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Gordon R

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Everything posted by Gordon R

  1. Gordon R

    ID Cards

    Zippo - sorry - you made me laugh - thousands of illegal immigrants!!!!!!! Try 5 million and then find someone who can rebut that.
  2. Despite any sales pitch, it's down purely to personal preference.
  3. Graham seems to have done well. Post a provocative item - sit back and watch out for some horror stories. He seems to have gone a little quiet. Come on Graham - speak up or are you just an anti without the courage to declare it?
  4. They were imported by Direct Arms Imports (Formerly Trapshot) in Stourbridge some 28 years ago. I think the company still exists, but no longer import these. They may be able to point you in the direction of spares.
  5. Gordon R

    ID Cards

    The cards mean nothing. They are valueless as proof of identity. I heard on the radio that Chemists and Post Offices will handle applications. What proof of identity will they examine? A false passport? False birth cert? They are not qualified to spot anything and will issue cards on demand, thereby making them worthless.
  6. Barton is a junior thug and just about as thick as they come. He hasn't the brain cells to comprehend what is wrong with him.
  7. You can. Blaser F3 is absolutely correct. Choke guages are a novelty item - nothing more.
  8. What size barrels will it accommodate? Thanks.
  9. Gordon R

    Hatton Fight

    I honestly hope he will retire. He has been a World Champion and no-one can take that away, but he has been beaten by two greats. Ricky was excellent, but not up there with the very best. I just hope we don't hear silly talk about getting a couple of easy wins under his belt and talk of another go.
  10. Tell me where you can get new ones for that price - I'll buy a few.
  11. Made by Silma in Italy - from memory. Adequate, but not a patch on the Japanese made model 101s.
  12. Chard - agreed. Graham - you seem to be on some sort of crusade to show shooters as unsafe and unfit to hold guns. Why? You might be a newby zealot, out of touch with reality and a bit of a pedant. If you read the replies, you seem to be out of step, not the rest. You seem to be obsessed with flags - these only apply to autos or pumps. Or perhaps your motives lie elsewhere.
  13. Graham - you raise a number of issues as unsafe, but I'm not sure why:- If the shooters had demonstrated to those there, that the gun was unloaded and they were not pointing it at a person, but to a safe area, I don't see any problem. Safety glasses are not mandatory and at many shoots, people choose not to use them. They would only protect you from bits of broken clay - nothing else. Why should auto owners use a flag? If they carry the shotgun with the breech showing - open and had the barrel pointing upwards - then other shooters would know it was unloaded. Side by side owners or O/U owners do no have flags in their guns. They may be broken, but could theoretically still be loaded. Hard to speculate what you mean, when you don't say anything. I would be a liar if I said I had never seen anything silly at a clay shoot, but shooting is one of the safest sports on the planet. The vast, vast majority are sensible people who take safety very seriously. If you saw something unsafe, you should have told the people concerned or the ground owner. When it has arisen, I have always done that. You can't afford not to do so.
  14. I have a trap model of the above. The trigger, although adjustable, is a long way forward. At maximum rearward adjustment, it is still situated halfway in the trigger guard. Does anyone know if you can buy a trigger which sits towards the rear, or do I have to bend it backwards?
  15. Many years ago when these were imported by Budget Guns and Tackle, they sold them with Italian upgraded wood. Something must have happened to all the old woodwork. I would try e-mailing a few big gun shops - Chris Potter, the Sportsman, Minsterley ranges (bought a Browning XS stock from them for peanuts) etc. Good luck.
  16. More than likely stolen in the post, with a scribbled signature. I won't depress you by tellling you how bent many Royal Mail workers are. Many are honest, but others join merely to steal. If you sent it via London - I rest my case.
  17. I have been shooting clays for 30 years and won't see 50 again. I can hear 8,10,15 and 18. Rest - nothing. I have hearing tests for my work, as I wear a covert earpiece on occasions. The tester said my general hearing was okay, but my high frequency was gone. I have difficulty with telephone ring tones.
  18. Chard - glad to hear about the improvements. The road is worse than it was years ago. Forget tarmac - some holes filled in would do for starters.
  19. Despite all I have said about Worsley, I wish that they would improve it. It is well placed near the motorway, plenty of land and a good clubhouse. Sort out the road, targets and booking on. Can't do anything about the horseflies in summer though.
  20. Chard - no contradiction. Some which head into the sun are not hard targets, but why do it. My eyesight is more affected by bright sunlight than other people. It's uncomfortable. On one stand - out of six of us, none could see where the clays went. The clay counter kept registering. We left it.
  21. Chard - I have visited Worsley many times and it used to be a whole lot better. Targets with more imagination. As the clubhouse has improved, the place looks more attractive. The road however You are having a laugh. Over the years, I have had many cars - 93 to be exact and have been down the road in a Cosworth, a Mini and a couple of four wheel drives, plus many more. You can get down by driving slowly, but why should you. They make enough money to do something with the road. It puts me off more than the rest of the drawbacks. Shooting friends have point blank refused to go again.
  22. I have shot Worsley many times over the years. Too many targets which can only be shot in a small gap in between the trees and too many into the sun. I have shot sporting in Lancashire, Cheshire, Cornwall, Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Northumberland, Yorkshire, Merseyside, Greater Manchester, Norfolk, Staffordshire, Lincolnshire, North and South Wales, plus a few more. I have some experience. I don't find Worsley hard. I find it a pain in the backside to get booked on. A pain in the backside to get the food I ordered. A truly awful road. Not to mention the horseflies. They have the facilities, but they need to get their act together. Try Hodnet - similar potential, but different league.
  23. Cat - glad to find someone from down south who agrees. Worsley Grange, as it was originally, has gone down the drain. They used to have a Skeet layout. As the clubhouse has got plusher, the road has got proportionately worse. It is a disgrace. Targets have all the imagination of someone with no brains. It is the admin side that is truly awful. We last visited for a quick round to wait one hour twenty minutes to book on. Never again.
  24. Normally, I would say - let him rot in jail. However, the jails are full and he would free up a place for someone who represented more threat to society. He may be a burden on the taxpayer in prison, but it will cost a lot more keeping him there. People have done far worse and served less time.
  25. Stensby's Manchester :- Blacking to barrels with brazed ribs £65.00 Bluing Best English (guns with soldered ribs) £95.00 (2-3 week turn around) Contact us by telephone; 0161 834 6589 (UK) 44161 834 6589 (International) E-mail us at info@stensby.co.uk By Post; T. Stensby & Co. Ltd., No. 1 Shudehill, Manchester, M4 2AF United Kingdom
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