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  1. Used to live about 500m from there - if you want a local firm you could try Bats Cabs.
  2. Happened in Richmond last year and it took weeks and weeks to be sorted, think around 100 boilers or so were replaced where they had been filled with water when it happened. Lots of people without gas for a long time and some hefty compensation claims - think it was around £60 a day from memory.
  3. Screwfix are well known for this, they will have an amazing deal but they will have zero stock, or one in stock in Lands End. As mentioned FFX are a better all round option we find.
  4. Weirdly or worryingly I can totally relate to that
  5. Thank you all and apologies for the slow reply. I think it would be best for everyone if this is reported through the right channels (by me or by another) as then we have done all we can. I think there is probably a deeper mental health issue, she is older (65?) and has lived around here for years and apparently used to be normal/friendly but now is fairly aggressive in her ways. As stated above it does seem in line with the antisocial/challenging behaviour mindset shift so is perhaps something that we might be helping her with long term.
  6. Thank you all. Seems worth mentioning to either DVLA or police - not sure which would deal with driving on foreign plates but maybe mention to both Am glad they have not upgraded to helicopter just yet but what an excellent story! The woman is about 65ish and is the single least reasonable person you can imagine. There are complaints and complaints about her and she is beyond sense if you try and actually speak to her. There is a shared driveway which she thinks she owns and if we are out there for five minutes to load something she rushes out she will sit on her horn until they move. There is no asking nor even stopping the horn as you get into your car. Even though all she does is drive out, drive round the block, and drive back in - just to prove a point! Maybe some sharp tacks spread liberally are the answer
  7. Thank you all. The police have dealt with her previously but I don't think they will have thought to check on vehicle. Tried the DVLA site but it does only appear to check UK registered vehicles, they have definitely been driving here for many years on foreign plates. Weird that they begin with UN - doesn't seem to tie up with a country registration mark. Maybe they are ex UN and now are exempt like diplomat cars?!
  8. Long story, but we have a bit of a troublesome (possibly with quite severe mental issues) They have taken to driving very very aggressively, not just in our area but on the streets, being next to a school it's not ideal. They are German (we think) and for years has been driving here on foreign plates (starting "UN" not sure what country that is or if it is the actual UN) and everyone is of the belief that they probably shouldn't be and may not have MOT etc Anyone any tips on where to start?!
  9. As someone who does what you do. Amen.
  10. Suntory Toki if you want to expand the countries a little. It isn't smokey but I drink a lot of whiskey and find myself drawn to this of the collection. Definitely not for everyone but a good easy drinker. https://www.masterofmalt.com/whiskies/suntory/suntory-toki-whisky/?utm_content=suntory/suntory-toki-whisky&currencyCode=GBP&utm_source=database&utm_medium=base&utm_campaign=mom_base_1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImJzjkJSO4gIVF57VCh209AVWEAkYASABEgISjPD_BwE
  11. I don't suppose you changed any flooring (or indeed anything) just before this started? New wood floor on top floor in particular?
  12. If you suspect a leak then leaving the filling loop open may help you find it.....
  13. Speak to Brown Sauce on here - has completed various mortgages for me now (and quite a few friends....) The 3% would have to be paid but could be claimed back if the original house is sold within two years of purchase. I hasten to add that this is the case in England/England sale but not sure Scottish/English sale....definitely seek financial advice.
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