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Everything posted by aister

  1. The big day has finally arrived, thank goodness, I was beginning to think the kids were going to drive me round the bend ha ha. Happy Christmas everyone, hope you have a great day, eat far too much, sleep whenever the need arises, scoff loads of sweets and maybe have a wee dram. Enjoy.....
  2. What I am using just know is prologic salopettes and the jacket is the deerhunter cheaha very pleased with both.
  3. aister


    Yeah its where the pigs have been all summer, hopefully this time next year it will look a bit smarter.
  4. We had 3 snipe in the front garden the other day, one took fright when I opened the window but these 2 stayed. Beautiful birds.
  5. I had a go at making my first burgers today on my day off. I had scraps of pork and pork fat from our pig that was butchered at the end of last week, I also had 6 greylags hanging from Saturday morning. I minced all the pork then all 12 goose breasts then ran it through the mincer again to give it a good mix. I then added a juniper burger mix to make it, 50% pork, 40% goose and 10% burger mix. I took out enough for 9 burgers for tea tonight and bagged the rest up and put it in the freezer. Before cooking tonight I added some fried onion to the burger mix then we had them for tea tonight................................total success, wife and kids loved them, 5 clean plates
  6. Mine was fixed in 3 days and I live in Shetland. If I have to replace my SX3 it will be another SX3, my one has put up with a fair bit of abuse and is still going.
  7. Yes my piston spring on the SX3 has broken once before, I got it replaced very quickly under warranty.
  8. Cracking video. There is a lot of woodcock just come in beside us and I haven't had the chance to get out after them.
  9. Pretty rubbish compared to yours doc, but here is a couple I took ages ago.
  10. I usually hang my birds 2 days but it can be less time early on in the season or more late on when its colder. When its freezing out side I have seen birds hanging a week. I don't think it makes much difference, taste wise, how long fowl is hung for.
  11. Hi woodlander, I got a bolt handle and shroud from atlas worx on flea bay, I don't notice the shroud but the bolt handle is great. Both bits fitted perfectly.
  12. Well done fenboy, sounds like you had a fantastic morning :-)
  13. This moon and gales have taken in a lot up here, my uncle and a friend bagged 13 yesterday with plenty more seen.
  14. The most impressive bird I have seen here in Shetland would be a white tailed sea eagle. I saw a family of otters last week. The best otter sighting I have had was one time an otter was trying to get a hold of one of my mallard decoys, it was one of the nearest decoys so it was just feet away.
  15. Wonder if he would sell the unopened tub of varget to me Good on him for being honest, he is a very lucky chap indeed.
  16. Let us know how you get on . Its blowing a 9 and gusting higher up here just now and supposed to be the same tomorrow and I am off tomorrow so I am looking forward to a bang in the morning too.
  17. aister

    just one

    Well done . Good looking hound and the wigeon looks to be spot on too.
  18. Well done I really want a go pro or something similar
  19. I use a mojo decoy to great effect.
  20. I would say a combination of using a gun your not used to and just having a bad night, as said before, put it behind you and don't dwell on it.
  21. aister


    I was looking for one for making sausages and burgers with. I had my eye on this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Andrew-James-Premium-Electric-Meat-Mincer-Grinder-Sausage-Maker-1800-Watt-/281318545387?pt=UK_HGKitchen_SmallApp_RL&hash=item417fe457eb
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