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Everything posted by steve_b_wales

  1. I don't need to use a debit card while abroad, although I can see that's it a good thing. I will check out Wise though. Thanks.
  2. I think they were under £2:00 a packet but could be wrong.
  3. Pretty good. A few seconds is enough. These are still in my top 5 of biscuits.
  4. There's a few makes/tastes of biscuits out there that I like, but a few days ago, while in B&M, I spotted packets of Milk Chocolate Hobnobs with Coconut Macaroon flavour. Wow, I must say that, to date, these rank as my #1 biscuit.
  5. My wife, who along with myself, had Covid in December 2020 still cannot taste or smell anything. She tastes with her 'mind' if that makes sense. It's handy for me though, because as long as I break wind silently, I can get away with it!
  6. The beam would be more narrow and project out further.
  7. That's what I'm worried about. I can pay by credit card but then get clobbered with charges. I might just look at a few local ones ( Tesco, Asda, Post Office) and see who offers the best.
  8. It's that time of year again when I need to purchase Euro's(2200) to pay the hotel in Egypt. As usual, I have checked online for the best deal, and found that Sterling FX are the best so far, charging £1931:01 including delivery. I've never had currency delivered before and have only ever used Ramsden's which used to be the best. Has anyone used Sterling FX?
  9. 'The classroom' depends on how fast over the limit you are going, and, if you have already attended one within the past three years. I got caught last year doing 34mph in a 30mph zone which was in a very open large stretch of road and was offered (and took) the speed awareness course.
  10. That's a good idea, but I'm hoping that the junction box can be fitted to the side of my shed wall, which probably won't be accessed much.
  11. Indeed it does. I've seen one or two or them diving down onto Siskins and smaller birds that were feeding on the hotel lawns.
  12. Yes, one (not sure if it's the same one) used to perch on our hotel balcony (top floor) amost every evening. Sometimes it was only a few feet away.
  13. For the past few years, I took out insurance against loss of earnings. I reached state pension age recently but have decided to continue working for at least one more year. But, the insurance company informed me that I cannot continue paying for the insurance as I've reached state pension age. I explained that I'm still working. Does anyone know of an insurance company where I can take out income protection despite being 'old'?
  14. What bird is this? Spotted by a friend of mine in Egypt yesterday.
  15. Similar (copy) to the Napier Pro 9 & 10 ear protectors. They do work well though.
  16. Thanks for all the replies and advice. I've got an electrician calling up next Tuesday afternoon to look at what I want done. He did say though that he could add extra length to the existing cable.
  17. It's the first time that I've had so many rotting in the soil. I always expect around 10% to fail. Hopefully, when I plant more this year, I'll have better results.
  18. The above lady has died, at the good old age of 83. R.I.P. Tina.
  19. The cable runs on top of the fence and goes into the shed (small consumer unit inside)
  20. The extra two foot of land belongs to me, as when my builder erected the fence many years ago (while I was on holiday) he came in from the boundary by approx' two feet. This will have patio slabs put on it. Good question. The cable was laid 'after' my patio was put down, as the builder 'forgot' that I wanted power in my shed. It comes out from a point in my kitchen, through the wall, then around part of it and then under 3 patio slabs, before being attached to the top fence posts. This was all done while I was away on holidays, and although I wasn't happy about it, decided to leave it as it was. I'm now renewing the fence and posts, which will be fitted in line with the boundary. Doing this means that the cable will be too short, and I was hoping that a length could be connected to it by means of a junction box, possible fitted on the side of my (breeze block built) shed.
  21. The year before last, I had planted loads of Acorns in small troughs, and put them on my shed roof to germinate. The bloody Crows, Pigeons and I believe Seagulls took the lot without me knowing. I now have plastic mesh protecting last years, although the many Acorns that I planted have failed to germinate, and they've just rotted in the soil. I'll try again this year.
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