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Everything posted by aister

  1. When I was going for my .223 I looked in to the 22-250 as an option. A friend of mine has a 250 which I tried and the first thing I thought was there was more noise and recoil than the .223's I had tried. When looking at the pros and cons on the internet I came across this, (among millions of other things) http://www.chuckhawks.com/rifle_trajectory_table.htm I chose the .223 because it is not that far behind the 250 ballistically but it has less noise and recoil and uses less powder and is easier on the barrel. I am just sharing my thoughts and findings on the subject, no doubt there are some who will disagree.
  2. I can't find 52 a Max anywhere, I think hornady is quite hard to get hold of.
  3. I know what you mean Kent, when I ordered the targets I was hoping there was no heart and just the shape of the deer. The only other targets I have found is the ones on the BDS website which I might order.
  4. I have a rem 700 BDL and a tikka t3 lite and without question I would go for the Tikka. With the Tikka i took it out of the box and shot very accurately with it but with the rem 700 I have added a trigger kit and had the the barrel floated and re crowned and the action bedded and I am still not happy with it.
  5. We have never had the time or the money to landscape around the front of the house after it was built so a few weeks ago I decided to do something about it. After thinking about diggers and rotavators I thought I may as well get a couple of edible ones. Meet Sausage and Porkchop .
  6. Great to see you out and about FB and well done on the rabbits
  7. I haven't shot my 6.5x55 for quite a few weeks now so with the dry but windy morning (20mph cross wind) I thought I would have a simulated stalk. After pinning up my target I went for a short walk and returned 120 yards from the target and fired my first three bullets from the top of a post. I did the same thing again except I used my sticks and finally 3 shots from prone. All 9 shots were fairly rushed but sure shots all the same. The three shots below the heart were from off the top of the post, the 6 in the heart were from the sticks and prone. What I would like to ask those that have more experience than me, would the three shots below the heart be kill shots or would I have been looking for a wounded deer. The deer in the picture is meant to be a white tail but I estimate it to be the size of a roe (the squares are an inch).
  8. We had 3 up here in Shetland a week or so ago just along the road from me. I went for a look a couple of times but missed them. Edit to say that the pic is not mine, its stolen.
  9. I will have this book please, PM me with payment details, I can pay with PayPal. Thanks.
  10. The worst offenders up here for killing lambs are the great skuas, they are brutal but they are protected. They will have the eyes and the tongue of the lamb before it is out if the ewe is having a bit of a struggle and usually the ewe gets attacked too. Good shot on the crow by the way
  11. Max waiting patiently for me to get my backside in gear and head out with the gun. 8 years old and still keen as mustard.
  12. If I gave you the ballistic data of my 6.5 could you feed it into your highly sophisticated ballistics calculator and print me off a drop chart Ha ha, this topic has made me chuckle
  13. A friend of mine named my 30-06 Stompy after firing it, the only gun he had fired before was a .22lr. From there on after my 06 was called Stompy.
  14. It was a cracking day yesterday Underdog but as per usual we have to pay for it the following day, its been wet and foggy all day today.
  15. Not sporting unless you are from somewhere like the Faroes but thought I would share after our walk yesterday.
  16. I don't know how you put up with that Underdog, if I had my way..........
  17. I am after a pair of trousers to wear stalking. I have plenty of jackets and trousers for shooting but it's mostly for fowling in the winter and when I get the chance to go stalking in the summer (which is rare) I have nothing decent to wear. I would like something that would be light, breathable and water resistant/proof. Any suggestions? These caught my eye http://www.sportsmanguncentre.co.uk/product/194e89cc862af31129665365/Deerhunter+Game+Stalker+2+Trousers/
  18. I had the same trouble, I have always used winchester subs but when they changed the box my rifle all went to pot, I thought it was knackered until I tried some other makes. I am using eley subs now, which gives thumb nail sized groups at 50 yards like the winchesters used to give me, but I hate the quantity of lube eley uses.
  19. Their coats are just the same underdog, they just wear thermals underneath We can get some horrendous weather up here, this last winter has been the worst winter for a long time as far as wind goes, it was gales pretty much from the end of October through to December. Good fowling weather though
  20. Thanks for the comments guys. Tonker, glad the dies are of some use to you. Thanks again for the offer and the same goes to you if you ever fancy a trip up to the windy isles.
  21. A couple more pics. The mill stones are still in this old mill. Two inquisitive boys. The boy and the hound sitting on the lint stones out side this house.
  22. I had a great walk today with my eldest son Jacob. So far this has been the nicest day this year so we took the rifle and went for a look to see if we could bag a few rabbits. With the lovely day most of the rabbits were out and about rather than sitting up in the long grass but we did find a few with Max pointing a few too. It wasn't all shooting, Jacob wanted to explore the old croft buildings that are dotted around the hill at the back of the loch below our house, and the old mills that are along the side of the burn that comes out of the loch. We ended up with 9 rabbits (2 of which were shot after the pictures were taken). Old croft house with our house in the background. Old mill. Max pointing a rabbit. Max retrieving a rabbit. The bag so far.
  23. The clay pigeon club up here have a few club guns for beginners to try and for a while kids had the option of a 12 bore over and under with light loads, 12 gauge semi or a single .410. Both the 12's tended to be too heavy and .410 was pretty hopeless for a beginner because by the time the kid had got it all lined up the clay was out of range. Last year the club bought a new webley and scott O/U 28 bore which has been a great success, it is light enough for them to handle themselves without the recoil, its a fantastic little gun and I know that once my lad has outgrown the .410 I will be getting a 28 bore........for him, honestly
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