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silver pigeon69

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    East Sussex, near Hastings
  • Interests
    shooting, fishing, Scuba Diving and my Labrador

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  1. Times and especially people have changed drastically. Can you see Mr and Mrs Chav paying £50-100 more for a non Chinese product now? People won't even pay 50p more for some UK grown lamb chops!
  2. I would go with a Brinsea or similar. There are lots of "cheaper" small incubators on Fleabay. Like most things, you get what you pay for. With Incubators, the more money you spend the more accurate the temp/humidity reading/settings seem to be. I have heard "horror" stories of some of the cheaper ones. These range from eggs being cooked to the incubators catching on fire.
  3. I have been on the Rosguill, out of Malin Head. The skipper is Michael McVeigh. He was one of the first people to catch a bluefin (in UK) on rod and line, many many years ago and held the UK record for many years (may even still hold it?) He's a top bloke who has many good story's to tell! Although every other word is the F word! Literally!!
  4. I can highly recommend a Delongi. A bean to cup so you can use Aldi (cheap) or Coffee Pharmacies(not cheap) beans! Also no tree huggers on your case for the non-recyclable coffee pods.I have the magnifico which is about 6 yrs old and still going strong. Not sure what the equivalent model is now? Makes excellent coffee. Get one with the biggest (2ltr) water tank. Maybe see if they do a mains water fed one as you only get about 15 cups per fill.
  5. I caught a large black cat in the fox trap a few months ago! It was very angry and was snarling/growling. It was a moggy but a big one! I was thinking, at the time, if it was in the middle of a field with nothing around it to compare its size to, that it could have been confused for something much larger. I stood well behind the trap when i released it!
  6. OK. Thanks. You learn something new every day! Apparently Sunflowers can be annuals or perennials! The small late flowering ones (as per photo) are perennials. Maybe ours didn't grow because the deer took a likening to them?
  7. Did he not reseed it? Do sunflowers re-grow if cut? This looks like one of the two year crops we have, but the sunflowers did not grow in year two.
  8. Think this depends on what eggs they are, what temp they went to and for how long. How old are the eggs now? You could candle them (if old enough). This would give you an idea if they are still alive and developing. You won't go far wrong with a Brinsea
  9. Isn't that why we are keeping you on side?? 🤣😂
  10. Why will oil prices rise? All the tree huggers are reducing consumption! Look at heating oil, red diesel, aviation fuel prices now that the demand is low! Saudi have an infinite amount of oil, that is, in comparison, very cheap to extract. Its land based, shallow, a higher grade and labour is dirt cheap. It costs them about $10 a barrel to extract.
  11. North sea oil is one of the most expensive to extract. Its very deep in the middle of the sea. When Oil is $30-40 a barrel it is hardly worth pumping. Scotland costs Westminster approx £3000 per year for every man, woman and child there!
  12. But if the EU want fresh fish, where else would they get them from?
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