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Mrs Sweepy

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  1. Mrs Sweepy

    Sad Dad

    I lost my Dad to the same illness last Saturday My heart really go out to you, Laugh,at the good times that you had, and cherish Your memories That is one thing this awful disease, can't take away from us And I hope like me, these will get you though the next few weeks Am so sorry for your lost x
  2. I seem to get most birds in my garden from woodpeckers to owls the most common seems to be the finches, who will empty all four of my feeders within an hour of them being topped up I've even had a cockoo once, The bird that don't seem to come into the garden are sparrows I also notice early November a lot of young birds still sitting on my table and being fed Can't really choose a Favourite, as I could sit for hours and watch them all I've put two nesting boxes up this year, so fingers crossed xxxxSuzy
  3. Same here I have lost 9lbs in two weeks, Just by following this app Ive downloaded it onto my Kindle xxxxSuzy
  4. That is so true, Out of all my presents, it is my Dolls house & Rocking horse that Dad made for me, I remember the most The Dolls house was the double of my home, furniture everything when you think of the hours he must have put into it, Your going to have one very happy little boy, which will make you Christmas to, enjoy the moment xxxxSuzy
  5. And to you to :0) x No I haven't started on the Gin it's me bloody phone !!!!
  6. Am good, Hun your Doctor will put your right if your on any other meds but would do any harm to mention to the company Doc if you are taken something, but it should be in you notes anyway but always best to double check xxxSuzy
  7. Same as above, All I had was a bit of a sore Arm on the last one but otherwise all was fine xxxxSuzy
  8. Maybe it's because your hands have got bigger ! Ive notice the tin sweets have, I now have to buy two tins and I still put money on both tins will be gone by Christmas dinner apart of the strawberries and orange ones they still be around for Easter, XxxxSuzy
  9. Like most children we always put a plate of food for Father Christmas and some carrots for his reindeer I did the same with my boys and like my dad did with us Leave a few crumbs and a thank note My boys are all grown up now But it's still something I do, silly I know but Christmas wouldn't be Christmas if I didn't leave old Santa a bite to eat And funny enough it's always gone by morning But I have a feeling that's more to do with a 21 year old coming home with the munchies, after a night on the beer Then some old fat man breaking into my house, because I make such wonderful mince pies!!! Xxxsuzy
  10. Mr Dougy, you nearly have me feeling sorry for you, babes!!! xxxxSuzy
  11. I remember one year asking for Basil Brush And as we sat opening are presents, My little sister was sick all over him, So I took my Basil Brush and wracked her over the head with him, I ended up in my bedroom and poor old Basil had a early bath Spent rest of Christmas day, staring at him hanging by his tail on the lining line as me nan's terrier tried ring him by the neck
  12. Forty nine, in two months time Your lifestyle really do have alot to do with how you look and feel plus your children keep you feeling young Though I hope I lose my teeth before I lose my mind ;0) xxxxxSuzy
  13. Wow, a early Christmas present for your then,Mr C Enjoy the day, it's one of those days that will stay with you forever xxxxSuzy
  14. Hello,Mr H This year like all the rest have gone by so fast I hope you and Mrs H are keeping well XxxxSuzy
  15. A friend of mine suggested the brick But I thought that might be a little bit mean, seeing as it a Christmas present Thanks for the help and suggestion everyone, its given me a few ideas to sort out in the next few days Thank you xxxxSuzy Though I might still stick a brick under the tree, just to see their little face when they open it
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