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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. With this not far away now, I am still strugglng to get anyway excited about it. To be honest I still just dont get it and cant look past that I think it is all a farce. See post on page 1 for reference. I seem to be in the minority as it seems the whole world is buying into it and takng it as a serious fight. What I dont like is the abuse and self proclaimed supriority that is coming from a lot of boxing fans. Being both a Boxing and UFC fan the former for obviously longer as I was a slow convert to MMA, It really doesnt sit well with me. I fully understand that Boxing is an Art of its own but so is MMA. Truth be told Boxing was in a poor state up until recently the past year or so with some very poor high profile fights that in no way lived up to expectations. The UFC was definitely taking over but in fairness Boxing has redeemed itself with some great match ups in recent times. It seems all the boxing fans are coming out of the woodwork and slating McGregor but at the end of the day he is also a professional athlete and most Boxers at his weight would not last to long in McGregors world. In fact if t was one on one in the Street Mayweather would be annhilated in a very short space of time. However to Quote GGG 'Ths is Boxing' and I just can not see Conor outboxing Mayweather. It just will not happen ! However to suggest Mayweather would beat McGreogor with one hand is laughable to say the least and typifies what I dislike about the way Boxing Fans are being so arrogant as if McGregor is some kind of Joke who cant fight. As I say i stll dont fully get what this is all about and still maintain its a farce but I will be watchng it to see just exactly what does happen, If it is a serious fight then my money would be on Mayweather to totally outbox Conor but If I was Mayweather I wouldnt take McGregor to be the joke some think that he is ! Others laughed before at Conor but here s a cheesey reminder that he is no Fool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kYFGuCc-58
  2. I used to love the 'Shooting Gazette' and bought 4 monthly mag's and also the Shooting Times most weeks. However I packed them all in years ago mainly due to the repetitiveness and also when I got onlne and joined forums ect which I found to be more interesting. The Magazines for me just do not justify the price anymore. I do like a book in the winter months though. I remember getting My letter chosen for page 77 in the Gazette and actually got paid £77 for it. Do they still do that i wonder..? Was a Fine publicaton back in the day but i just grew out of it.
  3. Retirement is a Killer' Isn't that what they say ? Maybe the fact that he didn't retire was the reason for his Longevity. I enjoyed him on play your cards right back in the day. Hats off to the Man for his Career and long life I say.
  4. Seem'so they are here also. Several caught around the coast and one in a local river to me.
  5. Lovely clear night here in NW Ireland with a bright half waning moon. Looked out the bedroom window shortly after 10pm and caught a lovely big one with an Orange blaze. Just been out for a smoke before bed and saw 3 more in the space of 5 minutes. I'm sure there are people doing all nighters and can see a copter in the sky in the distance which is unusual.
  6. Bill Powell and Peter Scott did also not see eye to eye on matters concerning Wild Geese. Although a fan of Peter Scott I tended to agree with Powell's Romantic ideal.
  7. Glad to see another 'BB' devotee on here. I'm a big fan of fowling books and have read over 70 works plus about 25 of BB'a works amongst other shooting/Countryside works. One not mentioned here and it's up there as one of my favourites and will suit the style you are after is ' A fowler world' by Ian Niall. Oops I now see Penelope has already mentioned it.
  8. Debate now over but comments still to come in. Misspelling in title.
  9. I reckon he considered his health to be more important. He is a Savy business man amongst other things and doubt he will have any financial worries. All the money in the world is of no use if you don't have your health. He made te correct decision in my eyes. Don't think he would have beat Joshua in a rematch anyway. He had his chance and really should have put him away in the first fight.
  10. Got my first pair of Croc's in Canada about Ten yrs ago before the became popular this side of the pond.I spent most of my 3 weeks out there in them and wore them back home until the grips on the sole wore away. They are still kicking about in the garage.Not the trendiest footwear but damn they are comfortable to wear.
  11. That seem's to be the thing, old injuries seem to catch up with you especially when the temperatures drop. I can visualise your accident with the Chessie. I have been left on my *** a few times in a similiar manner although at full speed from behind and not waiting on it.It seems to be a Trait the Brutes have. Interesting about the Old time gunners and it seems to back up this quotation- I think if one were to live in this wide and open country of great fields and great seascapes,where the horizons are as wide as the sea itself,where the wind sweeps and roars,where the snows come straight from the Artic,and the geese last saw land beneath the midnight sun.One might walk like a hero,Live like a fighting- cock and die at a Hundred.
  12. Lancer425- Yes I intend to lose a bit over the winter as that is when I suffer most with my Knee. Jogging is out because of the Knee but I have plenty of other options and will cut down on the Spuds lol, Im not terribly out of shape but just a bit heavy for my knee joint. greenshank- If you put Wildfowling dogs into the search at the top of the page you should find a disscusion that pretty much covers your question. Give me a PM if you need anymore advice or opinion.
  13. Firstly apoligies for making an assumption an also fair play that you stand by what you put. However with respect you have somewhat condradicted your original post. I totally agree that a Man should not have to give up his hobbies completely,However I cant agree that somebody with a new born or young family can carry on as usual with their Sport/hobbies as before unrestricted. A new born comes with responsibility's and priorities. I suppose it is all down to choice but thats the way I see it. Anyway the Man is happy with his choice and thats all what matters. Good luck to all out on the 1st.
  14. Well I dont live in Scotland so maybe you should just say' What you meant by your original comment. To answer your question about the flag. I dont know what flag they fly at Football matches but its not uncommon to see "Scottish" flags flying in many parts of NI and its no big secret that a large proportion of Northern Irish support Rangers FC. If you know your history then you will know why they have such an affiliation to Scotland. Anyway I have no intention of getting dragged into something I care little about. Thankfully I live in a mixed Community were we all get along and as already stated Scottish football or Flegs for that matter have no interest to me . I find it a bit pathetic to be honest; you pulling me up on my grammer. But thanks anyway for educating me the matter. I have read worse terms for the "Scottish" people on here so I assure you no offence was intended. I have watched the video in question and to be totally honest I had to google who Lee Rigby was. I then remembered seeing the horrific newes on the TV. I can safely say that sort of thing is Alien to me and also know for a fact that None of My Celtic supporter friends would lower themslves to that standard. I also would say to comments above about "All the Celitic Fans" I would say that is a bit of a Major exaggeration. I seen a handful of Scottish Guys singing and happy to say I didnt detect any Irish accents in the video.
  15. Nice. Tell me does the beaver tail forend fit any of the 686 series guns.? I always thought about changing the Schnabel one on m SP II.
  16. Firstly,I have Zero interest in Scottish football and very little in football as a whole. For me the whole Celtic/Rangers thing is about hatred and and not about the football. I have no shame in saying I have friends who are big Celtic fan's and also know that Celtic Football club was founded by an Irish Marist so I suppose it is no surprise that there is a big Irish following. Also considering the many people who emigrated to Scotland from here. I also used to go out with a girl who supported the Ger's and even know a few Catholics who support Rangers also. I really dont know what the point is that you are trying to make.? I have read on here from another Scot's Man also Saying he considered Celtic to be more of an Irish team as opposed to Scottish' I couldnt care less one way or another but I'm pretty sure there would be many with a similar View in that the NI national team would be more of a Scotch team than actually an Irish one Funny Old Game Football.
  17. Thank's for all the interesting input into the thread. Again' I have no intention of giving up Wildfowling any time soon. Believe me when I say I am no shrinking Violet and Im an not ready fo the knacker yard just yet. I just thought it would be an interesting topic and was curious of the overall opinion. Possibly Marshman is correct in saying that Grafting has been a majot factor, and also Smokersmith's about sleep deprivation. I used to work ridiculous hours especially when laying Concrete. And that is one job I do not miss as it certainly ages You. I havent done much manual this past number of years because of the crash of the building trade crash and other commintments. This also could be a the problem with my joints ect. I recall two old fellas who used to Jog regulary and I often heard people remark that if the stopped they would 'Seize up' so to speak. Very good points also lancer425, especially about the weight. If I do put on a few pounds I certainly feel it on my bad knee. Although I am kind of impervious to the cold it certainly affects my joints. I usually wear a knee support bandage when Shooting and always when I was working. Somtimes when i forget to wear it and strectch the bad knee I could be layed up in the house it gets that bad.I also used to take supplements like Cod liver oil which I think i will start up again. Im also in my early forty's and about 14st which is too heavy for my height and would probably need to loose a stone or two. Im still be pretty active despite the pains and do a bit of boxing training and of course the shooting and the dogs be walked most nights. Hard as nails me lol Of course I look after myself whilst Fowling with the modern gear ect and Wilfowling is a major part of my life and even when the day comes to pack it in I will still be on the shore birdwatching in the winter months. As already stated I was just curious as to peoples thoughts on how years of dedicated fowling affected your health and I would agree that the health benifits b far outways any negatives.I love the winter and cold weather..Rain,hail or sleet doesnt usually deter me when Wildfowling but their is days I be as stiff as my old Chessie who also has had it it tough. He is retired but I will soldier on for nother 30rs or so..lol Thanks again for all the interesting input. SG Verdict = Healthy - ish.
  18. Firstly,thank's for all the replys. Much appreciated and some excellent input and much of it more or less similiar to my way of thinking. Secondly, having been involved in coastal Wildfowling since a boy it is in my blood and I have no intention of giving it up anytime soon if at all possible. Now for a right old moan and please excuse any Cliche's. I know there are a lot of experienced and dedicated fowlers on here who have been fowling longer than I and also share the same passion for all things Wildfowling and reading all the old classic books ect..! Im sure most would have read things like "Wildflowers' never make Old Bones" The marsh gets in your bones, The father of rheumatism ' Punts layed up and guns sold by the time you reach Forty ect.. Of course these were warnings to would be Fowlers to take care of themselves and to try and prevent these things from happening. Well unfortunantely' In my own case,I am finding these warnings to have been correct and at the Middle age stage of life I am struggling somewhat' Now I am not laying all the blame on Wildfowling as I have abused my Body in other ways having Worked in heavy manual jobs most of my life from a young teenager and also played a lot of Sport and have picked up injuries such as Cruciate ligament rupture, had most of the cartlidge removed but never got the ligament fixed. Ankle injuries and involved in an RTA where I had my hip fractured. Hurt my back multiple times. My wrists and elbows are stiff with arhtritis which I put down to the years plastering. My neck plays up often. I am starting to really struggle in the winter months and have trouble getting out of the bed physically in the mornings although when I am up and about a while I tend to be not so bad but never moving totally pain free. This past couple of years have been particulary bad. I tend to eat well and keep in reasonably good shape by being pretty active but as I say I am starting to struggle. I cant help but think that the years I have spent in dedicated Wildfowling,In all weathers, A lot in inappropriate clothing..Many wettings..laying out on Cold marshes. Going out in the middle of the night on the tide and spending all day in Freezing Fog on the Marsh and back in on the tide and dragging and heaving heavy boats and all the rest that goes with this wonderful sport. I have never regretted one moment of it but I feel it is catching up on me. I suppose I have been fool hardy a lot of the time spent Fowling. One thing is that weather never has put me off going out and I am not Claiming to be Super hard but I never used to feel the cold much no matter what the weather. But could that be the problem..? The fact that although i didnt feel it, It was still doing damage..? I totally agree and understand the whole thing about the peace and tranquility and calming effect that is good for the mind.In fact that is probably the major appeal for me these days. However I think it can also have a draw back for the Mental well being..Well I am speaking from personal experience which probably will not have affected everyone and I will touch on it later if the interest in the thread continues. Thanks again for the input and anyone with more thoughts on the matter would be welcomed.
  19. As per title' Is the Sport of Wildfowling good for your health or detrimental to your health? Opinions please.
  20. Sorry to hear this. I bought one of his calls when they first came on the market and also talked on the phone with him. A very nice gentleman and his call was responsible for pulling a pair of Pinks 'A rare goose here' away from a large number of Whitefronts and enabled me to shoot my first Pinkfoot and on the foreshore about 15yrs ago. I also sent my call back to him after I tampered with it and he retuned it no problem . RIP Fellow Fowler.
  21. I am not one for believing in this kind of 'malarkey' but a strange thing happened last week. My Father was in hospital and in not good shape and Mother and I where outside having a Smoke and it was quite blustery. We were both standing when a White feather came floating down gently and landed on the ground about ten yards away and it started to tumble in our direction. My Mother believes in this and has collected lots of feathers. I said to her I wonder who its for.? I stepped forward and couldnt believe when all of a sudden it stopped at my feet. My Mother Said its for you. We told the story back up in the Ward to my Sisters and the asked what did i do with it. I said I threw it away and what Would I be wanting with an Old Seagull feather. They scoffed at me and said I had no heart. But I did keep the feather and I put it in My fathers pygama's breast pocket along with a holy emblem. My Father passed peacefully on the 4th of July and I like to think the Feather was a sign he is with the Angels.
  22. Interesting- What was the extra Ammo for..? In case they came across a few rabbits for the lads to make a stew back at the barracks.! I could tell a few story's of the troubles and one is that I suppose Im lucky to be here at all to tell any ! A couple of mates and I as young teenagers used to cross the border to go swimming. We were usually stopped and had our bags searched which usually contained a towel and a can of deodarant. This day as we approached the Checkpoint we had just sat ourselves on a bridge for a rest and the next thing a round of shots went off beside us. We thought we were done for. A couple of soldiers approached us and after checking our bags sent us on our way. We were shaken an did not know what was going on. Anyway a week or so later I read in a paper that a Cyclist was approaching the checkpoint that day also when the shots went off and it transpired that a Soldier on the watchtower had fell asleep and went over on his gun and it went off accidentally. I think it was 4 or 5 shots that went off and it said in the paper the soldier in question was fined £300 a bullet.
  23. It's a Valtra I know my toy tractors as I've a 5yrs old sonow who could start contracting he has that many Farm Machinery toys. He doesn't have a Valtra but that is a Valtra.
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