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Everything posted by jall25

  1. I put them in a pot in bleach If you have a couple worth writing to the manufacturer
  2. Had similar yesterday but now put it in the oven covered in butter wrapped in foil I never do the shopping but saw the bill the other day for it - expensive stuff actually
  3. I would stick with BASC - premium insurance and despite maybe not getting everything right for everyone - they do try
  4. Indeed - I pointed out to Mr P on his socials that the RSPB has culled over 4,000 foxes in the last 10 years -more than all the hunts have ever killed - probably - Not a flicker
  5. Yes - such enthusiasm - but sadly in my opinion so so misguided Be lovely if the other 2 chuck it in
  6. Interesting Mark has allegedly stepped down from wild justice
  7. Thanks - yes the OP said 94 Just a shame its not HP steel to cover every eventuality for me
  8. Is it proofed fo HP steel ? Do you know how old it is pelase?
  9. Value is usually determined by a good auctioneer and one bidder Dave
  10. I understand that Old Un - but is it not circa £25 more over a full year ? Hi Tightchoke - maybe it will - maybe it wont Currently many (some) are put of with the hassle and timescale of applying - Think in some counties its years ! Maybe a more efficient - well run - professional service will not put people off Im very lucky as Derbyshire is already simply superb
  11. Anyone dropping out for this increase surely was / os not much of a shooter though are they ?
  12. We do something similar - works grand We have good cover at the top of the hill - have you ?
  13. Conor - re-read this thread - people ask things and you don't answer Yes you have replied to me on many topics In your role you should stop being so defensive
  14. I think you do get queries Conor but seem unwilling to give them "air" time Please see above sensible and fair post from Sweet 11
  15. My local gun shop is booming - and so is our shoot We need to keep introducing our love of our way of life to others
  16. Is that the reason why the HSE is looking to ban it though ? I dont think it is is it - its because of risk to humans i believe ?
  17. I would go BASC - by and large very helpful
  18. Me too - always had nice cars - M3 /4 - RS4,6 - Nissan Gtr - etc etc - packed in work last year and the car did not move for months on end Sold it - now run about in a 20 year old disco every day - and love it ! Keep getting the itch for a caterham / westfield again for track use - but then i realise i have no time really to use it
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