help. so i packed up, rabbits gutted gun back in the slip and drive out the yard, i thought I'd have a look into the neigbouring field over the road, wont do any harm, you never know i thought, so down with the window and a quick wizz round with the lamp, b###r me there in the far corner about 250yards away 2 pairs of eyes, i watched them for a while and gave them a quick squeak the one ran up to the right towards the hedge the other i lost somewhere. So there not playing on my permission, I called the farmer i had origanaly been to and asked whos field it was over the road, and explained that it would be safer and easier to control the Fox's on that land if it was possible, well i was given 2 phone numbers there and then and told to speak to this chap and mention to him how i came by his number, and well another big dollop of land adjoining 3 others in the area. Paid the new Farmer a visit the following day with permision and map of his boundary's and jobs a gud un Went out last night not with my 22lr but with a 22.250 and within an 1/2 an hour shot this Vixen, she lay in the bottom of a hedge head on facing so she didnt know much about it, we left her there for about an hour to see if there were any dogs about, as you never know one may be tempted . A brill couple of nights really even though they havnt been big bags, and well chuffed onthe new permision
  7. .243 22.250 and the like use large rifle primers. i gather you dont reload or you may have allready found out
  8. Very good with a rf. I have one with the dimmer use it allot when after rabbits.worth having no weight problem at all...
  9. Dougy

    PCP question?.

    oxygen not sure if this will work but i think it may be worth a read
  10. Dougy

    PCP question?.

    USE IT AT YOUR PERIL pure oxygen is highly explosive. I dont know how old you are i havn't really bothered to look at your details, Didnt you learn anything at school. Play about with pure oxygen in pressurised cylinders and it could end up at least blowing off one of your limbs, or you could end up nailed up in a coffin. it HAS happend to people dont use anything other than breathing air whatever you hear.
  11. not a good idea using fullers earth, as deposits it will cause allot of premature engine wear, of course if your driving an old banger and aint too bothered about damage and can afford to pay the fine and then buy another old banger then ok fair enough. Just pay the money or get a push bike, there's no way out of it.
  12. And whatever you do dont forget to remove the ram rod before firing, ive seen one that wasnt at a display, it missed the crowd by only a few feet. There a chap in the local that is really into it, goes abroad doing re,enactment displays from the 1st and 2nd world war.
  13. And how many of the little boys were holding the bottom of the steps making sure you were safe there at the top
  14. follow as per instuction. 1st.Fill with lighter fluid Then replace the element,then apply fire by means of a match or lighter to the element for 3 - 5 seconds, do not turn the warmer upside down as it will cause damage to the burner element ! then replace the perforated top cover, put in velveteen cloth bag provided, close tightly using the draw string and stopper. it should now start to get warm, and as MC has stated at times it can and should get too warm to hold out of the bag. If this still doesnt help you have learn't a lesson. "buy cheap buy twice"
  15. Dougy

    Tow Rope

    I would never have told anyone, not ever, i promised, Now all will know it was you who got stuck in a field and i ihad to come and pull you out with my 4x4 Blue metro
  16. i can only imagine the weight of the rifle, having a 22.250 topping the scales at a tad over 12lb, definately not a stalking rifle either, It does sound very good though, i'm tempted myself
  17. Dougy

    Tow Rope

    Good enough It wasnt so long ago i had a call from another PW member to pull them out of a "very muddy" field, the Disco was well in the mud, Its also neater all rolled up in a bag and fits nicely under the metro seats Im not going to tell anyone who it was either. I promised
  18. In my opinion i think it was a great shame when it all got split, i for one lost touch with the game as i didnt have sky, (still dont) although just recently i been watching on free view. Like most sports it was the money that caused the big split. And before anyone jumps on my head, yes i would have gone for the bigger cash pot I just missed watching it on TV there are a few of the old faces on from some years ago, But there are also a few that will not be seen again on the oche
  19. Dougy

    new toy

    I would not shoot without either a Moderator or if no Mod a decent pair of "Ear Defenders" the clue is in the title. Prolonged blasts from rifles or shotguns WILL damage your hearing for life without hearing protection. Have a look at Jet "Z" also, i have one on a 30.06 and a Utra S5 on a 22.250 both good but i think the Jet Z is lighter But please look after your hearing as a shooter it is important to you.
  20. Thats pretty good, i have asked twice for an open now and been turned down, maybe due to the fact i keep going up in calibre a few months before the last thing i want is an open for this cal but not for that and so on so i will wait another 3 months, its not affected my shooting too much. the thing is i dont know what calibre to go for next.
  21. I differ from your opinion there pigglet, allthough i have not got labratory evidence, i find it hard to believe that a product like "Dubbin" that has been used for over 50 years (that i know of) has not been taken off the shelves or gone bust due to lack of sales. I have personaly used Dubbin on my boots also another product "G-Wax" from grangers, they have both been used on boots that have lasted over 10years a pair the best pair i have had for 12.5 years and its the soles that go not the upper leather,(i could get them re-soled but they wont be as waterproof. So i am going to say either G-Wax or Dubbin
  22. Its funny that nobody has mentioned a Merc Uni Mog
  23. Sam, you have put in for a 223, all the best to you regards the grant of that. In time and with practice, and if you get into it more, for example start to load your own, you have a calibre that is capable of 300 - 400 yard shots, and even more. Then you will find the benefit of a range finder more than usefull to work out your bullet drop. But as said 100-200 yards no point just zero a bit high at 100 (1inch) and aim centre on your target I use one now and again mainly on new permisions to give me an accurate reading of distances accross fields, so if i happen to see the fox i'm after i have an idea of the distance, also if i'm out doing what i call long range bunnie shooting to me thats just under 300 yards (i know to some it aint long range but i'm only a novice ) yes they are usefull i have a bushnell yardage pro 500, cost me £150 a few years back
  24. well done Will :look: If you need any help for those hard to get type, you know the ones hiding behind things, dont hesitate to give me a call i may have just the tool for the job Well done on the new bit. Oh and has Mr fox been round the chickens must get round soon and try and sort it
  25. I dont think i called him one of those..... just read my reply and checked and ........................... no didnt think i did. those who cant spell..... and those that cant read pigeonshooter76 what where you shooting over, just looking, it seems like ploughed fields.
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