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About hawkfanz

  • Birthday 12/11/1949

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    st helens and only useing yellow cartridges.
  • Interests
    shooting,fishing,photography,rock music.and motor bike racing,

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  1. i watched that yesterday on utube,what a n excelent speech.as long as there are people who want to dominate others nothin will ever change.
  2. the dipstick that foned the cops needs lockin up.
  3. i have 11 items sent to me on my fone,all with pics of labour politicians big an small,all convicted of chilld sex offences,the whole party is rotten to the core.
  4. hopefully a nice fatal accident inside
  5. because of my posting free range pigs,not many in that area,an u had to be in same group to know were it was.
  6. i was in an organizasion when i posted a brilliant day,on here nxt time i went 6 other guns turned up,never posted again.
  7. or club em if i can get close.tell you what om once you get it swingin theres no stoppin it.
  8. hi stu its close to 10 1/2 inches not counting the briley choke its fitted to,very effective,
  9. saw owen an the mini at my local track[aintree]way back,still go to meets now.
  10. yes found that with other hushpower guns ive had,had a mossy 410 hushy an an investarm ou hushy,for me this is the best of the bunch more versatile,
  11. got a new toy from my daughter for xmas,a screw on moderator for my armsan a620,well impressed with it,been out on osr today to try it,only had 5 shots but i can tell the difference and with 3 shots available.
  12. if you read how many sent back its still 1000,s less than whats arrived in same period,just tryin to keep us all quiet.
  13. unfortunately not but its only 500cc so not too heavy to push.
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